Melissa Hutchison playing Beauty Toad Jr?
Do you think was good choice or bad choice and why?
Taught weird hearing clem voice coming out of little toad but was happy she did brilliant job
and Dave Fennoy(Lee) blue beard performance?
Your thoughts on Melissa and Dave Fennoy performance
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They are good at the roles, but they distracted me a bit with their familiarity.
Same agree
It depends, I personally love it because it brings back memories, I could listen to Melissa's Voice all day and Dave is just a beast never disappoints me
Yeah first time heard melissa my mind was saying no that's clem doesn't work then after 20 seconds loved the voice and missed it in scenes without toad while dave is true professional so expect great performance
Yep, Melissa's voice is the sweetest and Dave is just great at what he does, And Bluebeard has great lines so I expect good things to come
Dave fennoy and Melissa Hutchison are AWESOME.