Gunshot wound - Could Michelle be alive?
Is it possible that girl that killed Omid in the restroom survived and that's who Clem thought was dead? The reason for this train of thought (and im sure you're all getting fed up of all the theories but hear me out) is iv'e been re-playing Season one
It got me thinking, how did kenny survive when andy shot him in the gut on the farm? He even managed too walk quite a fair bit until they discovered the food (and even then still had too keep walking back to the motel). But at that point hadn't they ran out of medicine? so how would they have treated kenny/got the bullet out etc?
Sooo if kenny survived a shot too the gut area (and it looks like that's where the girl was shot too) with a rifle is it possible she did too? Christa/clem was probably too distraught too "finnish" her off and probably just wanted too get out of there as soon as possible.
Ur theory does make sense it is very possible its Michelle that can return but, why would Telltale "kill off" a character and suddenly 1 episode later shes back and already has a group. Someone already discovered files in the walking dead season 2 episode 1 game showing all kinds of proof that its Kenny returning. The fact that she was shot also becuase she was shot RIGHT in the stomach area Kenny wasshot near his stomach area but way off to the left and Michelle was just sitting there bleeding out no one to help can easily get trampled by zombies beucase shes in soo much pain if she survives and most likely all kinds of zombies heard a pistol shot and a rifle shot. Michelle was never mentioned in the files whatsoever also in the files it mentions Clem wasnt in shock or trauma; but she was STUNNED to see the person so it makes sense for her to think Kenny is dead since Omid and Chirsta could have told her what happened to him and yeah
Maybe that's yet another reason why michelle survived (THANKYOU it was really bugging me trying too remember her name lol ) - her group heard the gunshot and came too help her out - she was probably on a scavenging run (or maybe even the same reason as clem just a quick clean up) and let the other know where she was going.
Im a fan of kenny ,i supported him all the way through my playthrough, but i just find it so difficult too think he'll return, his ending was fitting too his character - he went out in a blaze of glory sacrificing himself for christa too live (in my playthrough) it would seem strange too bring him back IMHO but if he was i'd be over the moon.
I suppose it's reasonable too think it may be lilly ,but again in my opinion her story is done and clem doesn't really have a reason too think she's dead - she was either left at the side of the road (where clem wouldn't exactly think she was dead, i mean she could technically have survived Lilly's proven herself too be tough and self sufficient) or she drove of in the RV (in which case clem really didn't have a reason to think she'd died)
I doubt it's christa either though as it seems a bit too early to introduce her back into the story, but it also makes sense what you said - that's it would be strange too kill of Michelle and then bring her straight back again in the next episode. So im stumped i haven't a clue who it is anymore lol.
Pretty sure Christa would have made sure she wasn't gonna walk out of that restroom alive.
God damn it where did my comment go, i ain't retyping that again - can anyone else see it? (or has my computer just not loaded it yet)
@ puhchewychomp - im not sure TBH, she would be quite distraught after seeing Omid die, and after shooting Michelle ,Christa probably just assumed she died (after all she just clapsed against the wall, limp and looked dead enough) and left.
EDIT the thread says there is 4 reply's - which makes sense as i posted 2 - but i can only see three?? (is it just my computer?)
It's a good theory, but I'm pretty sure she was alone.
I see it, you're good.
I see it.
thankgod for that lol, i thought i had too retype all that again .
It's Molly.
why would it be Molly she doesnt like groups and there is no reason for Clem to think she dead and why would she move all the way north to carolina where clem is stuble upon a group become the leader and want to hurt clem and her group?
Old prediction, and after 7 lines and BANG*, she doesn't deserve that kind of dramatic come back.
Omid was shot in the lungs/chest area, not the gut/rib area Kenny was..
Kenny was shot in the side, barely scraping him
She doesn't like groups, that is a valid point, but sometimes people need to do things they don't like in order to survive.
Clementine has every right to think she is dead. She left the group, she went alone, into a city of walkers. Anyone you don't see for a year and a half, for all intents and purposes, could be considered dead in this world. Plus my Lee shot her... oops.
Her city was overrun with zombies, she had to go somewhere. With rumors of it being safer up there she has as much reason to go north (or more reason) as/than any other direction.
Did we learn the person she was talking to was the leader? I am actually curious because I thought how it sat we didn't really know if it was the leader or just a guy guarding the entrance to the camp.
Everyone wants it to be Kenny or Lilly to see how they have been affected by the past two years. I want to see Molly to see how she might affect Clementine.
The thing is someone found in the game files the last cutseen i thought u were dead and it said something clementine stunned not in shocked or traumatized clem knows molly is a strong girl and can survive on her own so no reason to assume shes dead there is a possibility she is dead but we dont know for certain until we see the person
The thing is someone found in the game files the last cutseen i thought u were dead and it said something clementine stunned not in shocked or traumatized clem knows molly is a strong girl and can survive on her own so no reason to assume shes dead there is a possibility she is dead but we dont know for certain until we see the person
If she survives over Omid I will be severely pissed off
I was really hoping for Kenny, but in my play through of Season 1 he went back for Ben and it seemed highly unlikely he'd make it back. Plus, Clem wasn't with Lee when that happened, and he didn't tell her about any of it. I guess Molly, or maybe Chuck? Omid is dead I'm pretty sure, and it didn't look good for Christa. I hope it isn't her, because I didn't try to help her when she was attacked, and she'd probably hold it against me, ha.
I never said otherwise i know that Omid was shot in the lungs and is dead. It's Michelle the girl who shot him that im saying got shot in the gut area *like *kenny did .
Agree'd molly survived a long time on her own before she met clem and the group (and i think clem knew that). And she left the group willingly of her own accord and said herself that she would be alright. Clem has no reason too think she's dead (depending on your play through i suppose)
same here - I still think there's a strong possibility it's her though. (obviously not Omid though, as someone already said he got hit in the lungs and is not coming back - well not as a human anyway unfortunately)
Chuck? it can't be Chuck he's well and truly dead - he was dead in the sewer.... My moneys on Christa or Michelle.
"I hope it isn't her, because I didn't try to help her when she was attacked, and she'd probably hold it against me, ha." - lol, atleast i'll be fine i helped her
I've got to admit, I must be one of the (very) few ones who would love to see Michelle return.
I suppose my mind works in favor of interesting writing quality rather than likability. Needless to say I tend to love a lot of characters that the overall community here loathes, and hate the horribly written characters like Molly who have a strong positive following (I like her as a person, because, well, she is written to induce that reaction. Seriously, she is written like some sort of a melodramatic anime character which seems completely out of place, and the fact that she was left alive only feeds into the fact that Telltale MADE her as likable as possible. Not sure what that is leading up to, but I wasn't really impressed with her. My personal opinion. Sorry, Molly fans.).
But I digress. It makes sense. Michelle is already an established bandit unlike Kenny or Lilly who appear to be the twosome that the fans wish the mystery person to be the most. That said, I still want to see Lilly and/or Kenny returning for the sake of potential feels and writing quality.
That moment of remorse tells so much. I just know that Michelle has potential. Obviously majority of the community would just bash her relentlessly - she did pull off the Lilly 2.0 after all. Both offed a popular character and had no chance to redeem themselves no matter what you chose. Personally, if the mystery person was revealed to be Michelle, my interest in Telltale's writing might just skyrocket. Still, I suppose since I'm already wishing for Lilly to return for her redemption and Kenny for his moustache, I should be more modest about my expectations. It's Telltale after all.
I'm not alone with this, right? Flaws are what make the characters interesting. Both Lilly and Ben had good intentions but had their strong, visible flaws. As such, they ended up loathed anyway. It's a pity, really. Judging a character based on the first impressions is probably the ultimate weakness of most of the vocal community.
Sorry if this cracks nerves... I intend no aggression, just psychological pondering. The wait for episode 2 is driving me crazy, I guess.
Who downvoted my thread - it's better than "hey lee's still alive". It least i backed it up with fact. Alas you can't please everyone it seems.
It's Lilly. 100%
I can bet, it is for sure Lilly. I'm not saying we won't see Kenny again, his fate will be explored as Telltale said but the person Clementine is referring to is definitely Lilly.
Also... Might I suggest you rename the thread "Gunshot wound - Is Michelle alive?" or something? Using the "I thought you were dead" line is quite uninviting due to the rapid production of threads regarding that subject, it can easily make people ignore it. Just a suggestion.
Clem traveled with Christa and Omid for over a year. D'you think the topic of kenny would have never come up?
And Clem wouldn't think Molly was dead, and Chuck was very, very, very dead the last time we saw him.
Thanks didn't put that at first because i couldn't remember her name and - that girl from the toilets - just didn't have the right "ring" too it lol.
kenny survived cause he has the stache, the omid killing biatch doens't