Georgie's accent
Did anyone else notice that in the trailer for episode 2 Georgie's voice sounds distinctly American yet in the actual episode he has a strong Northern English accent?
I know it's just one of many things that were different to the trailer but I think it's pretty interesting that they would change the voice in between episodes.
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Yeah,i know.Personally,i think the second one is better.You?
Yeah I think the northern accent goes well with the 'Pudding and Pie' club and the fact that it's an English rhyme.
I like the new voice better. Especially since that nursery rhyme came out of England.
Can't go wrong with Cockney.
sounded scottish to me
I'd say it was more of a Yorkshire accent myself. Reminded me a little bit of Eyeball Paul off Kevin & Perry go large
Sounded like a Yorkshire accent to me as well. I thought it was great. Fit the character very well.
I think it's a Newcastle or Teeside accent
I know he's a scumbag, but I find him hilarious. but honestly the voice fist him well
yea i actually think he hasn't a scotish accent.I like his accent.Even he's a piece of s*it he's funny.
I am from Scotland, and his accent is definitely not Scottish.
Wanna hear a scottish accent?Here's a scottish accent.Focus on the great looking doctor on the couch.
Exactly! I'm positive it's a Yorkshire/Manchester accent.
Like I said, really reminds me of Eyeball Paul out of Kevin & Perry with his accent and demeanor.
I dont remember his voice from the trailer but I love it in the game. Its like watching a Guy Ritchie movie.
It sounded Irish to me :0
You can hear the American voice here in the teaser for episode 2:
Around 0:35...
And I can see what you mean, sounds like a gritty character out of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
I work with people from up North in England (Accrington) and Georgie's accent sounds very similar to theirs.
And I'm positive it's not Irish lol, are you from America though?
You're just throwing at random since Irish doesn't sound ANYTHING like that. It's quite clearly a northern English accent.
I liked the original first voice. The new sounds downright silly and I didn't' think it was accurate for the accent it was trying to reach. I thought the first one sounded more menacing with very gangster undertones. To me, it was more appealing and interesting to listen to.
Being from the north-east of England, I'm comfortable in saying that his accent definitely sounds like ours.
A Geordie Georgie, who'd-a thought?
I quite like it, it's fitting.
Are you guys just throwing all the accents you know out there,now?Because his accent is nothing close to irish.
Didn't think there would be so many different opinions on what accent he has lol, thought everyone would be pretty unanimous about it.
Having listened to it again I have no doubt that it's a Yorkshire accent though, similar to Sean Bean for example.
I like how basically none of that stuff in the teaser did not happen in the actual epsiode lol
yeah I know rit im hearing way too many nationalities for one guy. Its like ur being questioned and the person says so what did he sound like on the phone u know the Zodiac? ummm he sounded Irish, wait Scottish no German, wait definitely Spanish..... I think. The guys like WTF lol.
well, wherever his accent is from I like it better than the what was in the trailer. Both were good, but the new one is more interesting to me.
It's perfect as it accurately represents his character, shown in his rhyme: Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie, Kissed the girls and made them cry ,
when the boys came out to play Georgie Porgie ran away.
"Oi bigbee ur a fockin tossa m8 u gormless gobshite wank"
I like the new accent.
I thought I'd hate Georgie but he's funny as hell.
I was too busy laughing to realize he was mocking me.
Hey @Phyre , did you notice you're getting 10 dislikes every post? '-'
He's got a north east accent English accent. Honestly though pretty much everywhere in England tends to have a certain way in the way they speak. Defintley north of England is the accent though
I like his amazing accent despite his personality.Not trying to be racist but i think he sounds like the english people from the north.My father's friends from England has this kind of accent.
Apparently.Someone doesn't really like me.But it's okay.Sometimes i just don't care.Let them troll. -sigh-
I like u I give u thumbs up like evertime I see u
heres another.
Who is Georgie's voice actor?? I dont' know where to look for that information, perhaps I'm typing all the wrong key words into Google?
He sounds exactly like David Threlfall who played Frank in UK's original Shameless and I can't seem to find out if it's him or not
I looked up his name in the credits and it says his name is Kevin Howarth, i can't see TWAU listed in his imdb page but the actor is from the UK so i guess its the same guy.
Haha Frank Gallagher is actually a good shout. I tried to find out earlier who his voice actor was but couldn't find anything either.
When I just a wee lad
Im irish i can say it.
I think its Australian. Or maybe Chinese