Telltale's the walking dead season 2 has taken things too far

This article contains spoilers for TellTale’s The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1. If you have not yet played this then please proceed with caution. I don’t want to ruin anything that you are looking forward to.
The recent release of Telltale Games The Walking Dead Season 2 doesn’t have fans in awe quite like the first season did. The reason behind this drawback might not be because it’s something we have all experienced by now but because this time around Telltale has finally taken things too far.
The Walking Dead is a dramatic game, we get that, but in episode 1 of season 2 things were taken to the next level; sadly for Telltale the ‘next level’ was a level that moved passed enjoyment. In this installment players continue with the story following Clementine. She is not alone… at the beginning… but her company is quickly killed off; a dramatic we can handle. From there players experience Clementine meeting a new companion, a dog in need. This is something that could have been heartwarming but soon ended tragically with the dog biting Clementine and forcing the little girl to kill her new four legged friend. This only led Clementine to finding a new group of survivors that threaten to kill her because of the bites potential to be from a zombie. They lock her up; she nearly dies from the bit. Then Clementine breaks free, steals the survivors medical supplies and patches herself up in a very gross scene showing her painfully sewing up her own arm. During the process of healing herself in the locked room, a zombie breaks in where she again almost dies but she kills it. Later, the survivors retrieve her from her prison. In the end they all pretty much end up hating her.
With that horrid summary taken care of let’s get this clear, we like The Walking Dead, we really like TellTale’s version of the game but season 2 episode 1 did not leave us with a positive emotion at all. Video games are supposed to be made for enjoyment and we sat through playing episode 1 of The Walking Dead not feeling a positive emotion; not through it or after we were furnished.
Season 1 left players with hope and they fell in love with the relationships that were created, especially that of Lee and Clementine. Season 2 is not offering anything positive. TellTale might be blinded with fame on the reason why they became so loved and we sincerely hope they know we loved them for their great storytelling and building of character just as much if not more than the bloody dramatics.hope season 2 is going to better in remaining episodes
Stealing articles? LOL
Nope first read okay
I am in the process of doing so.
Bro, it's episode one. Those relationships you want to see so badly will take some time. Wait to bash TTG until after the season, or at the very least another two episodes.
Sorry I would have to disagree. You are making critical judgments before any bond really gets to form. First episode I thought was good set up to the rest of the series and I think they made the right call to focus on the the growth of Clementine. This is just my opinion after all and I might be one of the few to think so.
Season 1 had Clementine as a primary motivator for all of our actions. Now that she is the protagonist, not only will our attachment to her character wane, we will also need a new motivator. By motivator, I mean someone who motivates the player to not be a complete sociopath, which is usually a sign that the player feels very little attachment to characters. Episode 1 of season 2 was running off of the residual fumes of my affection to season 1 clementine. Season 2 is going to feel like misery porn until Clementine starts to form bonds within the group and we find someone to at least partially replace Clementine as the motivator. At the very least, we need an end goal that will make survival seem worthwhile. Tavia's community might come into play as this end goal. I hope it doesn't though, because it is just so predictable.
So, basically, things should improve for you in the next episode.
Last time I checked only Rebecca (and possibly carlos) hate her
I see that you forgot to mention Clementine's talks with Luke, Pete, Sarah(if you were friendly), or even Nick if you apologized to him.
There will be heart warming relationships, definitely not as many, but they'll be there. It won't be all bad. Still, I don't think that this episode suffered from being mostly negative, I actually really liked it, more so than at least Episodes 1 and 2 from Season 1. Maybe 4 as well. It's a pretty promising start, and that's all I really wanted.
I have to disagree with pretty much everything you say. I understand you not liking what has happened, but as "we" includes me as well, I feel the need to tell you that I feel the exact opposite of your description.
I absolutely loved the dog scene for example. I was much rather surprised that Clem was suddenly supposed to have a strolling dog companion and felt rather uncomfortable with the thought, as it didn't match my way of thinking at all. I nearly jumped of my chair when Sam finally attacked "me", but in a way, I was pleased that it happened.
The Walking Dead, or any other modern zombie scenario, as a whole, is not, and never will be, about hope. Neither for humanity, nor for an individual. I am not trying to say that there is no way for Clementine to make it for a really long time and possibly die of natural causes, but however long she goes, hope won't be a real part of her, or anyones, journey in such a world.
Also, I am by no means trying to say that your perception is wrong, I just don't agree...
Guys i dont bash telltale
Grow up.
?? ?!!
Only one person said that you were, and they were kind of justified in doing so.
This wasnt written by the OP because his english is nowhere near that level so dont hate on him. Now whoever wrote that article is clearly an idiot
Check my updated first comment.
I kind of appreciate your viewpoint and constructive criticism, while not wholly agree.
I'd argue there already is a well established attachment to a certain character already, the protagonist, Clementine. And I doubt it'll wane very easily. And from what I hear, some people still play the game from Lee's viewpoint. Both would serve well to keep players motivated to keep Clementine as a sweet, polite little girl we've come to know her in Season one.
It was also possible play Lee as more of a sociopath while neglecting Clem from time to time. From what I've understood, sociopaths don't form genuine attachments often. Like good ol' Bronn (GoT) said: There's no cure for being a ....
In my opinion, yes, the beginning was a bit fast paced. Whole lot of bad stuff happened in a very short timeframe but I don't think any of them was way too over-the-top, just could've paced better.
While I do think the presense of a moral structure via another character would be nice it isn't needed. I've been through enough with my Clem that I don't need justification for protecting her, she is my motivator for all my actions, not a bystander like Clementine was in S1, the dynamics have changed. Relationships are definitely wanted and needed, but none of them will be my motivation. Just my perspective though.