Let's all just take a moment to honor our lost bro Omid... Gone but not forgotten, son of a bitch was tough enough to even cripple fight, he likes trains, alot. For Bromid telltale has to change the title for episode 4 to ''Omid The Ruins''.
OMID 4 EVER!! Never forget the guy that could keep his spirits a up and be funny stucked in a attic surronded by walkers!! One of the best charatchers ever that Telltale had to kill just to make a point!!
I'm just grateful he went down trying to protect Clementine. It would have been easy for him to simply "oops! Der be a zombuh in der! I dun got bit. Dies". Awesome until the very end. Omid is definitely my favorite character not named Lee or Clementine. We'll see if season 2 can top him with something other than 6 feet of dirt.
The picture on the backgroud bugs me!! WHo are these people? Are they really Kenny, Carlos or Eddie? Why the hell does in some platforms appear a shadow and in another appears other... This was very well played bt Telltale, touche.
Bon Jovi starts one of his songs really appropriate to how Omid dies.
"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame-." (You give love a bad name)
Seriously. The second I couldn't pick up the gun I knew something was going to happen. When it was Omid who was shot, time froze. He was the best, dammit. That rule about everyone dies really sucks. But what can you do?
Indeed it was,i think it's cause with Lee at-least you knew it was coming (i mean he was bit, he was going too die eventually after that). But Omid, i mean FFS we were only like 5 minutes into the game and BANG he's dead. Even more sad cause he had a kid on the way. Not too mention it was so annoying leaving the gun on the counter/sink area, I FUCKING KNEW not too leave it there, i was searching like made for a button too pick it up but i just couldn't find one and then the inevitable happens - that bitch walks through the door and takes the gun - WELL I NEVER SAW THAT COMING TELLTALE!! SCREW YOU.(Hell i even replayed just too see if i could save Bromid - i thought maybe my game glitched and you can actually press too pick up the gun - but no, i was in denial )The only good thing about it was that Bitches face when Christa burst through the door and popped a cap in her ass.
Bon Jovi starts one of his songs really appropriate to how Omid dies.
"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame-." (You give love a bad … morename)
Seriously. The second I couldn't pick up the gun I knew something was going to happen. When it was Omid who was shot, time froze. He was the best, dammit. That rule about everyone dies really sucks. But what can you do?
The picture on the backgroud bugs me!! WHo are these people? Are they really Kenny, Carlos or Eddie? Why the hell does in some platforms appear a shadow and in another appears other... This was very well played bt Telltale, touche.
RIP Omid. Taken before your time. We know you're having an awesome time cripple fighting Lee in heaven.
I'm gonna leave this here for Bromid.
OMID 4 EVER!! Never forget the guy that could keep his spirits a up and be funny stucked in a attic surronded by walkers!! One of the best charatchers ever that Telltale had to kill just to make a point!!
Winston was here. On the stall door. Why didn't he just write: "Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?!
An appreciation thread for me? Wow! Thanks bros
"Our cat is gonna be pissed" -Omid
I'm just grateful he went down trying to protect Clementine. It would have been easy for him to simply "oops! Der be a zombuh in der! I dun got bit. Dies". Awesome until the very end. Omid is definitely my favorite character not named Lee or Clementine. We'll see if season 2 can top him with something other than 6 feet of dirt.
...Really? REALLY?!?
Thank you, I made it.
Dude, you've earned it. ;D
I look good in that picture
I wanted to capture your... awesomeness.
I don't know what hurts my heart more, the words or the picture... or his eyes.
Because of my username, I feel like I should put something here
The picture on the backgroud bugs me!! WHo are these people? Are they really Kenny, Carlos or Eddie? Why the hell does in some platforms appear a shadow and in another appears other... This was very well played bt Telltale, touche.
You post the image here: http://imgur.com/ And then copy the link you used there, and paste it over here.
Me when that BITCH shot Bromid -

for me that was the worst moment in the series,even worse than Lee
Bon Jovi starts one of his songs really appropriate to how Omid dies.
"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame-." (You give love a bad name)
Seriously. The second I couldn't pick up the gun I knew something was going to happen. When it was Omid who was shot, time froze. He was the best, dammit. That rule about everyone dies really sucks. But what can you do?
Or if you have a deviantart account like me, you'll post it on there.
-7? omg this is me irl wow such sadness such cry
then that was probably not the best post
Wasn't me
Refer to Slither's post.
I can't stop laughing at that.
yeah it's one of my favourites
Indeed it was,i think it's cause with Lee at-least you knew it was coming (i mean he was bit, he was going too die eventually after that). But Omid, i mean FFS we were only like 5 minutes into the game and BANG he's dead. Even more sad cause he had a kid on the way. Not too mention it was so annoying leaving the gun on the counter/sink area, I FUCKING KNEW not too leave it there, i was searching like made for a button too pick it up but i just couldn't find one and then the inevitable happens - that bitch walks through the door and takes the gun - WELL I NEVER SAW THAT COMING TELLTALE!! SCREW YOU.(Hell i even replayed just too see if i could save Bromid - i thought maybe my game glitched and you can actually press too pick up the gun - but no, i was in denial
)The only good thing about it was that Bitches face when Christa burst through the door and popped a cap in her ass.
"But what can you do"

EDIT - warning, do not stare directly at GIF for prolonged periods of time - may cause eye damage lol.
lol ^^
Agreed 100%. It's creepy as hell.
No problem, bro.