Ep 2 news coming soon according to Telltale's Walking Dead Facebook



  • Or Brie getting her intestines ripped out.

    Seeing Clementine getting killed hurts my feels though. :(

    (I do see how the joke is funny though)

    He just wanted a taste of more Clementine from Episode 2. Besides, I think you've seen worse things than Clem being bit. AKA Lee sawing off his arm.

  • Mother of... knowing Telltale, this is EXTREMELY good news!

  • Guessing February 18th with info around or after the 9th after the show comes back on.

  • Guys calm down they said comming soon so we have 4-6 weeks now

  • You read my mind.

    Well played sir or ma'am

  • Just in time for the midseason premiere of season 4..


    I don't think so…..

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Waking up to see this was great, any news is better than no news.

    It's also interesting to see how many "Likes" it got on Facebook (currently 5267) more than any of The Wolf Among Us posts, So it seems that they are not going to releases any big news before the premier of TWAU episode 2 due to the popularity of TWD, Sunday during the new season of the TV show seems the most logical time to post another update.

  • Hey dudes, add "Just around the corner" to TellTale's dictionary of SOONonyms

  • If "soon" means 5-9 months then "around the corner" probably means early april. Just saying.

  • edited February 2014

    I already know who's gonna appear.

    image image image

  • You know what would be amusing after all this anticipation about Kenny returning if it is him? He dies two minutes later after his return, or one second after you see his face. ;) (Sorry, I had to!)

  • Maybe he is just giving Clementine a hug?

    Qipoi posted: »

    Or Brie getting her intestines ripped out. Seeing Clementine getting killed hurts my feels though. (I do see how the joke is funny though)

  • Clem and Kenny finally meet and suddenly one of the group member shoots Kenny because they think he's evil

    Rob_K posted: »

    You know what would be amusing after all this anticipation about Kenny returning if it is him? He dies two minutes later after his return, or one second after you see his face. (Sorry, I had to!)

  • Nick: Oops, my hand slipped. ;)

    Kentastic posted: »

    Clem and Kenny finally meet and suddenly one of the group member shoots Kenny because they think he's evil

  • Still not bitten, never thought that line would be clementine's iconic words.

  • edited February 2014


    Rob_K posted: »

    Nick: Oops, my hand slipped.

  • "Coming Soon?" Alright,here we go....let me guess,2-3 months?

    Just kidding.
    If they actually released the episode early to mid february,it would be glorious.

  • Dafuq is this shit? O.o


  • walkers' thoughts: must... get...hugs...

    Maybe he is just giving Clementine a hug?

  • Releasing info or a trailer the same as the mid-season premiere of the walking dead show, would be ideal.

    Guessing February 18th with info around or after the 9th after the show comes back on.

  • Would be cool if they released it just a day after TWD tv series.

  • It´s also on their twitter

    Zyphon posted: »

    I may be being really dumb about this... But how do I get to their facebook page?

  • Well at least we won't have to wait 4 freaking months for it.

    I was starting to worry xD

  • Sure but usually when they announce something like "coming soon" it's about 2 weeks. That was the time frame for TWAU Episode 2 as well as TWD Season 2 Episode 1 from the "coming soon" statement to the acutal release date. So, around February 20th might not be that unrealistic...

    "Just around the corner" is not a release date guys. Don't get to excited yet. Literally nothing has changed.

  • Actually, she still IS BITTEN, just not by a zombie :P

  • I'm not getting my hopes up about TWD coming out in Feb. This isn't going to be a release date that's 'around the corner' it's just news.

    News about news.

  • I'm pretty sure they wouldn't release this news unless it was actually soon. So I'm confident it will be early/mid February. Until then we can all enjoy TWAU new episode.

  • I'd say it may be 2 weeks tomorrow when ep 2 of TWD comes out. The trailer for TWAU ep 2 came out only a few days or a week ago now? Then they finally announced the release date, so we can be hopeful for TWD's release soon.

    I'm pretty sure they wouldn't release this news unless it was actually soon. So I'm confident it will be early/mid February. Until then we can all enjoy TWAU new episode.

  • Can I get a link to the post?

  • Do you guys notice how in a bunch of Clem's non canon deaths the walkers like cover her mouth so she can't scream? :{

    Butt-head posted: »

    Rawrrr! Me so happy!

  • "Shh, shh, shh...it's gonna be alright" xD Hahaha...hahaha...haha...ha....... :'(

    clem_fo_eva posted: »

    Do you guys notice how in a bunch of Clem's non canon deaths the walkers like cover her mouth so she can't scream? :{

  • And here we go again. While this message proves that their offices haven't been taken over by walkers. It still doesn't say very much. 'Around the corner'. Is that the same as, 'coming soon'.
    If it is the same definition then I am not holding my breath. A release is still probably weeks, if not months away. 2/10 for effort Telltale. You could and should do much better.

  • Man I'm pretty fucking excited about this news! I reckon its only about a week or so away.

  • Thanks, I went to the game page for TWD Season 2 and clicked on the link. It just brought me to my feed, why is it that Facebook.com/TheWalkingDeadGame doesn't work? Isn't that what they say to go to in the trailer?

    KarmaG posted: »


  • That link doesn't work...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    https://www.facebook.com/TheWalkingDeadGame - most recent post.

  • That's weird. It works for me. I checked on my computer and mobile device.

    Zyphon posted: »

    That link doesn't work...

  • Well I hope we don't have to wait as long as twau becase that has a hell of a wait

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