The official F*ck you Lori thread!! amc spoilers here
because every other discussion is about Kenny, lilly or I thought you were dead. this discussion is for people to find 1 thing each that makes Lori an idiot. Ill start it off. #1 Lori gets mad at Carl for finding supplies for Hershell and yells at him for saving his life. Because everybody standing there looking at his stump was so productive.
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But, but i liked Lori
2 Lori crashes a car in an empty street.
3 Lori doesn't make sure Carl is in the house.
#3 Lori fucks the first muscular guy she finds in an apocalypse even if she's still married
#4 Lori gets mad at Rick for getting rid of the muscular guy even though she told him they needed to get rid of him the previous episode
She is only like this in the show, because AMC wanted to please feminists (who are as annoying as Lori). In the comic she is a lot nicer and trusts Rick more, what eventually leads to her death.
Are you kidding me? Let's review this for a sec. She found out her husband got killed, she immediately bowchickawowed his best friend, and she was annoying and forced Carl to do his homework even though it's the fucking apocalypse!!!
Ouch, just started reading the comics, avoi the spoilers bro.
I didn't say when she will die.
But you still said she dies ....
Even Kirkman stated that most people will be dead by the end of the series.
Everyone dies in the comics, it's just a matter of when.
Fuck you Lori, little fish. Andrea was true slut and her decisions were really dumb.
They really messed up Andrea in the show; shes one of the best in the comic and badass however they just made her needy and stupid in the Tv show.
That said we got a better version of Carol so I get that its a alrite trade
somebody's trolling this thread bad with the downvotes -_- anyway anybody see Honest Trailers The Walking Dead on Youtube? I think that guy summed up Lori the best XD
I can understand her hooking up with Sean. For one, she thought her husband was dead and the world literally just turned upside down and went to shit. I'm sure all of us would do hasty and questionable things under those circumstances.
As far as her pretty much telling Rick to kill Sean and then later getting mad at Rick for doing that...I'll never understand. I have watched every episode to this point of time and it honestly seems like they make a lot of characters do things solely for the purpose of "creating drama". The way they set up Lori and Andrea as these smart, strong, and independent women only to later them make them act like complete fools is mind-boggling. The only explanation I can honestly think of is that the writers needed to flesh out a little more drama - even though it was totally unnecessary and IMHO was actually detrimental to the story they were trying to tell.
I like the show but, there are large portions of it that make me think I am watching a soap opera set in an apocalyptic world.
A few more things...
who cares about downvotes?
I suppose.
I'm pretty sure they knew what his name was but he refferred to be called by his nick name
I am perfectly cool with people down-voting my comments but, for the love of god at least leave a reason why! When I write a post, only to see a bunch of dislikes with no actual reason why they didn't like what I wrote, then it just comes off as a douche-bag move and makes me question why I even bothered writing the piece to begin with.
Grow the fuck up people
I have no problem with down-votes as long as somebody states there objections to what was written.
It is pretty fucking annoying to write out a well thought out post only for a bunch of fools to come in and just down-vote everything, without even having the courtesy of saying why.
shane his name was SHANE! lol but the reason they have so many flaws is because they usually have a different writer and/or director every couple of episodes, which I always found to be really stupid in a story that's all about continuity. basically Loris smart in this episode because A wrote this while shes a completely dumb bitch in this episode because B wrote it. Also thanks for staying on topic guys, I don't know why I expected any different from this community.
If that is true, it is a pretty stupid way to write a TV show. No wonder so many questionable things happen lol
And yeah your right it is Shane my bad...been awhile since I've watched Season 1 or 2
I'm not the one downvoting i'm just saying who cares its not a big deal.
lol its cool, I was trying to remember who sean was and assumed at first it was a comic character XD but yeah they mention it all the time in Talking Dead about who wrote the episode or who directed it. Still my favorite show that's currently on TV but this bugs the living s#it out of me. It would be like if the writer for lets say Titanic wrote half about a fourth of the movie and then another writer came in and decided hey why don't we make Jack act like James Bond now. Ill never see the logic in it but hey I havnt stopped watching.
lol honestly i just thought it was sean...forgot it was really shane.
is sean really his nick-name though? if so that's kind of cool you caught that
But you said she will die.