Anyone know when season 2 episode 2:a house divided for the walking dead comes out?

edited February 2014 in The Walking Dead

Telltale said that episode 2 is just around the corner but how soon well it be? Could it come out this month?


  • 25 february or 4 march

  • Puzzlebox just commented so game done see announcement in next couple of days(tomorrow i call it first) usually trailer week before release but February release

  • god damnt telltale you always have to make us all excited FOR A REALLY FREAKING LONG TIME

  • Give us release date!!!! Better, give us episode 2!!!

  • edited February 2014

    No, we don't know, because TT never tells us anythin'. It sucks.

    It's like we're all on crack and we need our next hit but the dealer isn't giving it to us, even though many of us have already paid for our next four instalments of crack. We understand that the crack takes a long time to purify and produce, as well as to send it where it needs to go, but our dealer never tells us anything, we never know whether we'll get it.

  • are you saying that you'll buy the cracked version?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    No, we don't know, because TT never tells us anythin'. It sucks. It's like we're all on crack and we need our next hit but the dealer isn't

  • There are already 2 other threads about this.

  • What I think I will do is try a little experiment with my business.
    I am going to start taking peoples money and stop repairing their equipment. When they ring up or come in the shop, I shall just tell them that their order is coming real soon. In the meantime, please give me more money.
    Then when they get shirty, I will explain that their equipment is just round the corner. Oh and while you wait, I am just going to continue taking peoples money for repairs that I haven't done yet.

    When they continually ask for updates, I shall take the phone off the hook and not talk to anyone. Or I may just put it on my website that, your PC will be fixed when I can be bothered. Another thing I could do is Tweet that your PC is repaired and im having a wonderful time playing with it. I just feel a terrible person now. Just to rub it in that you haven't got it yet.

    See how ridiculous it sounds? Yet that is exactly what telltale are doing.

    Trickhead posted: »

    There are already 2 other threads about this.

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