Will Clem's group go back to Macon Georgia and meet Rick's Group?
Just another thought for today. This is a snapshot of Michonne from the show pointing to Macon on the map. This infers that soon Rick's group will head to Macon for survival.
Will Rick's group go to Lee Everette's Families Drug Store and see Doug or Carly's body? It's possibly that Kirkman would do this because he can just tell AMC to put Easter eggs and hints from the game in the show like a cameo appearance. He can also give Tale Tale's permission to make cameo appearances characters from the show. Like Michonne she can run into Clementine in the game. Or Rick's group finds the other half of Lee's family photo he left. I just think it would be cool to see Rick's group in episode 5 No Going Back.
The Walking dead is made by kirkman so who knows he can tell them to change things around if he wanted them to. We might not see Clementine in the show but we can probably see Ricks group with Clem's in the game since it's in the same universe. Probably 567 Days into the outbreak. Dr. Eugene from the comics will perhaps tell Rick's group there's a cure in Washington DC but Michonne wants to go to Macon where there will be Easter eggs from the game lol.
I don't know maybe Tale Tell's would put the characters from the show in cameo appearances...
omg its like you think your the only one capeable of thinking up a theory
Ricks group should be heading to Washington D.C. next on the TV show, Clementine and the cabin group are heading north to Wellington so i don't think they will ever meet, maybe there could be easter eggs.
Okay Sir I never once said I think I'm the only one who can make one. Two this isn't a theory this is my thoughts geesh. Anyone can have thoughts not just me. I knew I would get heat from these Shaking my Head
Where did this come from?
so you have seen it talked about on here before right?
These are new damn. I just made two thought posts that's all. If you want me to delete them i will so you can be happy.
no this forum is for release date complaints only now gtfo
Are you stupid dude? This is TWD Discussion forum. I think your in the wrong thread dumbass so you gtfo. This is not the release date forum. You must have accidentally clicked on my thread.
This is the link to the release date complaints forum now buzz off http://www.telltalegames.com/blog/59549/first-screenshot-for-the-walking-dead-season-two-episode-2-039a-house-divided039
no poland this many many big wondeful thing now go
okay? lol
but are you seriously suggesting that in the game we will see tv show rick?
I'm not sure what to believe either..... At first i thought the game is cannon with the comics. However, it appears it's now cannon with the TV Show and they don't exclude the possibility of the characters actually meeting each other. But that's a problem as well, Rick's group is heading towards Washington. At best we might see some easter eggs, that's all.
Here is the link if anyone is interested: http://www.polygon.com/2013/2/7/3963786/weighing-the-choices-for-the-walking-dead-season-two
I never suggested anything lol. All I said was it would be cool if Rick's group made a cameo appearance in the game geesh lol.
That's impossible. The game is in sync with the comics, not the show.
Ignore him, he is a troll.
Slanderous lies. All they are suggesting is that Alternate TV versions of the game characters may appear and vice versa. For example from a writing perspective it is possible that a different version of Daryl exists in TWD comic and game universe that never met Rick.
But seriously though the idea of mixing the universes together is terrible. TWD game is already in sync with the comic, why would Telltale mess with that sense of a real consistent world by putting in all that uncertainty over what is real or cannon or whatever?
they can add game people to the show seeing as the game is in the same world as the comicthat the show is based off but they could not be dumb enuff to add show ppl to game
I'm not fond of that idea either. As far as i'm concerned, i don't even want alternate tv versions of characters to appear.