Character Theme Songs You Think Would Work
There's a character theme song thread for TWD so i thought why not TWAU too? i know there isn't a whole lot of characters at the minute but we can add more as the episodes go on. I think animal i have become by 3 days grace would suit Bigby when he goes wolf form.
I might try and find something for the woodsman too.
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I love that song!These ones are for Bigby,too!

Come on guys.... I don't know exactly what you are thinking when you choose your songs for Bigby. But in my mind.... He's throwing people out the windows, he's engaging in bar fights, knocks people's teeth in and is shutting down strip clubs. So yeah, he's a wild one!
Yes,yes,yes! I know there is much more to Bigby than that! But come on, Scumbag Bigby is pretty cool also. Anyway, these are the songs i pick specifically for his.... Erm, "rebel" side. And i apologize if i'm not "trendy" enough for you. I'll edit this post once i think of a good one that could match his personality.
Haha, i haven't heard born to be wild in years, i just get the image of a biker Bigby wearing a bandanna and a leather jacket in my head.
Yeah, now that i think about it.... It does seem a little odd. Biker Bigby.....
lol somebody needs to make that.
Have to admit, that new Sherlock game teaser really got me into this song. Would fit either Snow, Beauty, or Nerissa so far, but, definitely for Snow if it had to boil down to it.
This one's for Jack:
I have been Rick Roll'd.
dis!And it's really appropiate,too!
Like for the Sherlock reference
Okay,just kidding.I like this song.
lol wtf, where do you find these pictures? on second thought i don't wanna know.
The offspring are amazing!
Not my idea. Another user on the other forum I'm at made this suggestion for Bigby.
I love Death Note and Naruto, also this is for bluebeard:
lol not really, but i am thinking something along the lines of drunken sailor for the woodsman although not exactly it but i haven't found anything for him yet.
I know this whole song from playing borderlands 2.
No,the first one is for Boy Blue
And for the second one,imagine Woody shaving his belly with a razor,please,or i will have to post a pic of it.
OH HELL FUCKING YES!!!NARUTOOOOO!And Death Note.But mostly NARUTOOOO!Jk,i like these.
Oh god please don't post a pic of that.
You know what?I got it!The perfect theme song for Bigby!
lol what about this for bigby then:
Try me
I like to think that's how Bigby won Snow.
I removed the photo.For future viewer's sakes.And for Woody's.I love you,Woody!
WTF.... well at least he's not shaving.
You want me to edit the photo?
lol no.. please no.
Okay,sorry.WTF,i thought this was a thread with theme songs.-le gasp-What have i done?!
Imagine dragons monster is a great fit for Bigby nice find
This for Snow White. Fits the 80's setting of the game and dark mood.

I am loling for some reason...
I think this one fits Snow-White pretty good
Röyksopp's 'You Don't Have a Clue,' sonically and lyrically, speaks to Faith's character:
You're hiding from yourself
Yes, you are (x2)
Like golden rays of sun in the cloud
Röyksopp - 'You Don't Have a Clue'
This one goes to... Beauty, Jack, Grendel, Dum and Dee.
You need to unwillingly click on the video, otherwise i don't whink you can consider youself Rick Roll'd