Molly's end varies. In my game the last I saw she was fighting off a horde of walkers that Ben had let into the school building. When he got back to the mansion Lee told Clem Molly "didn't make it".
I agree with you, but the thing is that none of those characters are believed dead, Lilly was abandoned, Christa= ???? And Molly just left. Yo… moreu see? Plus someone in this thread said that there is a game file called Kenny202 or sth. But, maybe you're right. Maybe it's far too obvious
I was allways against Kenny team and in favour of Lilly team. But I at the same time saw the charms of Kenny and what his charatcher had that was good for the game and for Lee/Clementine. So besides not loving the charatcher I think it would be awesome if he was the one that appears there (and would make his "you don't just give up" speech make sense..."
I don't know. To me this just sounds like you're just being unrealistically strict about what people might be considered dead to force it to fit the Kenny theory. Yes, I admitted there's a chance Lilly survived. In fact, her odds of survival are probably a lot higher than would be realistic for someone in this world because she's a main character. We know that because we're the audience, and we're at least somewhat familiar with plot structures and story tropes. But Clementine doesn't know that she's a character in a fictional story.
No, Lilly dying isn't conclusive. That's the whole point. We don't know what happened to her after she's left on the road/takes off in the RV. If we knew what happened to her, she wouldn't even be on the list of potential candidates. It's not going to be anyone we know for sure is dead, because they're dead, and they're not coming back. The odds of it being Lee or Carley, for instance, are pretty much zilch. So it has to be someone that Clementine knows whose fate is unknown but whom she might reasonably think had died. In a setting as harsh as that of The Walking Dead, it's perfectly reasonable for her to think that a lone woman on the road without supplies would have died. Being a "natural fighter" doesn't really count for much in this world. There are plenty of "natural fighters" who became walker chow. And it's also perfectly reasonable for her to think that the companion she had last seen surrounded by bandits might have died.
They had to have an excuse for Lilly to leave and find Woodbury, until Kirkman's book shenanigans, so she's just out of the question entirely. The canon is entirely fucked.
No, the canon is actually pretty simple to sort out. Lilly Caul ended up in Woodbury and dealt with the Governor. A different woman named Lilly--since it's not that uncommon of a name--joined with Lee's group and ended up on her own after they escaped the motel. Telltale can do whatever they want with their Lilly because it's not the same character.
I know Kirkman confirmed that they're different, that's why I said 'Up until this nonsense with the three Lillys'.
Clem has no reason, none… more, to think Lilly died. She ran off. They weren't that far away from Macon at that point. There were many, many opportunities for Lilly to find refuge (if she didn't take the RV, IE, moving refuge) and supplies. She was a natural fighter, and Clem knew that. They had to have an excuse for Lilly to leave and find Woodbury, until Kirkman's book shenanigans, so she's just out of the question entirely. The canon is entirely fucked.
While Clem's dialogue is optional, there's none that makes her confirm that she thinks Christa died. It's an obvious answer regardless. A weak answer. Kenny, on top of being a fan favorite, was one of the most complex characters in the series. He was so real, so human. He had trials and tribulations, triumphs and tragedies, and even when shit got worse and worse for him, to the poi… [view original content]
I'm not, Clem just never saw her die and had no reason to suspect her being dead. Sure, she could have died, but that rule would apply to ANYBODY who left the group, so it could be Glenn, Molly, Hershel, Lilly, fucking anybody. She doesn't die in any ending, and her chances can vastly improve due to a determinant choice. There's maybe a tiny chance, but it wouldn't make any sense to a lot of people.
If Book Lilly=Comic Lilly, and Game Lilly looks like Comic Lilly, and they all have a dad named Larry, and have a similar trigger happy attitude, the name is a LITTLE MORE than a coincidence. They were originally the same character, then Kirkman fucked some shit up.
I don't know. To me this just sounds like you're just being unrealistically strict about what people might be considered dead to force it to … morefit the Kenny theory. Yes, I admitted there's a chance Lilly survived. In fact, her odds of survival are probably a lot higher than would be realistic for someone in this world because she's a main character. We know that because we're the audience, and we're at least somewhat familiar with plot structures and story tropes. But Clementine doesn't know that she's a character in a fictional story.
No, Lilly dying isn't conclusive. That's the whole point. We don't know what happened to her after she's left on the road/takes off in the RV. If we knew what happened to her, she wouldn't even be on the list of potential candidates. It's not going to be anyone we know for sure is dead, because they're dead, and they're not coming back. The odds of it being Lee or Carley, for instance, are pretty much zi… [view original content]
Molly's end varies. In my game the last I saw she was fighting off a horde of walkers that Ben had let into the school building. When he got back to the mansion Lee told Clem Molly "didn't make it".
Clem literally admits that she thinks Christa is dead when Pete and Luke find her.
Clem: "I got separated from my friend... and got lost."
Luke: "Well, maybe if he's nearby, we'll come across him."
Clem: "I don't think she is."
I think it will be Christ, because in the woods was almost killed , and Clementie later began to doubt that Christ survived. I think that within 2 Episode stops hope lives .
But Kenny - In both options, see his death, Lee said Clem anything about what happened to Kenny . And could become anything - Kenny could easily leave the group , or the like. Clem could never find out what happened to Kenny ... And the same is Molly - Clem knew very well that Molly can survive in such conditions . And when he left the group , Lee also said nothing about Molly . Clem just forget about her .
It could be even Duck , since his death also did not go to see.
But other people it could not be any : Ben's death ( see 1.jde )
Lily died in comics
And the other death is also seen
It can also be someone who the group only in the second episode connects
I think it will be Christ, because in the woods was almost killed , and Clementie later began to doubt that Christ survived. I think that with… morein 2 Episode stops hope lives .
But Kenny - In both options, see his death, Lee said Clem anything about what happened to Kenny . And could become anything - Kenny could easily leave the group , or the like. Clem could never find out what happened to Kenny ... And the same is Molly - Clem knew very well that Molly can survive in such conditions . And when he left the group , Lee also said nothing about Molly . Clem just forget about her .
It could be even Duck , since his death also did not go to see.
But other people it could not be any : Ben's death ( see 1.jde )
Lily died in comics
And the other death is also seen
It can also be someone who the group only in the second episode connects
I think it will be Christ, because in the woods was almost killed , and Clementie later began to doubt that Christ survived. I think that with… morein 2 Episode stops hope lives .
But Kenny - In both options, see his death, Lee said Clem anything about what happened to Kenny . And could become anything - Kenny could easily leave the group , or the like. Clem could never find out what happened to Kenny ... And the same is Molly - Clem knew very well that Molly can survive in such conditions . And when he left the group , Lee also said nothing about Molly . Clem just forget about her .
It could be even Duck , since his death also did not go to see.
But other people it could not be any : Ben's death ( see 1.jde )
Lily died in comics
And the other death is also seen
It can also be someone who the group only in the second episode connects
I think it will be Christ, because in the woods was almost killed , and Clementie later began to doubt that Christ survived. I think that with… morein 2 Episode stops hope lives .
But Kenny - In both options, see his death, Lee said Clem anything about what happened to Kenny . And could become anything - Kenny could easily leave the group , or the like. Clem could never find out what happened to Kenny ... And the same is Molly - Clem knew very well that Molly can survive in such conditions . And when he left the group , Lee also said nothing about Molly . Clem just forget about her .
It could be even Duck , since his death also did not go to see.
But other people it could not be any : Ben's death ( see 1.jde )
Lily died in comics
And the other death is also seen
It can also be someone who the group only in the second episode connects
She isn't. I refuse to believe she is. Kirkman can pull whatever legal shit he wants, up until the novels, it was the same character. And she isn't dead anyway.
I think it's Christa. The bandits could have kidnapped her to get information on Carver. When they were at the river, they got attacked by Carver's group and Carver's group kidnapped Christa and went to the mountains.
I think it will be Christ, because in the woods was almost killed , and Clementie later began to doubt that Christ survived. I think that with… morein 2 Episode stops hope lives .
But Kenny - In both options, see his death, Lee said Clem anything about what happened to Kenny . And could become anything - Kenny could easily leave the group , or the like. Clem could never find out what happened to Kenny ... And the same is Molly - Clem knew very well that Molly can survive in such conditions . And when he left the group , Lee also said nothing about Molly . Clem just forget about her .
It could be even Duck , since his death also did not go to see.
But other people it could not be any : Ben's death ( see 1.jde )
Lily died in comics
And the other death is also seen
It can also be someone who the group only in the second episode connects
I completely agree but people hang to any hope they can get for returning characters, notable examples previously would be Carly/Lee. Can't tell you how glad I am they but the theories for Carly to rest in 400 Days.
I know right! Kenny, in my opinion is one of the ONLY ways to make Season 1 choices matter truly. He was there from pretty much the start to t… morehe end of Lee's story.
You could say Lily was too, but she wasn't there for the second half of Episode 3 to the end.
So in my opinion, I agree with you, IT NEEDS TO BE KENNY.
I completely agree but people hang to any hope they can get for returning characters, notable examples previously would be Carly/Lee. Can't tell you how glad I am they but the theories for Carly to rest in 400 Days.
The problem is that while the player doesn't actually see Kenny die, that's largely just a matter of camera positioning. Lee is in a position where he could have easily seen it happen. Heck, even Christa and Omid would have been able to see it. The spot where Ben landed was clearly visible from the rooftop. And Lee even states that Kenny died in very certain terms. It would be incredibly lame and kind of insulting to the player if we were to find out that Kenny actually survived and no one knew simply because they were all just too stupid to look down. So yeah. To me, saying that Kenny survived isn't that much different from saying that Duck is still alive. They are equally plausible scenarios.
Admittedly, the scenario that plays out if you let Ben die offers a little more flexibility. But then, when has Telltale ever done that level of story branching? I mean, you may well be right about it being Kenny. And comments by Telltale about exploring Kenny's fate in Season 2 certainly lend some credence to the theories that he's still alive. I'm just saying, if it is true, it's going to take an awful lot of explaining on the writers' part for it to not feel like cheating.
Kenny's death isn't shown in either ending, which is a major part of why people believe it to be him.
Someone legitimately saying it could … morebe duck... that's funny. He's 10 kinds of dead.
And the fuck are you saying? Lilly didn't die in the comics.
Okay, well, you can believe whatever you want, but you're wrong. This isn't something that's in question. It's been confirmed by the creator that they're different characters.
She isn't. I refuse to believe she is. Kirkman can pull whatever legal shit he wants, up until the novels, it was the same character. And she isn't dead anyway.
Okay, well, you can believe whatever you want, but you're wrong. This isn't something that's in question. It's been confirmed by the creator that they're different characters.
Omid and Christa asked Lee what happened to Kenny, so they obviously didn't see what happened/ The camera angle in both scenes is left purposely ambiguous by Telltale. Gavin Hammond said they brought him in to reshoot the scene to make it more ambiguous as to whether or not Kenny died; Telltale wrote him back into the story. The angle was very off for anyone to look down anyway, and we never heard screams or anything, and the walkers eating was probably them munching on Ben's now deceased corpse.
The player saw Duck get shot, in the face. A lot of them shot Duck themselves. His death is clear and obvious, unlike Kenny's 'death'.
The problem is that while the player doesn't actually see Kenny die, that's largely just a matter of camera positioning. Lee is in a position… more where he could have easily seen it happen. Heck, even Christa and Omid would have been able to see it. The spot where Ben landed was clearly visible from the rooftop. And Lee even states that Kenny died in very certain terms. It would be incredibly lame and kind of insulting to the player if we were to find out that Kenny actually survived and no one knew simply because they were all just too stupid to look down. So yeah. To me, saying that Kenny survived isn't that much different from saying that Duck is still alive. They are equally plausible scenarios.
Admittedly, the scenario that plays out if you let Ben die offers a little more flexibility. But then, when has Telltale ever done that level of story branching? I mean, you may well be right about it being Kenny. And comments by Telltale abo… [view original content]
Yeah, probably what happened was that Telltale wanted Lilly to be the character from the comics. But then Kirkman decided that he wanted to use her in the novels. So since the game never explicitly identified her as the Lilly from the comics, she simply became a different character. It doesn't really matter what the intention was at the beginning. The fact is that now they are two separate characters. And Telltale can do whatever they want with their Lilly without effecting the canon at all because it's not the same person.
I just want to state that when Clementine said, "I thought you were dead" The look on her face is shock, like there's no way that person is alive. I think Christa is out of the picture because I dont think Clementine expected her to be dead.
Molly's end varies. In my game the last I saw she was fighting off a horde of walkers that Ben had let into the school building. When he got back to the mansion Lee told Clem Molly "didn't make it".
Or could be nick, they almost have the same structure
I was allways against Kenny team and in favour of Lilly team. But I at the same time saw the charms of Kenny and what his charatcher had that was good for the game and for Lee/Clementine. So besides not loving the charatcher I think it would be awesome if he was the one that appears there (and would make his "you don't just give up" speech make sense..."
I don't know. To me this just sounds like you're just being unrealistically strict about what people might be considered dead to force it to fit the Kenny theory. Yes, I admitted there's a chance Lilly survived. In fact, her odds of survival are probably a lot higher than would be realistic for someone in this world because she's a main character. We know that because we're the audience, and we're at least somewhat familiar with plot structures and story tropes. But Clementine doesn't know that she's a character in a fictional story.
No, Lilly dying isn't conclusive. That's the whole point. We don't know what happened to her after she's left on the road/takes off in the RV. If we knew what happened to her, she wouldn't even be on the list of potential candidates. It's not going to be anyone we know for sure is dead, because they're dead, and they're not coming back. The odds of it being Lee or Carley, for instance, are pretty much zilch. So it has to be someone that Clementine knows whose fate is unknown but whom she might reasonably think had died. In a setting as harsh as that of The Walking Dead, it's perfectly reasonable for her to think that a lone woman on the road without supplies would have died. Being a "natural fighter" doesn't really count for much in this world. There are plenty of "natural fighters" who became walker chow. And it's also perfectly reasonable for her to think that the companion she had last seen surrounded by bandits might have died.
No, the canon is actually pretty simple to sort out. Lilly Caul ended up in Woodbury and dealt with the Governor. A different woman named Lilly--since it's not that uncommon of a name--joined with Lee's group and ended up on her own after they escaped the motel. Telltale can do whatever they want with their Lilly because it's not the same character.
I'm not, Clem just never saw her die and had no reason to suspect her being dead. Sure, she could have died, but that rule would apply to ANYBODY who left the group, so it could be Glenn, Molly, Hershel, Lilly, fucking anybody. She doesn't die in any ending, and her chances can vastly improve due to a determinant choice. There's maybe a tiny chance, but it wouldn't make any sense to a lot of people.
If Book Lilly=Comic Lilly, and Game Lilly looks like Comic Lilly, and they all have a dad named Larry, and have a similar trigger happy attitude, the name is a LITTLE MORE than a coincidence. They were originally the same character, then Kirkman fucked some shit up.
They key word there is determinant.
Clem literally admits that she thinks Christa is dead when Pete and Luke find her.
Clem: "I got separated from my friend... and got lost."
Luke: "Well, maybe if he's nearby, we'll come across him."
Clem: "I don't think she is."
Saying that she doesn't think she would be nearby doesn't imply she thinks Christa is dead.
I think it will be Christ, because in the woods was almost killed , and Clementie later began to doubt that Christ survived. I think that within 2 Episode stops hope lives .
But Kenny - In both options, see his death, Lee said Clem anything about what happened to Kenny . And could become anything - Kenny could easily leave the group , or the like. Clem could never find out what happened to Kenny ... And the same is Molly - Clem knew very well that Molly can survive in such conditions . And when he left the group , Lee also said nothing about Molly . Clem just forget about her .
It could be even Duck , since his death also did not go to see.
But other people it could not be any : Ben's death ( see 1.jde )
Lily died in comics
And the other death is also seen
It can also be someone who the group only in the second episode connects
It can't be Christa. Clementine never presumed her dead, she was always eager to try and find her.
it cant be christa clem see's her body at the river when looking them over for supplies and any alive
That's not Christa. Just a recycled model. Tons of threads about that.
Kenny's death isn't shown in either ending, which is a major part of why people believe it to be him.
Someone legitimately saying it could be duck... that's funny. He's 10 kinds of dead.
And the fuck are you saying? Lilly didn't die in the comics.
Come on, Lilly from the comics is a DIFFERENT Lilly
She isn't. I refuse to believe she is. Kirkman can pull whatever legal shit he wants, up until the novels, it was the same character. And she isn't dead anyway.
I think it's Christa. The bandits could have kidnapped her to get information on Carver. When they were at the river, they got attacked by Carver's group and Carver's group kidnapped Christa and went to the mountains.
No possible way it can be Duck.
I completely agree but people hang to any hope they can get for returning characters, notable examples previously would be Carly/Lee. Can't tell you how glad I am they but the theories for Carly to rest in 400 Days.
The Carley people were ridiculous. She's deader than anyone else in the series ever was.
The problem is that while the player doesn't actually see Kenny die, that's largely just a matter of camera positioning. Lee is in a position where he could have easily seen it happen. Heck, even Christa and Omid would have been able to see it. The spot where Ben landed was clearly visible from the rooftop. And Lee even states that Kenny died in very certain terms. It would be incredibly lame and kind of insulting to the player if we were to find out that Kenny actually survived and no one knew simply because they were all just too stupid to look down. So yeah. To me, saying that Kenny survived isn't that much different from saying that Duck is still alive. They are equally plausible scenarios.
Admittedly, the scenario that plays out if you let Ben die offers a little more flexibility. But then, when has Telltale ever done that level of story branching? I mean, you may well be right about it being Kenny. And comments by Telltale about exploring Kenny's fate in Season 2 certainly lend some credence to the theories that he's still alive. I'm just saying, if it is true, it's going to take an awful lot of explaining on the writers' part for it to not feel like cheating.
Okay, well, you can believe whatever you want, but you're wrong. This isn't something that's in question. It's been confirmed by the creator that they're different characters.
They were only different characters after he wrote the damn novels, up until then the canon was that Lilly from the game==Lilly from the comic.
Omid and Christa asked Lee what happened to Kenny, so they obviously didn't see what happened/ The camera angle in both scenes is left purposely ambiguous by Telltale. Gavin Hammond said they brought him in to reshoot the scene to make it more ambiguous as to whether or not Kenny died; Telltale wrote him back into the story. The angle was very off for anyone to look down anyway, and we never heard screams or anything, and the walkers eating was probably them munching on Ben's now deceased corpse.
The player saw Duck get shot, in the face. A lot of them shot Duck themselves. His death is clear and obvious, unlike Kenny's 'death'.
I believe it's Kenny.
I still think even if you left Lee, he's still in the Jewelry Shop.
Yeah, probably what happened was that Telltale wanted Lilly to be the character from the comics. But then Kirkman decided that he wanted to use her in the novels. So since the game never explicitly identified her as the Lilly from the comics, she simply became a different character. It doesn't really matter what the intention was at the beginning. The fact is that now they are two separate characters. And Telltale can do whatever they want with their Lilly without effecting the canon at all because it's not the same person.
I just want to state that when Clementine said, "I thought you were dead" The look on her face is shock, like there's no way that person is alive. I think Christa is out of the picture because I dont think Clementine expected her to be dead.

its obviously the stranger from season 1... he came back for clementine.