1) You do realize that's an expression right? and it has nothing to do with what you think it does.
2) Actually my name is rather fitting for that comment. You would know that if you had read the Fables comic, but yet again you are making comments while being completely uninformed. Smh
1) You do realize that's an expression right? and it has nothing to do with what you think it does.
2) Actually my name is rather fitting f… moreor that comment. You would know that if you had read the Fables comic, but yet again you are making comments while being completely uninformed. Smh
This all seems terribly shallow. But I'll bite. Thus far I'd have to say Nerissa, e.g. "The Little Mermaid." Hat's off to Telltale for that character reveal by the way. Would have liked to see that on 'Once Upon a Time...' (^^)
Hmm tough choice I found both Snow and Faith had incredibly beautiful eyes and both had had Black hair plus I think Narissa was pretty cute. So for me it's a tie between those three.
Oh, good to see that you're an asshole everywhere else too. Nice.
If you must know, it's because your name is Prince Charming, regardless of the fact that the characters isn't charming, it brings to mind a certain attitude. What you said was definitely not charming. I'm pretty sure you can figure it out.
However, when talking about the Fables character, you're name is pretty fitting to how you act.
Snow's good with everyone but Bigby, and I think Faith stole the whole episode 1. In my opinion, her death was the most dramatic (Besides Snow's of course) and I love the part when she spits in the Woodsmans face.
Oh, good to see that you're an asshole everywhere else too. Nice.
If you must know, it's because your name is Prince Charming, regardless o… moref the fact that the characters isn't charming, it brings to mind a certain attitude. What you said was definitely not charming. I'm pretty sure you can figure it out.
However, when talking about the Fables character, you're name is pretty fitting to how you act.
My favourites are:Fiath,Snow,Narissa and Beauty.But for some reasons i like Faith.In that moment when Wolf met Faith i loved her because she was beautiful,she had a nice personallity and i preety much loved her.
The one and only, surprisingly cute, detective Brannigan. Seems like a totally chill person to have a cup of coffee with.
Snow all the way
I love how there's already so much love for Detective Brannigan and she showed up for maybe two or three minutes.
Snow and Faith, but between these 2 I'd say Snow.
Can't go wrong with those freckles!
Yeah, she was pretty awesome in those 3-5 minutes.
Your name is incredibly out of place in contrast to this comment.
1) You do realize that's an expression right? and it has nothing to do with what you think it does.
2) Actually my name is rather fitting for that comment. You would know that if you had read the Fables comic, but yet again you are making comments while being completely uninformed. Smh
I do read the Fables comics. Don't make assumptions.
This all seems terribly shallow. But I'll bite. Thus far I'd have to say Nerissa, e.g. "The Little Mermaid." Hat's off to Telltale for that character reveal by the way. Would have liked to see that on 'Once Upon a Time...' (^^)
Then why did you bother saying my name was out of place? Wait...don't even bother. You probably are just still butthurt from the other thread. lmao
I'd say snow and beauty, though it's a tad bit unsettling that Clem's voice is Beauty's.
Hmm tough choice I found both Snow and Faith had incredibly beautiful eyes and both had had Black hair plus I think Narissa was pretty cute. So for me it's a tie between those three.
Oh, good to see that you're an asshole everywhere else too. Nice.
If you must know, it's because your name is Prince Charming, regardless of the fact that the characters isn't charming, it brings to mind a certain attitude. What you said was definitely not charming. I'm pretty sure you can figure it out.
However, when talking about the Fables character, you're name is pretty fitting to how you act.
I dont think so lol. Check out her own Series in the Comics.
Ah sheesh. They did a good Job on all Females up until now. But yeah... Snow gave me a weak spot ;o)
Damn...well, Snow's good with people, and Faith really owned the introduction...so I'd go with either one.
Snow's obviously the best. She vaguely reminds me of Elizabeth from Bioshock, so that's a plus.
Snow's good with everyone but Bigby, and I think Faith stole the whole episode 1. In my opinion, her death was the most dramatic (Besides Snow's of course) and I love the part when she spits in the Woodsmans face.
I like Faith
ya true i liked her in episode 1, but starting episode 2 shes kinda getting more bitch less nice, sadly
I can't decide right now,but the fight will be between:
*Faith-I felt something in the time i met her.I actually love her
*Nerissa-Has a nice body and face.
*Snow-A preety smart and nice woman that i like.
Well after now when I played episode 2 two I must say that beauty is pretty attractive too. Only thing I don't like is her eybrows.
Snow of course.
Hard to choose... For me that was Snow, Faith and Beauty but the most most pretty is Snow maybe.
oh thanks
Any of my ex-wives.
Your really love hearing yourself talk (type) huh? I mean you literally responded to my comment for no reason. lmao
My favourites are:Fiath,Snow,Narissa and Beauty.But for some reasons i like Faith.In that moment when Wolf met Faith i loved her because she was beautiful,she had a nice personallity and i preety much loved her.
I wouldn't mind getting frisky with Faith or Beauty.
Faith, of course.
Snow White!
There's a reason she's called beauty.
Can't decide between Faith, Snow and Beauty.
Its very close Snow or Beauty, I would have to sayyyyyyyyyy SNOW!
Snow White, she has that timeless beauty and grace.
Definitely Beauty.