I don't think it's a question of 'if' she gets away in either situation. I believe Christa will be coming back whether you helped her or not. The only differences I can think of that the 'leave her or help her' choice would change would be if she is hurt or not and how she views you for either or choice.
I played it again, if you help her, then she actually manages to get to the edge of the clearing before you hear the shot, so maybe she gets away(in the scenario at least)?
I don't think it will be these two, but did anyone even think about the St. John's? In my game at least, Lee didn't kill either of them but left them to the incoming walker horde. Because of the impeding death the walkers posed, Clem would obviously think that they'd be dead. Danny at the very least since he was incapacitated.
Danny was stuck in the bear trap but Andy was perfectly capable of getting off the farm, or even helping his brother.
Interesting. It could be that we will see the cop guy later in Carver's group though. Either way conisdering he described them in detail, it is likely they will show up at some point in season 2.
(for anyone who doesn't know the comics, Jesus is a character who is called that by the other characters because he has a Jesus beard, and he … morehas a lot of diplomatic and heroic traits. His actual name is Paul Monroe.)
I'm not actually sure but didn't Telltale show us with the licence plate that Clementine is really far away from where Rick and Jesus and those characters have been? I know that Paul travels a lot to recruit people, but still.
I don't think it will be these two, but did anyone even think about the St. John's? In my game at least, Lee didn't kill either of them but le… moreft them to the incoming walker horde. Because of the impeding death the walkers posed, Clem would obviously think that they'd be dead. Danny at the very least since he was incapacitated.
Danny was stuck in the bear trap but Andy was perfectly capable of getting off the farm, or even helping his brother.
I get that this image is fake, but I can appreciate the design behind it. I'm not posting it here for the purpose of "evidence", more for showing that I think that if it were real, it'd be a pretty good design for Kenny in Season Two.
That's very true, I hadn't thought of that. I think that if by some chance it was the St. Johns, it would be a disappointment considering the other characters they could have brought back into the fold. I just thought they should be mentioned as possibilities, at least for the people who left them alive.
These theories are really well written and thought out. Honestly don't disagree with anything, but I'm very certain that Rebecca and Clem are trapped. The overlay on slide 3 shows jail cell bars and I really can't think why they would be behind bars unless they were in a bad situation with walkers or most likely Carver locking them in there. I wonder why Carver would do that though... like you said, they might be using Rebecca and Clem to negiotate with the cabin group for supplies or maybe for a more disturbing purpose.
I want to go through what I think each of the slides will be, and I figure I should just use this discussion, rather than create a new one.
… more Episode 2: A House Divided: This slide is interesting, it shows two people at what I assume is a ski resort, one of them is looking through a pair of binoculars, whilst the other is patrolling with a rifle in their arms(I can't really tell if the person in the background is a man or a woman, can anyone else?). In the previews, we see a scene where Clem's group is arguing with another group, and it sounds like the other group think that Clem and the others are bandits or robbers. We don't see anyone from the other group, but what we DO see is that ski resort again. I don't think it's much of a leap to assume that the people on the slide are members of the other group.
As I've said before, I think that Kenny probably joined up with another group, so perhaps he is part of this group. If I'm right, then I b… [view original content]
My personal thoughts are that maybe Rebecca's baby is Carver's, and that he's keeping them there for Rebecca to have her baby. From that point on... Well, I'm not sure actually. If Carver is a more neutral villain, he may just keep them locked up. If he turns out to be totally evil, then he'll probably try and kill them.
These theories are really well written and thought out. Honestly don't disagree with anything, but I'm very certain that Rebecca and Clem are … moretrapped. The overlay on slide 3 shows jail cell bars and I really can't think why they would be behind bars unless they were in a bad situation with walkers or most likely Carver locking them in there. I wonder why Carver would do that though... like you said, they might be using Rebecca and Clem to negiotate with the cabin group for supplies or maybe for a more disturbing purpose.
My prediction is too that Carlos will get bit sooner or later and now he must explain to Sarah what kind of world she's in and what is going to happen... then Kenny cut Carlos in mid-sentence by throwing saltlick in to his forehead
Let's talk about some possible characters from the comics that we could meet this Season, that could be fun.
Paul "Jesus" Monroe: One of the more important characters from the comics, for those who don't know and don't care about spoilers, Jesus is a member of the Hilltop, who earned his nickname for his striking likeness to Jesus Christ.
He's one of Rick's friends, and part of his "Inner Circle". He's basically the guy who gets things done, and occasionally talks about philosophy.
We don't really know how long ago Jesus got to The Hilltop, so it's possible that while on his way to D.C, he'd meet up with Clementine's group. There's a big enough gap between Telltale's and the Comics that he might even stay with the group for a while. If he were to show up, then I don't see him leaving the group until they decide to settle down somewhere permanently, which is to say, Season 3. I also don't think he'd leave if the group needed help, or was in trouble. I think he'd probably join up with Clem's group maybe in Episode 3, if he shows up at all that is, then stay until S3.
There would be a purpose for him being in the story besides it being an awesome crossover. He would be a great help in the fight with Carver. Let me put it for you this way, on the "Badass Scale" of Walking Dead characters, Jesus is on the top. He has taken out a group of four or more trained soldiers with guns with his bare hands, the guy is almost as awesome as the tiger(which I'll get to).
If he did show up, he'd probably leave fairly early in S3 if/when they make it to a safe haven.
The last question, is how likely is it that this character will appear? Well, it's certainly possible, and he is an incredibly popular character, so I'd say that of any other characters, he's got maybe a 50% - 60% chance of showing up. The problem being that I don't think they could do what they did with Glenn and have him show up for half an episode and leave, they'd have to put a bit more of a focus on his character than that. Though, it would be a fun way to explore his backstory, as we know almost nothing of that in the comics.
Ezekiel & Shiva: First off, tiger:
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's explain who these two are, again, for those who want to read this and don't care about spoilers. "King" Ezekiel is the leader of a group in the D.C area called "The Kingdom". He acts like a king, and his subjects treat him as such. The guy has a massively larger than life legend built up around him that he helped create. He even has knights patrolling the borders to his Kingdom, which is a walled off High School.
The true story behind Ezekiel(Who, Fun Fact, was drawn to look like Dave Fennoy, the Voice Actor of Lee Everett), is that he was a Animal Handler at a Zoo, and he's known Shiva, his pet tiger, since she was born. He helped save her life once, getting clawed in the process, and since then, Shiva has never tried to hurt him. She thinks that the chain which stopped her as a cub would stop her now, which is one of the only reasons that he's been able to keep her "tame". That, and the fact that she quites down whenever he bangs his staff on the ground.
He's been with Shiva since the beginning, as the first thing that he did was rescue her from the zoo. He never says where he lived, so it's also possible that he'd meet Clem's group on the way North, though he'd probably be around for a shorter time period than Jesus.
Ezekiel is a better actor than he is leader or fighter, which isn't to say that he's not a good leader or a good fighter, but he's not better than Rick or Jesus in those aspects. The biggest thing that he has going for him is his legend and his pet tiger. If he were to appear in Season 2, then again, it would probably be later down the line, however, it would be impossible for him and Jesus to be around at the same time since Ezekiel had already set up the Kingdom by the time Jesus made it to D.C, so that's something to keep in mind.
It would be awesome to see this character, especially voiced by someone like Dave Fennoy, but I think it's a lot less likely than seeing Jesus.
Locations: Some locations that would make some nice references could be the farmhouse the Dale wanted to stay at, The house that Morgan went through during the herd in Vol. 10, Gabriel's Church(A likely location I think), The Hunter's Camp, or any number of places. That's really about all I'll say about locations since they'll most likely only be thrown in as references, and serve no purpose i the story, or if they do, it's likely that any other location would serve the same purpose.
Other Characters: Other characters that we might see that might fit with the story would be Heath, Denise, Aaron and Eric, Holly, or any of the characters from Alexandria so far. Also form the Hilltop, it's possible that we'll meet someone like Gregory, who would flee at the first sign of trouble. Any of these characters would be interesting, though I don't see them being as important as Jesus or Ezekiel would be if they appeared this Season.
I changed the title since this has moved far beyond just Kenny, Lilly, and Christa, and has become my Predictions and Theory thread for basically anything related to Season Two.
Not necessarily a "prediction", but with all the talk of the release being fairly soon, and also talk of the trailer being released soon... Who else thinks that we might see the trailer tonight on the mid-season premiere of Season Four of AMC's The Walking Dead? If not, then I'm just guessing it'll be up tommorow.
At the very least we'll see that awesome commercial a million times.
Did they say it was supposed to be darker? Either way, they didn't leave us with too many links back to Season 1, and again, the whole thing w… moreith the baby. People say they heard a shot, but I actually didn't hear that. I'm still inclined to believe that Christa will return at some point.
Look closely and you can even see his chin piercing, Eddie confirmed guide for Clem season 2 indeed. I hope he lasts though, and doesn't have to sacrifice himself like Chuck does.
We're partially joking. Telltale hasn't exactly confirmed Eddie for Season 2, but he is in the slide for Episode 4, so it looks like there's a good chance that he will be in this Season.
Not necessarily a "prediction", but with all the talk of the release being fairly soon, and also talk of the trailer being released soon... Wh… moreo else thinks that we might see the trailer tonight on the mid-season premiere of Season Four of AMC's The Walking Dead? If not, then I'm just guessing it'll be up tommorow.
At the very least we'll see that awesome commercial a million times.
We're partially joking. Telltale hasn't exactly confirmed Eddie for Season 2, but he is in the slide for Episode 4, so it looks like there's a good chance that he will be in this Season.
Actually, I've been thinking up ideas of what I could put her in the meantime, and if people wouldn't find it too "immature", then I might want to do a "relationships" theory post.
Can't say I disagree with you on any of that. Great ideas, and I, personally, think it would be the perfect ending if they were to all make it to Wellington.
I want to go through what I think each of the slides will be, and I figure I should just use this discussion, rather than create a new one.
… more Episode 2: A House Divided: This slide is interesting, it shows two people at what I assume is a ski resort, one of them is looking through a pair of binoculars, whilst the other is patrolling with a rifle in their arms(I can't really tell if the person in the background is a man or a woman, can anyone else?). In the previews, we see a scene where Clem's group is arguing with another group, and it sounds like the other group think that Clem and the others are bandits or robbers. We don't see anyone from the other group, but what we DO see is that ski resort again. I don't think it's much of a leap to assume that the people on the slide are members of the other group.
As I've said before, I think that Kenny probably joined up with another group, so perhaps he is part of this group. If I'm right, then I b… [view original content]
I think it would probably be more interesting if it was Sarah's fault as her supposed condition according to Carlos makes her a burden in the sense that the world of The Walking Dead is probably too much for her and if she was someone who would "cease to function" if she knew how bad the world was, then to Carver's group, she is practically worthless and thus maybe a dispute regarding Sarah was the key reason for Carver's group splitting.
With regards Rebecca, I wonder if her affair has something to do with the conflict between the Cabin Group and Carver's Group.
This isn't really a theory or a prediction, more just my own thoughts on things... Which I guess is what all the posts have really been so far, but regardless...
Basically, a discussion of relationships within The Waking Dead is what this is, existing ones and possible ones. I just ask one thing, please, in response to this, don't just say what characters you want to be together, okay?
Kenny & Christa(Possible): I saw in another thread that a lot of people think that these two characters might get together if given the chance in S2, which I think is a possibility. Both of them have lost people close to them, and both of them are hurting. They share some common ground because of this. This is even more possible if Kenny saved Christa in No Time Left. However, if this were to ever happen, I don't think it's be something determinant on how Kenny and Christa were in S1.
If this were to happen, it might lead to some interesting situations, as it would create almost a "facade" of a family. Especially if Christa ends up caring for the baby, but if not, then Clem might fill the role of the "child". Maybe it could even act as a mirror for Kenny's own family, which would lead to... Well, something interesting I'm sure.
This would also be a smart decision on Telltale's part, at least, in terms of my own world of theories and predictions. If Christa does die at the end of E5, then maybe that would make some of the less zealous "Kenny Haters" sympathize with him a bit more, if he was especially torn up about her death because of any romantic relationship between them.
Alvin & Rebecca: We don't know much about these two before the turn, but we do know that they have very different ideas on how to do things in this new world. Rebecca is incredibly pragmatic, presumably more so than she'd normally be because she's worried about the baby, but at the same time, I think it's safe to say she won't be making very "moral" decisions in her time in S2. Alvin on the other hand seems like a nice guy, and helps Clementine if she asks him for help. Their difference here may drive them apart some as the Season goes on.
Also, there is the matter of the baby, specifically... Whose is it? If Alvin finds out that it isn't his, then I think he'd probably have a brief flash of anger, and then forgive Rebecca... But still, this would definitely drive them apart further. Also, it depends on what happened. If Rebecca cheated on Alvin, then it would definitely drive them apart, but if she was raped by one of Carver's men, or maybe Carver himself(which is a possibility), then he'd obviously not be angry with her.
Still, if both of them live long enough, I don't see their marriage lasting too long. I think that Rebecca will die in episode 3 though, and if this ends up happening, then Clearly Alvin would be in mourning... But I don't think to the extent that Kenny was over Katjaa's death.
Bonnie & Eddie(Possible): As I've said before, these two characters are very similar, and in fact, seem to almost be male and female counterparts to each other. Beyond this, I don't have much to support this, besides the fact that Bonnie seems to be the most important 400 Days character, since she is the only one who goes with Tavia no matter what, and it looks like Eddie will show up in S2 since he's in the slide for E4.
Also, as a side note, we've never gotten to view the player character being in a relationship, if they choose that is. Outside of Lee and Carley(determinant). At least for a good number of Seasons, I don't think we'll see anything with Clem, so if Kenny were to be the protagonist in S3 or 4, and Bonnie survived that long... Well, at that point, I don't have much to talk about there, so I'll just stop.
So, here's all just the relationships that I think are possible, but can't talk about much. Bonnie & Kenny(S3 or 4), Lilly & Nick(Both seem to be pragmatic character, they've got some things in common), Clem & random character in S5 or 6(Might make for an interesting storyline, whether we're playing as her or someone else).
This isn't really a theory or a prediction, more just my own thoughts on things... Which I guess is what all the posts have really been so far… more, but regardless...
Basically, a discussion of relationships within The Waking Dead is what this is, existing ones and possible ones. I just ask one thing, please, in response to this, don't just say what characters you want to be together, okay?
Kenny & Christa(Possible): I saw in another thread that a lot of people think that these two characters might get together if given the chance in S2, which I think is a possibility. Both of them have lost people close to them, and both of them are hurting. They share some common ground because of this. This is even more possible if Kenny saved Christa in No Time Left. However, if this were to ever happen, I don't think it's be something determinant on how Kenny and Christa were in S1.
If this were to happen, it might lead to some interesting situations… [view original content]
Why not? The Walking Dead has been Telltale's most successful game, and the whole point of the Walking Dead is to tell long, spanning stories. If The TV Show can get at least 5 Seasons, and probably many more to come, and the Comics can run for 10+ years, then why can't Telltale's, largely regarded as the best written series, get more than 3 Seasons? I expect the game to run for many, many seasons before ending. Trust me, it's not getting any less popular, especially since they've been running all those commercials during the TV Show.
I agree with all of those things, but why would a video game like this get more than 3 seasons? From what you said, there would be at least 5 seasons. Telltale would go through a pain with that. Especially when it's a video game. And I think telltale wants to end it amazingly with 3 seasons. If they ended it with 5+ seasons, it would be horrible.
Why not? The Walking Dead has been Telltale's most successful game, and the whole point of the Walking Dead is to tell long, spanning stories.… more If The TV Show can get at least 5 Seasons, and probably many more to come, and the Comics can run for 10+ years, then why can't Telltale's, largely regarded as the best written series, get more than 3 Seasons? I expect the game to run for many, many seasons before ending. Trust me, it's not getting any less popular, especially since they've been running all those commercials during the TV Show.
Why? They haven't shown any signs of getting tired of it, of stretching it out to long with filler content, of slowing down at all... No reason for it to end so soon.
It's not something where if it kept going, it would just be a bunch of filler content, there's no reason to have the series be so short.
You say, "especially when it's a videogame", but really, what's the difference? Why is it different for a videogame, but not for a TV Show or a Comic Books Series?
The reason it would get more than 3 Seasons is because people want more, that much is clear, Telltale wants to make more, at least, all signs show that they do, and also it's The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead doesn't do well as a short series most of the time. Generally, with something like this, it's better to have it go for a long time, people get attached to the characters, want to see their stories keep going, they want to see what happens next, they don't want it to be super fast all the time. It works best as a long series. for example, if the Comic Books series had only ended at ten books, it wouldn't have been as good as it is. Clearly it wouldn't have because it's just been getting better and better, and the same is true with Telltale.
I agree with all of those things, but why would a video game like this get more than 3 seasons? From what you said, there would be at least 5 … moreseasons. Telltale would go through a pain with that. Especially when it's a video game. And I think telltale wants to end it amazingly with 3 seasons. If they ended it with 5+ seasons, it would be horrible.
I get that this image is fake, but I can appreciate the design behind it. I'm not posting it here for the purpose of "evidence", more for showing that I think that if it were real, it'd be a pretty good design for Kenny in Season Two.
Most of the community wants it to end at Season 3, or so as I've heard. They don't want it to carry on too long. And we are already like 2 years into the apocalypse. If there were 5 seasons, it would be like 5 years in and that wouldn't be as exciting. Also, Telltale and the community don't even know if there would be a 3rd season. And you don't have to type a long post to get your post across xD I got what you are saying from your first reply to me.
Why? They haven't shown any signs of getting tired of it, of stretching it out to long with filler content, of slowing down at all... No reaso… moren for it to end so soon.
It's not something where if it kept going, it would just be a bunch of filler content, there's no reason to have the series be so short.
You say, "especially when it's a videogame", but really, what's the difference? Why is it different for a videogame, but not for a TV Show or a Comic Books Series?
The reason it would get more than 3 Seasons is because people want more, that much is clear, Telltale wants to make more, at least, all signs show that they do, and also it's The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead doesn't do well as a short series most of the time. Generally, with something like this, it's better to have it go for a long time, people get attached to the characters, want to see their stories keep going, they want to see what happens next, they don't want it to be sup… [view original content]
I have to agree on that point...making 2 or maybe 3 Seasons is more than enough. The whole first Season was about Lee protecting Clementine and showing Clementine how to survive on her own. This Season is about Clementine surviving on her own and using the lessons she learned from Lee in Season1 to protect herself. I could live with a third Season where she is growing up into a women or something but after that there is no reason to make more Seasons because her story has already been told.
Most of the community wants it to end at Season 3, or so as I've heard. They don't want it to carry on too long. And we are already like 2 yea… morers into the apocalypse. If there were 5 seasons, it would be like 5 years in and that wouldn't be as exciting. Also, Telltale and the community don't even know if there would be a 3rd season. And you don't have to type a long post to get your post across xD I got what you are saying from your first reply to me.
I think you're wrong on the community thing. From what I've seen, most people want it to go on as long as possible. Also, there don't have to be huge jumps in time. Consider this, there are 21 books, and it's only about 4 years, so Telltale will probably make it move a bit slower in terms of time passing.
Most of the community wants it to end at Season 3, or so as I've heard. They don't want it to carry on too long. And we are already like 2 yea… morers into the apocalypse. If there were 5 seasons, it would be like 5 years in and that wouldn't be as exciting. Also, Telltale and the community don't even know if there would be a 3rd season. And you don't have to type a long post to get your post across xD I got what you are saying from your first reply to me.
Look at what The Walking Mustache said above you. It makes perfect sense. The Walking Dead has been Clementine's story from Season 1. That was the first part. If they want to make more Walking Dead seasons, the game should be called something different and have a different character. But I doubt they would do that.
I think you're wrong on the community thing. From what I've seen, most people want it to go on as long as possible. Also, there don't have to … morebe huge jumps in time. Consider this, there are 21 books, and it's only about 4 years, so Telltale will probably make it move a bit slower in terms of time passing.
Alright, we've got a major difference of opinion, I respect yours, and I hope you can respect mine. Now, if maybe some people would like to actually discuss the theories here?
Look at what The Walking Mustache said above you. It makes perfect sense. The Walking Dead has been Clementine's story from Season 1. That was… more the first part. If they want to make more Walking Dead seasons, the game should be called something different and have a different character. But I doubt they would do that.
Well, I wouldn't have a problem with it if eventually, as I've said several times before in these theories, someone(like Kenny?) were to share the spotlight with Clem. I could see a spin-off happening as well, but still, does this series have to exclusively be about Clem? For now, of course, but in the long run(if there is one), I think we could move the focus away from her, at least a little bit.
I don't think it's a question of 'if' she gets away in either situation. I believe Christa will be coming back whether you helped her or not. The only differences I can think of that the 'leave her or help her' choice would change would be if she is hurt or not and how she views you for either or choice.
I don't think it will be these two, but did anyone even think about the St. John's? In my game at least, Lee didn't kill either of them but left them to the incoming walker horde. Because of the impeding death the walkers posed, Clem would obviously think that they'd be dead. Danny at the very least since he was incapacitated.
Danny was stuck in the bear trap but Andy was perfectly capable of getting off the farm, or even helping his brother.
I believe that they could show up, but I still don't think that it would be Carver.
Perhaps Paul "Jesus" Monroe will meet Clem and the others on his way to D.C. As in, he meets them before he even gets to the Hilltop.
The problem there is that it was possible to kill both of them, so who would it be for those who killed the St. Johns?
I get that this image is fake, but I can appreciate the design behind it. I'm not posting it here for the purpose of "evidence", more for showing that I think that if it were real, it'd be a pretty good design for Kenny in Season Two.
That's very true, I hadn't thought of that. I think that if by some chance it was the St. Johns, it would be a disappointment considering the other characters they could have brought back into the fold. I just thought they should be mentioned as possibilities, at least for the people who left them alive.
These theories are really well written and thought out. Honestly don't disagree with anything, but I'm very certain that Rebecca and Clem are trapped. The overlay on slide 3 shows jail cell bars and I really can't think why they would be behind bars unless they were in a bad situation with walkers or most likely Carver locking them in there. I wonder why Carver would do that though... like you said, they might be using Rebecca and Clem to negiotate with the cabin group for supplies or maybe for a more disturbing purpose.
My personal thoughts are that maybe Rebecca's baby is Carver's, and that he's keeping them there for Rebecca to have her baby. From that point on... Well, I'm not sure actually. If Carver is a more neutral villain, he may just keep them locked up. If he turns out to be totally evil, then he'll probably try and kill them.
My prediction is too that Carlos will get bit sooner or later and now he must explain to Sarah what kind of world she's in and what is going to happen... then Kenny cut Carlos in mid-sentence by throwing saltlick in to his forehead

Let's talk about some possible characters from the comics that we could meet this Season, that could be fun.
Paul "Jesus" Monroe: One of the more important characters from the comics, for those who don't know and don't care about spoilers, Jesus is a member of the Hilltop, who earned his nickname for his striking likeness to Jesus Christ.
He's one of Rick's friends, and part of his "Inner Circle". He's basically the guy who gets things done, and occasionally talks about philosophy.
We don't really know how long ago Jesus got to The Hilltop, so it's possible that while on his way to D.C, he'd meet up with Clementine's group. There's a big enough gap between Telltale's and the Comics that he might even stay with the group for a while. If he were to show up, then I don't see him leaving the group until they decide to settle down somewhere permanently, which is to say, Season 3. I also don't think he'd leave if the group needed help, or was in trouble. I think he'd probably join up with Clem's group maybe in Episode 3, if he shows up at all that is, then stay until S3.
There would be a purpose for him being in the story besides it being an awesome crossover. He would be a great help in the fight with Carver. Let me put it for you this way, on the "Badass Scale" of Walking Dead characters, Jesus is on the top. He has taken out a group of four or more trained soldiers with guns with his bare hands, the guy is almost as awesome as the tiger(which I'll get to).
If he did show up, he'd probably leave fairly early in S3 if/when they make it to a safe haven.
The last question, is how likely is it that this character will appear? Well, it's certainly possible, and he is an incredibly popular character, so I'd say that of any other characters, he's got maybe a 50% - 60% chance of showing up. The problem being that I don't think they could do what they did with Glenn and have him show up for half an episode and leave, they'd have to put a bit more of a focus on his character than that. Though, it would be a fun way to explore his backstory, as we know almost nothing of that in the comics.
Ezekiel & Shiva: First off, tiger:
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's explain who these two are, again, for those who want to read this and don't care about spoilers. "King" Ezekiel is the leader of a group in the D.C area called "The Kingdom". He acts like a king, and his subjects treat him as such. The guy has a massively larger than life legend built up around him that he helped create. He even has knights patrolling the borders to his Kingdom, which is a walled off High School.
The true story behind Ezekiel(Who, Fun Fact, was drawn to look like Dave Fennoy, the Voice Actor of Lee Everett), is that he was a Animal Handler at a Zoo, and he's known Shiva, his pet tiger, since she was born. He helped save her life once, getting clawed in the process, and since then, Shiva has never tried to hurt him. She thinks that the chain which stopped her as a cub would stop her now, which is one of the only reasons that he's been able to keep her "tame". That, and the fact that she quites down whenever he bangs his staff on the ground.
He's been with Shiva since the beginning, as the first thing that he did was rescue her from the zoo. He never says where he lived, so it's also possible that he'd meet Clem's group on the way North, though he'd probably be around for a shorter time period than Jesus.
Ezekiel is a better actor than he is leader or fighter, which isn't to say that he's not a good leader or a good fighter, but he's not better than Rick or Jesus in those aspects. The biggest thing that he has going for him is his legend and his pet tiger. If he were to appear in Season 2, then again, it would probably be later down the line, however, it would be impossible for him and Jesus to be around at the same time since Ezekiel had already set up the Kingdom by the time Jesus made it to D.C, so that's something to keep in mind.
It would be awesome to see this character, especially voiced by someone like Dave Fennoy, but I think it's a lot less likely than seeing Jesus.
Locations: Some locations that would make some nice references could be the farmhouse the Dale wanted to stay at, The house that Morgan went through during the herd in Vol. 10, Gabriel's Church(A likely location I think), The Hunter's Camp, or any number of places. That's really about all I'll say about locations since they'll most likely only be thrown in as references, and serve no purpose i the story, or if they do, it's likely that any other location would serve the same purpose.
Other Characters: Other characters that we might see that might fit with the story would be Heath, Denise, Aaron and Eric, Holly, or any of the characters from Alexandria so far. Also form the Hilltop, it's possible that we'll meet someone like Gregory, who would flee at the first sign of trouble. Any of these characters would be interesting, though I don't see them being as important as Jesus or Ezekiel would be if they appeared this Season.
I changed the title since this has moved far beyond just Kenny, Lilly, and Christa, and has become my Predictions and Theory thread for basically anything related to Season Two.
I made it
Not necessarily a "prediction", but with all the talk of the release being fairly soon, and also talk of the trailer being released soon... Who else thinks that we might see the trailer tonight on the mid-season premiere of Season Four of AMC's The Walking Dead? If not, then I'm just guessing it'll be up tommorow.
At the very least we'll see that awesome commercial a million times.
I agree, i heard no shot, and what if it missed?
Carver's group is the real good group, the cabin group screwed them all over.
How do you know he's confirmed for season 2? Or are you just joking
We're partially joking. Telltale hasn't exactly confirmed Eddie for Season 2, but he is in the slide for Episode 4, so it looks like there's a good chance that he will be in this Season.
Eh, I guess not. That's too bad, hopefully we'll get information on a trailer or something soon.
I'm guessing this is all Rebecca's fault
Yeah, that guy DOES look a lot like him, but then again it's only a silhouette. We'll just have to wait and see.
Eh, I think it's close enough that I can be justified in posting the gif.
The gif is hilarious
You bet it is.
waits for trailer
Actually, I've been thinking up ideas of what I could put her in the meantime, and if people wouldn't find it too "immature", then I might want to do a "relationships" theory post.
Can't say I disagree with you on any of that. Great ideas, and I, personally, think it would be the perfect ending if they were to all make it to Wellington.
I think it would probably be more interesting if it was Sarah's fault as her supposed condition according to Carlos makes her a burden in the sense that the world of The Walking Dead is probably too much for her and if she was someone who would "cease to function" if she knew how bad the world was, then to Carver's group, she is practically worthless and thus maybe a dispute regarding Sarah was the key reason for Carver's group splitting.
With regards Rebecca, I wonder if her affair has something to do with the conflict between the Cabin Group and Carver's Group.
This isn't really a theory or a prediction, more just my own thoughts on things... Which I guess is what all the posts have really been so far, but regardless...
Basically, a discussion of relationships within The Waking Dead is what this is, existing ones and possible ones. I just ask one thing, please, in response to this, don't just say what characters you want to be together, okay?
Kenny & Christa(Possible): I saw in another thread that a lot of people think that these two characters might get together if given the chance in S2, which I think is a possibility. Both of them have lost people close to them, and both of them are hurting. They share some common ground because of this. This is even more possible if Kenny saved Christa in No Time Left. However, if this were to ever happen, I don't think it's be something determinant on how Kenny and Christa were in S1.
If this were to happen, it might lead to some interesting situations, as it would create almost a "facade" of a family. Especially if Christa ends up caring for the baby, but if not, then Clem might fill the role of the "child". Maybe it could even act as a mirror for Kenny's own family, which would lead to... Well, something interesting I'm sure.
This would also be a smart decision on Telltale's part, at least, in terms of my own world of theories and predictions. If Christa does die at the end of E5, then maybe that would make some of the less zealous "Kenny Haters" sympathize with him a bit more, if he was especially torn up about her death because of any romantic relationship between them.
Alvin & Rebecca: We don't know much about these two before the turn, but we do know that they have very different ideas on how to do things in this new world. Rebecca is incredibly pragmatic, presumably more so than she'd normally be because she's worried about the baby, but at the same time, I think it's safe to say she won't be making very "moral" decisions in her time in S2. Alvin on the other hand seems like a nice guy, and helps Clementine if she asks him for help. Their difference here may drive them apart some as the Season goes on.
Also, there is the matter of the baby, specifically... Whose is it? If Alvin finds out that it isn't his, then I think he'd probably have a brief flash of anger, and then forgive Rebecca... But still, this would definitely drive them apart further. Also, it depends on what happened. If Rebecca cheated on Alvin, then it would definitely drive them apart, but if she was raped by one of Carver's men, or maybe Carver himself(which is a possibility), then he'd obviously not be angry with her.
Still, if both of them live long enough, I don't see their marriage lasting too long. I think that Rebecca will die in episode 3 though, and if this ends up happening, then Clearly Alvin would be in mourning... But I don't think to the extent that Kenny was over Katjaa's death.
Bonnie & Eddie(Possible): As I've said before, these two characters are very similar, and in fact, seem to almost be male and female counterparts to each other. Beyond this, I don't have much to support this, besides the fact that Bonnie seems to be the most important 400 Days character, since she is the only one who goes with Tavia no matter what, and it looks like Eddie will show up in S2 since he's in the slide for E4.
Also, as a side note, we've never gotten to view the player character being in a relationship, if they choose that is. Outside of Lee and Carley(determinant). At least for a good number of Seasons, I don't think we'll see anything with Clem, so if Kenny were to be the protagonist in S3 or 4, and Bonnie survived that long... Well, at that point, I don't have much to talk about there, so I'll just stop.
So, here's all just the relationships that I think are possible, but can't talk about much. Bonnie & Kenny(S3 or 4), Lilly & Nick(Both seem to be pragmatic character, they've got some things in common), Clem & random character in S5 or 6(Might make for an interesting storyline, whether we're playing as her or someone else).
Uh I don't think there will be more than 3 seasons.
Why not? The Walking Dead has been Telltale's most successful game, and the whole point of the Walking Dead is to tell long, spanning stories. If The TV Show can get at least 5 Seasons, and probably many more to come, and the Comics can run for 10+ years, then why can't Telltale's, largely regarded as the best written series, get more than 3 Seasons? I expect the game to run for many, many seasons before ending. Trust me, it's not getting any less popular, especially since they've been running all those commercials during the TV Show.
I agree with all of those things, but why would a video game like this get more than 3 seasons? From what you said, there would be at least 5 seasons. Telltale would go through a pain with that. Especially when it's a video game. And I think telltale wants to end it amazingly with 3 seasons. If they ended it with 5+ seasons, it would be horrible.
Why? They haven't shown any signs of getting tired of it, of stretching it out to long with filler content, of slowing down at all... No reason for it to end so soon.
It's not something where if it kept going, it would just be a bunch of filler content, there's no reason to have the series be so short.
You say, "especially when it's a videogame", but really, what's the difference? Why is it different for a videogame, but not for a TV Show or a Comic Books Series?
The reason it would get more than 3 Seasons is because people want more, that much is clear, Telltale wants to make more, at least, all signs show that they do, and also it's The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead doesn't do well as a short series most of the time. Generally, with something like this, it's better to have it go for a long time, people get attached to the characters, want to see their stories keep going, they want to see what happens next, they don't want it to be super fast all the time. It works best as a long series. for example, if the Comic Books series had only ended at ten books, it wouldn't have been as good as it is. Clearly it wouldn't have because it's just been getting better and better, and the same is true with Telltale.
But then Kenny won't have his godlike mustache...It would be covered by all the beard.
Most of the community wants it to end at Season 3, or so as I've heard. They don't want it to carry on too long. And we are already like 2 years into the apocalypse. If there were 5 seasons, it would be like 5 years in and that wouldn't be as exciting. Also, Telltale and the community don't even know if there would be a 3rd season. And you don't have to type a long post to get your post across xD I got what you are saying from your first reply to me.
I have to agree on that point...making 2 or maybe 3 Seasons is more than enough. The whole first Season was about Lee protecting Clementine and showing Clementine how to survive on her own. This Season is about Clementine surviving on her own and using the lessons she learned from Lee in Season1 to protect herself. I could live with a third Season where she is growing up into a women or something but after that there is no reason to make more Seasons because her story has already been told.
I think you're wrong on the community thing. From what I've seen, most people want it to go on as long as possible. Also, there don't have to be huge jumps in time. Consider this, there are 21 books, and it's only about 4 years, so Telltale will probably make it move a bit slower in terms of time passing.
Look at what The Walking Mustache said above you. It makes perfect sense. The Walking Dead has been Clementine's story from Season 1. That was the first part. If they want to make more Walking Dead seasons, the game should be called something different and have a different character. But I doubt they would do that.
I trust them to keep the quality up, though, maybe the focus could move from Clem eventually.
Alright, we've got a major difference of opinion, I respect yours, and I hope you can respect mine. Now, if maybe some people would like to actually discuss the theories here?
Well, I wouldn't have a problem with it if eventually, as I've said several times before in these theories, someone(like Kenny?) were to share the spotlight with Clem. I could see a spin-off happening as well, but still, does this series have to exclusively be about Clem? For now, of course, but in the long run(if there is one), I think we could move the focus away from her, at least a little bit.