"I thought you were dead." Worried about retconning?
This thought just hit me today and quite frankly, I'm a bit worried. Though, I recognize writers producing quality stuff so far and I have faith they'll continue to do so.
So, what if... the-mystery-comeback-person turns out to be a retconned character. Like St. Johns, The Stranger, Chuck, Michelle (bathroom bandit), etc. How would you react? Do you think it's likely this could happen?
To me, this sort of thing would be a major letdown. I don't care if it's Kenny or Lilly or whoever, just never ever let it be a character who is dead (even if it's determinant).
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Why would ?
A. You think it would be a retcon character that would be stupid
B. What reason would Telltale have to do this besides pissing people off.
A. I wouldn't but there are characters whose death are very clearly shown and those are the ones I don't like seeing anymore. Chuck in a sewer with his guts all over the place or Danny with a severe case of pitchfork-to-the-chest, for example. Them coming back would be pretty silly. "Oh, it was just some other hobo who looked just like me. [Plays guitar]"
B. Bad call? Maybe they wanted to return a character whom neither Kenny or Lilly campers would expect.
P.S. I didn't downvote you. I think I'll toss an upvote just so you know I appreciate counter-arguments.
I have a feeling it will be a red herring too.
Chuck's definitely dead. Did you not see his body?
I did. I think I saw his large intestine too.
Yea there are downvote trolls everywhere. Perhaps I was a bit to the point but I stand by it.
Frankly, I don't think I mind on how the writers would bring back a character who supposed to be dead. My issue would be that it's done regardless. No matter how well-written, it would always mean a cheap attempt to shock or surprise an intelligent audience. At the very least, I don't think people would approve of it.
Even if the people have already guessed whom it might be, it would be a bad call to change it to a retconned character just so that everyone could get a piece of some shock value.
They are not called Troll Tale for no reason..
Telltale isn't stupid. They won't simply reintroduce Larry or someone and retcon it just because.
"The charm comin' outta my ass deflected the salt lick. It only grazed me," would simply be horrible writing. Granted, that's an extreme case, but still. Telltale will want the story to make sense, so they are brining back a character that we know at least has a CHANCE of being alive.
Hopefully it is so and this is just paranoid delusion.
I'm confident they'll do a good job.
Haven't really read any of the comments... -However- I'm thinking that the person they are going to "bring back" will probably be the guy that asked Clementine for some water and you had to make the decision about whether to give him some or not.
.... For me that would be the most logical course of action. However I would love to see Kenny
Telltale isn't going to retcon anyone's death. It's either Kenny, Lilly, or some unknown person. Maybe the river bandit.
i was thinking the other day that it could be a st john dairy brother because i did leave them both alive. i honestly think its kenny though
It's not going to be any character that even had the potential to be killed, so none of the St. Johns. It'll be a character who Clem knew, believed to have died, but was never shown dying regardless of what choices were made.
so you are saying Lilly?
You can't really think they'd bring someone like chuck back... We clearly see he's dead so thats 100% not possible, and sorry but if its Kenny/Lilly I want a damn good explanation on how he/she survived. Just an "Oh I pushed through them" or "Oh i just survived after the RV" would be really ridiculous, so if he/she comes back some clarification is needed on how they lasted this long
Possibly they could reintroduce characters who are only determinant dead (only if you didn't kill them) but that would mean they would need an alternative to someone who had killed the character so again it probabley wouldnt work
Kenny or Lilly or the guy at the river are who I'm 99% sure will appear. One of them, at least.
Last we saw of that guy, he was alive and... well... mostly intact. So it's not a huge leap and very plausible. I'm talking about characters that are surely dead.
Probably not. But if were... how would it affect your view about the game?
"Some unknown person" makes me think - there's a three year gap between seasons, theoretically Clem could have met somebody between then that either we haven't met or we met in 500 Days and didn't realize had any connection with the people from season 1...
Telltale is never going to do something like that. That is a really Really bad idea.
I thought you were dead!
Some random dude the players have never seen before: Yo Clem! It's been ages since I saw you 1-16 months ago! Hows that plan going along that we talked about sometime in the time period of 1-16 months ago before you thought I died but after you met and got to know me well!
Clem: You could say the plan is afloat... (Puts on shades)....Salty waters....
[Boat full of saltlicks drops on Rebecca]
Jokes aside though, the reason why telltale wouldn't do that is because forcing the players to assume knowlege they don't have is a terrible idea. It creates a disconnect between their mind and the narrative, is often confusing, and most of all changes aspects of the story behind the players back, even though they should know these things given they are playing as that character.
Let me put it this way, in season 1, there was a reason why we don't play as Clem's brother as Telltale had originally planned when they started making the story. It's because you need to find out too much with too little a payoff. The reason why Lee's mystery past is A-OK is because it is intriguing: its a fact he wants to keep from everyone, and a fact that he knows might hinder his efforts to protect Clem should it ever get out.
But yeah, TL:DR its a terrible Idea, Telltale doesn't do things like that and they have really good reasons not to.
In the Ben / Kenny scene there's a possibility that the walkers went for him over Kenny. Can walkers detect fresh blood? I'm not sure.
Anyways, he fired the gun at Ben too, so that loud thundering noise coupled with the fresh blood might have made them turn their attention to mostly Ben.
In the Christa scene, we don't really know what's inside that building, who knows what could've happened.
Fun fact, in one of Gavin's interviews,when asked about Kenny's death, he said :
"Well, I know that when I first recorded ep 5, it was extremely clear that Kenny died in that alley. Like, suffering, screaming, gurgling dead.
But in a pick up session (a shorter follow up recording session to fix changes or revisions) the alley scene was more somber, Kenny was more resigned and none of that gurgling death audio was included. "
TTG planned to kill Kenny in a definitive way and changed their minds in the last moment for some reason.
If Danny St. John makes a return appearance after I shoved a pitchfork through his body, I'll definitely be grouchy. That glitch from the flashback reel still bugs the hell out of me (how was I supposed to know I had to kill/spare BOTH brothers?), and I hope it doesn't resurface anywhere in season 2.
No, it's Jesus. He came back a third time and Clementine realized it was him because of his beard and long hair.
Maybe it's Elvis. Something tells me Clems music taste would be somewhere around jazz, blues or classic rock. Though, he'd be 79 years old.
I think it was mentioned in Ep3 of walkers being able to smell blood.
Yeah, Kennys survival is possible albeit a bit of a stretch, it's still open to interpretation. Not impossible, thus not much retconning needed. But I doubt is him. On the personal level, I'm leaning towards Christa and hope it's not someone we've actually seen die on-screen.
They won't retcon anything because they don't need to. They have enough characters that weren't shown explicitly to have died that they can bring back to make things interesting.
I think it's totally going to be that guy from the river. Telltale is a bunch of trolls! Otherwise it'll be either Lily or Kenny because no other person fits the bill. We're also forgetting that maybe it IS Christa! People keep saying "oh but Clementine doesn't think she's dead so why would she say that?" But who knows what could have happened or what Clem could have heard during the episode before that point. Maybe somebody says that Christa was killed at some point during the episode and that's why she thinks that.
I don't think that's the case or that it's Kenny purely because Clementine didn't look too happy to see whoever it was. Wouldn't it have been a happy "it's you!" if it was Kenny or Christa?