Being a game tester must be great....
Pls Telltale, can I be one? I'll be unpaid.
Seriously though, how does someone get to test a game from Telltale? Apparently PewDiePie is a game tester for The Wolf Among Us, since he released a video early(which I don't think he was supposed to do), but I don't think that's actually his job(since he's rich off YouTube, he doesn't need a job lol).
So that must mean Telltale decided to make him a game tester for The Wolf Among Us. So what requirements does a person need to meet to be a game tester for TellTale?
It must be nice getting episodes early. ;~:
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Pewdiepie isn't a game tester. He got early release thats all
Which is bullshit, in that case.
Despite being a huge douchebag, PewdiePie does have something like 23 million subscribers. Even if only a fraction of those people actively watch his dumbass little show, that is still a ton of free advertising just for the cost of giving away 1 game a little early then everybody else.
I don't know why he is so popular though, that guy is one of the most annoying little bitch kids I've ever seen. How the fuck do so many people watch that garbage, I'll never know...
Pewdiepie and his entire fanbase are one of the many reasons I pray for a zombie apocalypse to happen.
That statement, combined with your avatar made me feel happy.
I don't hate the guy, but all my friends are into him and it's gotten really annoying.
Some of them are nice people. I think it is just that his immature humor attracts a lot of immature people.
I don't really think Telltale NEEDS testers. I think they can just get the entire staff to play through the episode multiple times and call it a day.
He got the game 6 hours before the rest of us. No big deal...
During the season one run, Telltale's PR folk tweeted that if you were close to the Bay Area or the Telltale offices, you could come in and do a "test run" of the episode.
I'm afraid they stopped doing that after S1 of WD, though.
I live a hour away from them..... makes me feel sad..
I'd rather not be a game tester; playing some game full of bugs that is unfinished wouldnt be very good or fun in my opinion
But I want to be a tester.
He got special treatment and a LOT of people are more deserving of it than him, in my opinion. >.>
Personally I would enjoy to play the game regardless plus I could also give Telltale feedback and help them with making and improving their games. That seems like a win win scenario to me lol.
Me for example
I can't stand that annoying voice PewDiePie puts on and he is not funny,I don't know maybe he was kinda funny when doing his first vids which got him famous but whenever you see any vids from now he's just like anyone else playing a game. He'll be finished soon don't worry.
Sadly you are likely wrong. He is the most subscribed to person on YouTube and a LOT of people actively watch and enjoy his videos, I don't think he is going to decrease substantially in popularity any time soon.... =/
Yes, Kenny is much more deserving.
Pls Telltale make Kenny a game tester.
Maybe but being game tester means playing test game before release so full bugs and will potential ruin your experience also have be able to complete games on all difficulty's read somewhere but telltale only small company there games are cheap must rather buy it and help telltale make more top quality games in the future
but being a tester isn't as cool as you think. for example: you have to check what will happen when you click five times one button, or what happen if you jump ten times. I thought like you, that that is a nice job, but it's really boring and frustrating.
Does anyone ever say why he's funny and why they enjoy his vids? Whenever I ask his subscribers they get very defensive of him and just come up with some immature remark, saying that they probably are all under the age of 12.
you definitely not understand the job of a game tester yet
I dunno; I guess because his humor is generally very immature like a lot of his audience.
I'm not testing games, I'm testing you.
I'm always here, judging...
I can help them improve their games more by being a game tester though.
I do. I already play through their games multiple times anyways, might as well give them feedback and help them out with working on them in the process lol.
So basically you do a bunch of really random shit while playing to see if it causes glitches? That doesn't seem like too big of a deal, but I see why it could get boring.
Email telltale always very responsive and tell them wanna be a beta tester really respect their customers so they will consider it
Hm....Thanks man.
I'll give it a go.
6 hours? That's fucking huge deal!
It's not that he deserved it, it's that he was given it to give the episode publicity. Through Pewdiepie, it gives Telltale cheap and efficient advertising. Pewdiepie got it because he is a business option, not because he was special in any kind of way.
By the time Pewdiepie records, edits it all together, renders it and uploads it, you would have the episode in your hands.
Game testing is a JOB and as most jobs, tedious and boring.
I hear Game testers are looked down upon by the rest of the industry, and being a game tester isn't as fun as people think.
I suppose game testing is like eating cake every day: you get to eat cake every day and look for problems with the cake to make it better, but sooner or later, you get tired of eating cake.
Not as a volunteer. I do not have to be extremely professional about it, simply play through the games a few times checking to make sure there are no big glitches in speech, graphics, choices, selections or movements. I basically do that already, playing through episodes of The Walking Dead, The Walking Dead Season 2 and The Wolf Among us many times, doing different things each time.
Yes, but what I had in mind was more of a volunteer just playing through the game multiple times doing different things and seeing if any glitches happen. Like eating cakes until I'm full/sick of cake and giving feedback.
Aw, I don't know if that's true. I really respect the work of our QA team, it's definitely a tough job sometimes. And (at Telltale at least) it seems to be a decent way into the industry even if you don't want to be a tester forever... one of our QA guys recently moved up to being a producer, and he's totally kicking butt in that role.
In other news, if anyone is serious about wanting to be a professional tester for Telltale, we're hiring for an entry-level tester right now.
Relevant: when I was a teenager I worked at a bakery, and pretty much stopped eating cake for a couple of years. :P
Speaking as a former tester (button monkey from the dev dept. perspective). You do not want to test games you like, by the time you get through the full cycle, just the idea of ever seeing that game again makes you sick. I used to love the Fight Night games, then I tested Round 3. I have never touched one since.
I only heard. I don't know if it varies from company to company, or if its just an outright fabrication.