How can the military get overrun so easily?



  • I respect Max Brooks and I enjoy his writings, but he overplays the supposed "unpreparedness" of the US army and all the others. Seriously, even the army of Zimbabwe could crush a zombie outbreak. Zombies are slow, soldiers are fast. Zombies bite, soldiers shoot. And who cares about aiming for the head when you can just blow them up? A crawling torso isn't a threat to any armed person who watches his steps.

    saladdays posted: »

    Read World War Z. It has good examples of how the military was initially unprepared for a zombie threat (and subsequently how they changed their tactics to ultimately "win").

  • When the apocalypse started many people including police officers/military left for their families. Some died trying to find them (bad people or unnecessary killing) or got attacked by walkers on the way. Many different things could have happened

  • This is correct. im not the biggest know it all on the bible but I think that the big apocalypse, as you call it lol, is supposed to have survivors to basically hit a reset button, and rebuild the earth and society. etc. etc. etc. (I had a long day and don't feel like going into long detail so I gave the dumby version.)

    pander1 posted: »

    apoc·a·lypse noun \a-ˈpä-ka-lips\ a great disaster : a sudden and very bad event that causes much fear, loss, or destruction Pretty sure p

  • Yay! I am so smart! I am so smart!


    I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    Pell3t posted: »

    This is correct. im not the biggest know it all on the bible but I think that the big apocalypse, as you call it lol, is supposed to have surv

  • The Walking Dead's Apocalypse is the only one I see that could come to fruition. Soldiers could be secure in their bunkers, or their bases, all it takes is one person to get a heart attack in their sleep. He would eat everyone in the barracks. Other zombie apocalypses I don't understand how the military gets overthrown so easily.

  • It's just insane what people will argue for.
    B..b...but the CHAIN of COMMAND. YEAH! That's it! IT was broken...errr...the chain..and you know about chains and if they're broken they need a smith to get repaired and since all smiths died out in the medieval times (do you know any smith? see...none left) then blabalabla.

    It's an unrealistic scenario given the premises on how our heroes survive vs the walkers. Just don't think about it. We're at step 2. No need to figure out how to get past step 1.

  • You forgot the apostrophe


    Whe'n i'n doub't ad'd apostrophe's t'o ever'y thin'g.

    pander1 posted: »

    Yay! I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean S-M-A-R-T!

  • Wow... you're smar'ter'er than me

    Pell3t posted: »

    You forgot the apostrophe S-M-A-R-'-T Whe'n i'n doub't ad'd apostrophe's t'o ever'y thin'g.

  • Imagine if the entire government collapsed within a week. They either abandoned us or died. No people to take command, control crowds, fight walkers, organize armies, give orders, evacuate others. I'd say that's the ball game.

    onlyamonkey posted: »

    It's just insane what people will argue for. B..b...but the CHAIN of COMMAND. YEAH! That's it! IT was broken...errr...the chain..and you know

  • Ye's I lik'e to thin'k of mysel'f as the smarteres't person to ever walk the Eart'h

    People on youtube logic lmao. you ever see the comments for Twd game on youtube? Its just damn right shameful but still hilarious to read people arguing over the stupidest things XD

    pander1 posted: »

    Wow... you're smar'ter'er than me

  • at least i got gun baby

    Of course you will get 1000 headshots, how could I not expect that !?

  • Have fun attracting 20 zombies for every one you shoot.

    muhab posted: »

    at least i got gun baby

  • Sorry for what? I take pride in my walls of text, I am a very famous mason

    I'm sorry, but you understand I have to do this...

  • Bombs have to be manufactured. Armies have limited stockpiles of munitions and most importantly fuel. The whole global system is set up on an "Arrive when it's needed" basis, leaving little room for error.
    Most important and most fragile cog is people. Military relies on people to do their jobs. Mass desertions from all sectors of logistical support (ie the people who make the bullets and bombs, the people who fix the machines and the dinners etc) means military can't function.
    If it wasn't stopped fast, and it was everywhere at once? CHINAS military couldn't contain it, let alone US.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I am going to have to direct you a few posts up top. I'll leave you with the same statement: Bomb trumps teeth, no matter how many teeth.

  • Problem is all that big green (or tan) killpower didn't add up too much against a bunch of illiterate savages in the Afghan, where we had all the advantages.
    The army looks mighty impressive, I'll give you that, but if the so called "most powerful army in the history of man" can't beat a bunch of insurgents, I can't see it doing that well against an enemy that's everywhere at once and increases it's numbers exponentially.
    I'm not really overawed by military tech. As impressive as it is on paper.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    You promote the amount of deaths in the US as the main source of death in the outbreak, that is a tiny number compared to over all population.

  • Maybe it's because the people with the M4's keep firing the M-4's, attracting more walkers until they have no bullets left. :)

    hihitwd posted: »

    I know right? Civilians start out with barely no supplies and survive a long time. People with riot shields, M4s and bullet (and teeth too!) proof suits die at the beggining. Unbelievable.

  • Look at how badly they fucked up the Katrina response. Now add Zombies and make it everywhere in the world at once.
    Yeah of course the military could win. It'd be totally stupid to think otherwise....

  • Silencer pistol
    Silencer ak -74
    so there is no sound

    Have fun attracting 20 zombies for every one you shoot.

  • Besides what manny people think the army it's not unbeateble... At the beggining of the appocalypse lots of people would die because they wouldn't know how to protect and not get infected, also the army, police and medic staff would be the first to get infected since they are called to deal with taht stuff.

  • edited February 2014

    World wide apocalypse? Impossible. Continent apocalypse. Impossible. Crowded city apocalypse. Yes. In crowded city stuff could get out of hand pretty quickly when people are not informed. Everyone would be pretty confused and not react as they should. But when people are informed zombies can do a shit. They are stupid, slow and loud. It would be a little close to natural selection for a few months. A lot of fat, stupid, old people would die horribly.

  • Obviously, the army (and everything else apparently) fails because otherwise there
    would be no story to be told. And that's what they're selling..

    I'm positive that if a zombie apocalypse happened it wouldn't get as bad as the fiction shows.
    You can't be showing Michonne taking out groups of 20 zombies in 2 mins (add Daryl to that and
    we're talking about an army of two, capable of clearing villages-small towns. A chick and a redneck.)
    and be telling me that the army is useless and gone. The army, police, gun enthusiasts and crazies that
    are already prepared for it would have a blast.

  • U got them airdrops.

    Groovy420 posted: »

    Maybe it's because the people with the M4's keep firing the M-4's, attracting more walkers until they have no bullets left.

  • your question reminds me the first episode in TWD season 4 , when that kid collapsed,died and later started to kill people in the cell block .

    Rick prepared for every walker attack coming outside the prison but not from within it , now think about 5 soldiers sleeping in the same room , if 1 dies from natural causes he will kill the others and they will kill soldiers from other rooms/tents

  • Of course there's a sound. It's just less noisy. And good luck silencing a 7.62 anyway with a home made rig

    muhab posted: »

    Silencer pistol Silencer ak -74 so there is no sound

  • "Main problem there is the average weekend warrior was worried more about his wife and kid than he was about driving his ass to Atlanta to off corpses. Whole guard station a mile away - completely abandoned..." - The Governor (comics, but la)

    I think the other thing is, the army wouldn't even respond until a certain critical mass was attained. Anything with zombies and the army (reasonably enough) isn't deployed; the only security forces are the police.

    Although, it reminds me of this Korean movie "The Flu," - thousands of people in Bundang (a suburb of Seoul) start dying and they quarantine the whole city, even posting military at the border with a clear line, anybody crosses, they get shot; if a zombie apocalypse were to happen, I think it would have to be in multiple locations at once. How multiple outbreaks occur in multiple cities simultaneously is yet to be determined. Then again, a lot of zombie movies have those kind of checkpoints, but somebody always slips through...

  • Read world War Z it will help you out ;)

  • There are tanks left everywhere in the city, anyone could just clear the streets of walkers in one easily.

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    because god loves zombie so bad hhhhhhh

  • Well what happens when you've a lot of stressed and paranoid people with guns, all congregated in the same place? Take a look at America for your answer.

  • Thing is, the military being split up could be a combination of multiple things, as mentioned above, there'd be the obvious deserters and splinter-groups and the like, but also remember that basically every American owns a firearm, and some stock up on weapons because they're paranoid of a situation like this. If those people were put under Martial Law then they'd put up a bloody fight. And that'd cause more to come back as walkers too, which would cause more deaths.

    Sorry for what? I take pride in my walls of text, I am a very famous mason

  • Until there's no more fuel and the next Filling Station is already overrun.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    There are tanks left everywhere in the city, anyone could just clear the streets of walkers in one easily.

  • edited March 2014

    A virus like this would only exist as a result of man; reanimating the dead is a concept entirely against how nature works. In which case, there is no way there wouldn't be precautions and procedures in place in the event of an outbreak. So all the wonderful scenarios where most/all of the professionals become cowardly fools who abandon their jobs to go sit with their families wouldn't happen. Seriously, everyone would have to have their own Idiot Ball for a scenario like TWD to happen.

  • Low morale, breakdown in the chain of command, friendly fire and general confusion mounts up fast. Remember that the Nat'l Guard is originally dispatched to do riot control and set up safe-zones. Both would require them to be close proximity to huge numbers of people, some of whom could be infected. It stands to reason that one lapse in vigilance or concealed bite could conceivably cause a domino effect.

    Of course, it could also just be a hand-wave on Kirkman's part, since the guard isn't really a major focus.

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