Lots of Apples...
I don't know if anyone else had noticed this... but Telltale seems to like apples a lot. I mean, TWD EP 2, TWD S2 EP1, TWAU EP 2....
Coincidence? Does Telltale have Apple Fetish? I'll let you decide.
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I know right?
Can someone tell me what's with the banana thing? It looks like there's a can of bananas or something in the RV in episode 3, and you see it again in S2E2. Is it some kind of Easter Egg?
Yeah, it's turning into a running joke, like Bethesda and their Prisoner Fetish.
Or, you know, it's just because they are common fruit, growing almost everywhere? It would have been weird if it had been pinapples and coconuts everywhere.
Banang is an eater egg to Sam and Max another telltale game.
gif-ing someone a piece of your mind again?
It's based off a gag from Sam and Max Season 2. It has appeared in all sorts of games since, including Poker Night (1 & 2), Wolf Among Us, Back to the Future, and Tales of Monkey Island.
I think its just Banang
Apple Juice at 3:00
Apple Juice grows on trees?
Mind = Blown
well, no. But it's easier to find apple juice than anything else. It's the most common juice around here at least.
I haven't noticed it in TWAU yet, is it well hidden or am i just blind?
We still gotta use that bell tower on that one guy
Apple fetish is more likely...
Bigby's Kitchen in Faith, and possibly the Trip Trap Bar as well.
Already taken care of
another reason to play ep1 again, i shall find all of the banang!!!
We still have to eridicate all Lee is alive threads
Challenge accepted.
They've only been mentioned in The Walking Dead twice. Doesn't seem like a huge issue.
LOL, I didnt even realize when I picked this name, Telltale is putting subliminal messages into the games and its invading my head!
You need an apple picture for your profile pic, man.
For the horses. ptttt
If you're up for it
They also have a tree fetish because trees are everywhere. And don't forget the insane car fetish for Wolf Among Us.
Or maybe it's just coincidence.
Ha ha! A smartass!
I get'cha, I get'cha. Don't worry, I'm a smartass sometimes, too.
Too long and pointless. Thumbs down.
Get a gravatar dude
Mind = Blown
but apples are good for u.
everytime I look at this I keep thinking hes jacking off to Frodo lmfao XD
I'm seriously drinking apple juice right now. o.o Not even joking.
If they did have some sort of thing for apples, they'd probably be more like these apples:
Next episodes, they switch to oranges and orange juice.
im glad a lot of ppl here have good taste of humor awesome show by the way.
And now, for a reference that hardly anybody here is going to get:
L, do you know gods of death love apples?
Oh yeah he is a pervo, definitely.