Like everyone I can't wait for episode 3 but given the very long wait we had to endure for episode 2 this time I won't be setting my hopes up too high.I'll try not to think about it until we are given some reliable info.We still have many things to discuss and to think about regarding episode 2 though.
I have to mostly agree. The only high hopes we should have is for episode 5 being released mid-late June. They definitely lowered the time to finish everything. They already started to work on 3 right after episode 1 was released. They made it more in line with the comics, which we all should like.
Like everyone I can't wait for episode 3 but given the very long wait we had to endure for episode 2 this time I won't be setting my hopes up … moretoo high.I'll try not to think about it until we are given some reliable info.We still have many things to discuss and to think about regarding episode 2 though.
My guess is that they will make us wait till at least June....With sporadic information between now with only a few days notice of the release date of episode 2. My guess June 9th-June 11th is my guess...
Missing the feelings you had during the wait for smoke and mirrors? Do you want to feel that anger, that annoyance, that unbridled rage at telltale for their complete lack of communication? Come join us on TWD forums, where you can re experience all those emotions again. Prepare to have your hopes held high by a mid season premier of the television show, and then completely let down by Telltale. So join us, and get ready to feel neglected.
If you guys do the same think you did to us while waiting for Episode 2, I am gonna find you and shove my digital copy of the game up your asses.
I love your games, but everything has boundaries, so PLEASE be more honest with us. We can take it and you will get no shit from us if something goes wrong, but you gotta tell us.
Looking forward to the next Episode :P.
Yaaaaaay!Imagine Dragons!This one reminds me of Bigby,too.Although i'm sure someone else thought of it already.But i just LOVE this band! P.S.You know i have raped the replay button on that one
According to the season's Steam page, the episodes will release periodically until summer 2014.
Summer ends on the 21st of September astron… moreomically (which is the system the United States follows, which is where Telltale is located). If everything goes according to schedule (and, it should, since that gives a little more than 2 months each for each remaining episode), the season will conclude by that date, at most.
Man I just got the game yesterday and I am already planning a 3rd replay. Great Job TTG! You have become a new fav game company of mine!
Keep up the amazing job!
The episodic releases of these games is like... starving to death, and being offered the most delicious slice of cake, and you are just going … moreto have to stare at the rest of the cake, not able to eat it....
Don't get me wrong, the slice of cake was amazing, but we are still hungry dammit!
The Crooked Man is an old nursery rhyme that goes as follows:
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.
I also bought the game yesterday and I'm craving more!! Please don't make us wait too long, Telltale. I haven't been this enthralled in a gaming world for awhile. Love the story. It's like fable tale version of Watchmen. The world building is so captivating.The story, concept, characters and mystery are all so fantastic.
Man I just got the game yesterday and I am already planning a 3rd replay. Great Job TTG! You have become a new fav game company of mine!
Keep up the amazing job!
The Crooked Man is an old nursery rhyme that goes as follows:
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked si… morexpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.
I bet we'll get a it in late March-early April. I think it's a fair wait, it takes time to work on these episodes. I highly enjoyed episode 2, but it ended too early for my liking. I sure hope the season pass glitch for the Xbox 360 won't delay any future episodes.
from the steam store page : "over a season of content spanning across 5 episodes (Episode 1 and 2 Available Now, Episodes 3-5 will be released periodically until Summer 2014)"
I bet we'll get a it in late March-early April. I think it's a fair wait, it takes time to work on these episodes. I highly enjoyed episode 2,… more but it ended too early for my liking. I sure hope the season pass glitch for the Xbox 360 won't delay any future episodes.
Like everyone I can't wait for episode 3 but given the very long wait we had to endure for episode 2 this time I won't be setting my hopes up too high.I'll try not to think about it until we are given some reliable info.We still have many things to discuss and to think about regarding episode 2 though.
I have to mostly agree. The only high hopes we should have is for episode 5 being released mid-late June. They definitely lowered the time to finish everything. They already started to work on 3 right after episode 1 was released. They made it more in line with the comics, which we all should like.
My guess is April.
I see it coming out mid april.
Nope thats TWD
@PuzzleBox Why did you guys rewrite episode 2 & 3 episode 3 looked really interesting but you guys changed it.
Will you let us know when it is finished before the release
date? Like when you get to play it?
My guess is that they will make us wait till at least June....With sporadic information between now with only a few days notice of the release date of episode 2. My guess June 9th-June 11th is my guess...
Missing the feelings you had during the wait for smoke and mirrors? Do you want to feel that anger, that annoyance, that unbridled rage at telltale for their complete lack of communication? Come join us on TWD forums, where you can re experience all those emotions again. Prepare to have your hopes held high by a mid season premier of the television show, and then completely let down by Telltale. So join us, and get ready to feel neglected.
If you guys do the same think you did to us while waiting for Episode 2, I am gonna find you and shove my digital copy of the game up your asses.
I love your games, but everything has boundaries, so PLEASE be more honest with us. We can take it and you will get no shit from us if something goes wrong, but you gotta tell us.
Looking forward to the next Episode :P.
yeah, i made wolf among us video using this song
I thought of bigby as well
wow. How have I not heard this song (monster)? Maybe I'll make a bigby video using this song too
Would it be too optimistic to hope for early early March? I'm completely in the grip of withdrawal all ready.
Mark my words, A Crooked Mile will arrive before April fools.
Registered for this forum just to upvote your answer say that it is the most logical one here. Don't shoot the messenger, people.
Episode 3 prediction, Georgie continuing to make a fuckwit of himself.
I don't think they're gonna make us wait that long. I'm expecting the 3rd episode at the end of March, beginning of April, Tops.
I can't wait already :-( although I suppose that's the nature of the beast when it comes to episodic gaming
Maybe because a mundy intruding on the world of Fables might be interesting?
I like her moxie. I don't think it bodes well that the Episode 3 title card featuring her was altered to one in which she is absent.
Good answer
I see
Love your user name spelling.
Asking anyone. Regarding Beauty at the Open Arms. She says she took a loan out from the "Crooked Man" who's that?
I think it'll be out like Apr 15 or so. Not even considering March after the last wait
Man I just got the game yesterday and I am already planning a 3rd replay. Great Job TTG! You have become a new fav game company of mine!
Keep up the amazing job!
The Crooked Man is an old nursery rhyme that goes as follows:
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.
I also bought the game yesterday and I'm craving more!! Please don't make us wait too long, Telltale. I haven't been this enthralled in a gaming world for awhile. Love the story. It's like fable tale version of Watchmen. The world building is so captivating.The story, concept, characters and mystery are all so fantastic.
lol I love that show n that guy is always saying it has to be ALIENS!!! lol this is what this guy is always saying
Thank you
I bet we'll get a it in late March-early April. I think it's a fair wait, it takes time to work on these episodes. I highly enjoyed episode 2, but it ended too early for my liking. I sure hope the season pass glitch for the Xbox 360 won't delay any future episodes.
from the steam store page : "over a season of content spanning across 5 episodes (Episode 1 and 2 Available Now, Episodes 3-5 will be released periodically until Summer 2014)"
So When is Episode 3 gunna come out?
Omg, i can't wait for that release. I want to know what Craine gonna do.
I'm betting on late March.
I kid I kid. We've barely waited at all. It's those walking dead players I feel sorry for...