******* is NOT the killer

edited February 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

While Ichabod may have been having sex with LIlly, she wasn't wearing the right clothes when she died to have been killed during sex with Ichabod (he gets her to wear the Snow White dress, and she was found wearing the suit).

I don't really think there's any good reason why he would have got her changed into Snow, and his face when Snow turned out alive seemed to be genuine shock - if he had killed the girl, he would know it wasn't the real Snow who died.

So yeah...let the investigation continue.


  • edited February 2014

    Alt text-le gasp- DUN DUN DUUUUN

  • lol ur like no shit.

    Phyre posted: »

    -le gasp- DUN DUN DUUUUN

  • I assume he's not. It would be kind of weird if you solved the mystery in the second episode.

  • I've seen people on this forum say that it was clearly ichabod who murdered Lilly and his care was not genuine, so clearly it isn't obvious to everyone.

    lol ur like no shit.

  • I would lose all faith in TTG if Crane was really the killer and the next 3 episodes was just chasing Crane around

    chet1 posted: »

    I assume he's not. It would be kind of weird if you solved the mystery in the second episode.

  • Good point but what sent alot of fable legends after you and more of his origin story came out how got to that level of power and why he did it

    jbuschell55 posted: »

    I would lose all faith in TTG if Crane was really the killer and the next 3 episodes was just chasing Crane around

  • Crane is what's called a red herring.

  • although i really hate crane, but i agree with u.. and when i finished playing the episode 2 day ago i did think about the same

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