Wow replayed whole first season just to find out...

edited February 2014 in The Walking Dead

That it won't import my saves to my season 2 on my Iphone 4s...

What a waste of my time -_- I played the whole first season when it came out, LOVED it and made choices I was very proud of. I felt very connected to the characters. After I finished it I had to delete it to make room on my phone. When season 2 came out and when I found out that 2 continues with Clem AND with your save file choices I got super excited and redownloaded season 1 to get my save! To my dismay the Icloud didn't keep my progress...So I spent the last 2 days playing through the ENTIRE first season again just to have my awesome choices continue in season 2...So I just finished...I start up season 2 and scan for my import and...wtfsauce...It cannot detect it? *sigh* is there a fix to this? I hate the random choices it makes for me and I can't play this game until I have MY choices..I paid good money for this guys. It should be working properly : /


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