I may sound old but my favorite games are all the Marvel vs Capcom games. All three of the originals plus Ultimate MvC3: FTW.
Playing as Captain America (AKA: Steve Rogers) in the old days when we had arcades instead of modern home consoles was a blast.
Those were good times folks.
I especially loved when they brought the "Commander Rogers Uniform" into MvC3: FTW via DLC.
That's the uniform he wore during "Steve Rogers: Super Soldier" by Ed Brubaker.
Rogers also wore the same uniform in Secret Avengers: Volume 1. (And Volume 2 maybe??? I can't remember.)
Sorry for the comic book nerd moment. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, here's the uniform:
PS: You may recognize it as "The Stealth Suit" in the upcoming film "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" which you probably saw the second trailer for during the Super Bowl.
Well, I am a mod, but I am only a community volunteer mod as are most of the others.
This means we don't really have more of a say than the average user does in how Telltale handles their games. Telltale isn't stupid and they certainly know how successful The Walking Dead is for them. As a matter of fact, Walking Dead was the quickest (and second ever) Telltale series to get a second Season, and Walking Dead Season 1 was also the first ever Season to get a DLC/"Bonus" episode solely out of popularity. You may not quite see it as a new fan, but take it from somebody who has been a fan of Telltale for a while; they certainly are not neglecting the Walking Dead.
You are moderator so you have rights to talk telltale or not...if yes please said them work hard on walking dead season 2 ...they give more ti… moreme to the wolf among us its okay but they also have to give more time to the walking dead season 2.. I think that they forget that the walking dead is one of their biggest project ever ..A biggest success ...if you have rights so please said them i request you...
Yes, they still maintain the Steam version, it's on all three major OSes and the final level has been made less frustrating than the original, which is in the console and GOG versions.
UMVC3 is pretty good. I used to play that on my Vita a lot.
(EDIT: Oh, I have MvC2 on my iPad Air!!!! )
I first played MVC2 on Xbox Live Arcade back during one of the old Summer of Arcade events. Wouldn't the game not play very well on the iPad though? It's a very hectic/time based game and I can't imagine using touch screen buttons would be very comfortable...
I may sound old but my favorite games are all the Marvel vs Capcom games. All three of the originals plus Ultimate MvC3: FTW.
Playing as Ca… moreptain America (AKA: Steve Rogers) in the old days when we had arcades instead of modern home consoles was a blast.
Those were good times folks.
I especially loved when they brought the "Commander Rogers Uniform" into MvC3: FTW via DLC.
That's the uniform he wore during "Steve Rogers: Super Soldier" by Ed Brubaker.
Rogers also wore the same uniform in Secret Avengers: Volume 1. (And Volume 2 maybe??? I can't remember.)
Sorry for the comic book nerd moment. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, here's the uniform:
PS: You may recognize it as "The Stealth Suit" in the upcoming film "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" which you probably saw the second trailer for during the Super Bowl.
(EDIT: Oh, I have MvC2 on my iPad Air!!!! )
Well, I am a mod, but I am only a community volunteer mod as are most of the others.
This means we don't really have more of a say than the… more average user does in how Telltale handles their games. Telltale isn't stupid and they certainly know how successful The Walking Dead is for them. As a matter of fact, Walking Dead was the quickest (and second ever) Telltale series to get a second Season, and Walking Dead Season 1 was also the first ever Season to get a DLC/"Bonus" episode solely out of popularity. You may not quite see it as a new fan, but take it from somebody who has been a fan of Telltale for a while; they certainly are not neglecting the Walking Dead.
Choosing a favorite game of all time is pretty tough but If any game that deserves to be on there is Gitaroo - Man one of the best rhythm game… mores of all time! As for the Telltale route Seasons 1-3 of Sam & Max all the way and of course TWD season 1-2 so far and The Wolf among us so far
Why it was worst ?? You are worst you dont read that call of duty ghosts has been sell about 1 billion ..greatest record in game ...its not wo… morerst its the hell of a lot amazing game and i ever love it ...if you dont like call of duty games then dont play okay..
On the iPad, you can customize the controls if you don't like the two default options. You can move the buttons and directional pad around anywhere you see fit. You can also alter their transparency. It's still a little awkward to play but I'll take MvC anyway I can get.
You wouldn't happen to know if MvC2 is still on The Xbox Marketplace would you???
I may get myself an Xbox 360 to play the Far Cry games and LEGO Marvel SuperHeroes.
I heard that MvC: Origins is on Xbox as well. That will be a blast!!!
UMVC3 is pretty good. I used to play that on my Vita a lot.
(EDIT: Oh, I have MvC2 on my iPad Air!!!! )
I first played MVC2 on X… morebox Live Arcade back during one of the old Summer of Arcade events. Wouldn't the game not play very well on the iPad though? It's a very hectic/time based game and I can't imagine using touch screen buttons would be very comfortable...
Its not the same shit every year okay now please shut up.....if you dont change your about this game so dont say anything bad to this game ....its not same every year.....most of the people play this game ...if you dont play so what they will stop making new call of duty...their are billions of fans of call of duty ..
I may sound old but my favorite games are all the Marvel vs Capcom games. All three of the originals plus Ultimate MvC3: FTW.
Playing as Captain America (AKA: Steve Rogers) in the old days when we had arcades instead of modern home consoles was a blast.
Those were good times folks.
I especially loved when they brought the "Commander Rogers Uniform" into MvC3: FTW via DLC.
That's the uniform he wore during "Steve Rogers: Super Soldier" by Ed Brubaker.
Rogers also wore the same uniform in Secret Avengers: Volume 1. (And Volume 2 maybe??? I can't remember.)
Sorry for the comic book nerd moment. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, here's the uniform:
PS: You may recognize it as "The Stealth Suit" in the upcoming film "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" which you probably saw the second trailer for during the Super Bowl.
(EDIT: Oh, I have MvC2 on my iPad Air!!!!
Well, I am a mod, but I am only a community volunteer mod as are most of the others.
This means we don't really have more of a say than the average user does in how Telltale handles their games. Telltale isn't stupid and they certainly know how successful The Walking Dead is for them. As a matter of fact, Walking Dead was the quickest (and second ever) Telltale series to get a second Season, and Walking Dead Season 1 was also the first ever Season to get a DLC/"Bonus" episode solely out of popularity. You may not quite see it as a new fan, but take it from somebody who has been a fan of Telltale for a while; they certainly are not neglecting the Walking Dead.
I just remembered it was on a Humble Bundle this week. I should see if I can still get it.
UMVC3 is pretty good. I used to play that on my Vita a lot.
I first played MVC2 on Xbox Live Arcade back during one of the old Summer of Arcade events. Wouldn't the game not play very well on the iPad though? It's a very hectic/time based game and I can't imagine using touch screen buttons would be very comfortable...
Okay thanks
It went up only two days ago, so there's plenty of time to grab it. I'm sure you'll like at least a couple of the other games in the bundle as well.
'The Legendary Theme,' baby!
Talk about quality.
Yeah, no problem. I won't play it ever again. It's the same shit every year anyway.
Have fun paying $60 every year for the same game!
TWD, TWAU, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike:GO, the entire Half-Life series, Portal 1, Fallout 3. In no particular order.
On the iPad, you can customize the controls if you don't like the two default options. You can move the buttons and directional pad around anywhere you see fit. You can also alter their transparency. It's still a little awkward to play but I'll take MvC anyway I can get.
You wouldn't happen to know if MvC2 is still on The Xbox Marketplace would you???
I may get myself an Xbox 360 to play the Far Cry games and LEGO Marvel SuperHeroes.
I heard that MvC: Origins is on Xbox as well. That will be a blast!!!
Half Life is AWESOME!!!!
I love games that have an incredible story to tell and man does Half Life have a hell of a story .
Its not the same shit every year okay now please shut up.....if you dont change your about this game so dont say anything bad to this game ....its not same every year.....most of the people play this game ...if you dont play so what they will stop making new call of duty...their are billions of fans of call of duty ..
I love Deadly Premonition!