Someone Explain This...
"Doug (Determinant) is one of the few original Season 1 characters to appear in further episodes/seasons, although appearing as a rotting corpse. Others are Carley (Determinant), Kenny, Duck, Boyd, Clive and Joyce."
Seems legit right? But look: "character...appearing as a rotting corpse...Kenny."
Now, can anyone tell when did Kenny appear as a rotting corpse?!
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i can explain very simply
Kenny was briefly shown in the gas station in 400 Days, alive with Duck. Ony Carley/Doug are seen as corpses. Boyd, Clive and Joyce appear in Shel's story.
Then, I guess someone should fix Wiki.
It's the grammar. They're only referring to Doug appearing as a rotting corpse.
There saying all those other characters appeared in 400 days. Kenny and duck were at the start and obviously the 3 cancer patients at the gas station and Carley/Doug on the side of the road
Anyone can fix the wiki, even you