dude. first of. "Thank's" is wrong. It would mean "Thank is" or mean that "Thank" is a being that is in possession of something. Needless to say, both options don't make any sense. It's just "thanks"
secondly, I was trying to tell you to use the "shift + #" version of the ' instead of the "shift + ´" version of it. Try it. Hit shift and # and you will see.
Thank´s alot man, good to see that there are helpfull people aswell "instead of" this other kind. But i did just click on Post Reply, so i am not quite sure what the # key has to do with that.
You guys are mean, I think if there was someone she admired I it would be interesting. That person could have a lot of influence on her both negative and positive.
You guys are mean, I think if there was someone she admired I it would be interesting. That person could have a lot of influence on her both negative and positive.
Well you don´t have to be a bitch about it! Is what Lee would have said after you gave me such a respond. I did just say thank you man, sorry for bad grammar but who cares. Thanks again i will try it out.
dude. first of. "Thank's" is wrong. It would mean "Thank is" or mean that "Thank" is a being that is in possession of something. Needless to s… moreay, both options don't make any sense. It's just "thanks"
secondly, I was trying to tell you to use the "shift + #" version of the ' instead of the "shift + ´" version of it. Try it. Hit shift and # and you will see.
Dunno, sounds weird for a 11yo in the apocalypse to be caring about a boyfriend b-but i want clem to be happy
As long as telltale doesn't pull off this fucking bullshit right here
How to ruin a character.jpg
Well you don´t have to be a bitch about it! Is what Lee would have said after you gave me such a respond. I did just say thank you man, sorry for bad grammar but who cares. Thanks again i will try it out.
As a single person I hate how.....
I look at telltales twd game as more of an… more interactive tv show than I do a game and was glad to not have any romantic kissy kissy bullshit since every other show, tv, and hell even video games nowadays. It was refreshing to be able to play this game and not have think "Fuck im going to die alone, thanks for throwing that in my face." And before you start throwing in the oh he's just mad cause he's a loser at me. NO! I choose to be single these days cause every girl my age is more interested in her dumbass smartphone to actually have a meaningful conversation with. Same reason I kind of quit hanging with my friends. I just hate my age group. And I don't want to date anybody older than me, and if I date younger id be a pedo so not having any of that.
yeah...and jak and daxter, too. That were some quality series right there. I am not saying uncharted is bad, but I would take a new Jak game over 3 uncharteds any day.
Not really no, a love interest for an 11 year old would be a terrible fucking idea. I'll make a list:
More than likely the dialogue would be awkward and cringeworthy
Telltale has far more interesting relationships with existing characters to pursue.
The sheer unlikelyhood of the chances of a kid Clem's age being alive and in the area, that they actually get along, etc.
Telltale already knows that if they shoehorn the player into having the main character have a love interest (Lee/Carley), it feels a bit token or 'forced'. My point is they don't have enough time in an episode with the themes they are already exploring to include 'love'. Also, they already have many characters who are in love in the game. What's the need for Clementine to have a love interest?
Clementine's not even 11. What does a kid crush add to the story that justifies the amount of time it takes in the episode, the forcing of the players hand, and discomfort/awkwardness it would cause most people (I personally think kid-crushes are massively cringe worthy and awkward especially in fiction, and only really come about in real life due to children's perceptions of how adults should act when they are in a close relationship and their desire to be like a grown up. I mean you be kids, just play a game or something jeez).
Henceforth, Clementine's mature enough to not have time for that shit.
TL:DR, Clementine getting a love interest is a fucking terrible idea. I mean she's not even 11, there's no way it justifies the cringe worthy and awkward dialogue, the suspension of disbelief, [one of the core ideas ATM is that Clementine is really unlikely to ever have any friends her age-most of the children are dead.] and the forcing of the players hand like the Lee/Carley incident. My point is, Telltale couldn't do it well because there is no way to do it well. It's just a bad idea.
Just kidding, I know not every girl contributes to the downfall of our society (being half sarcastic) but its like every girl I know or see cant live without their fingers pushing numbers and/or touch screens. At this rate I gotta find myself an Amish girl, or if I ever get really desperate just give in to one of the 3 milfs that like to keep touching all on me while im at work..... gross (from an I don't want a std pov)
You should think carefully. In the context and subject at hand you know what I mean. She can Admire Lee and Admire anyone else she cares for. The other people she meets can be admired in a different way then lee.
Who knows, if she finds a boy her age that's like Lee it could be a cute relationship.
Dunno, sounds weird for a 11yo in the apocalypse to be caring about a boyfriend b-but i want clem to be happy
As long as telltale doesn't pull off this fucking bullshit right here
How to ruin a character.jpg
Not really no, a love interest for an 11 year old would be a terrible fucking idea. I'll make a list:
* More than likely the dialogue wou… moreld be awkward and cringeworthy
* Telltale has far more interesting relationships with existing characters to pursue.
* The sheer unlikelyhood of the chances of a kid Clem's age being alive and in the area, that they actually get along, etc.
* Telltale already knows that if they shoehorn the player into having the main character have a love interest (Lee/Carley), it feels a bit token or 'forced'. My point is they don't have enough time in an episode with the themes they are already exploring to include 'love'. Also, they already have many characters who are in love in the game. What's the need for Clementine to have a love interest?
* Clementine's not even 11. What does a kid crush add to the story that justifies the amount of time it takes in the episode, the forcing of the players hand, and discomfort/… [view original content]
Why would I want to play a prepubescent dating simulator?
It would be different if we weren't in control of the character. To some extent, I would feel like I was the one in a relationship with a preteen boy (or girl).
You should think carefully. In the context and subject at hand you know what I mean. She can Admire Lee and Admire anyone else she cares for. … moreThe other people she meets can be admired in a different way then lee.
Who knows, if she finds a boy her age that's like Lee it could be a cute relationship.
Your completely right Deceptio, if that is indeed your real name lol
Every show/movie you automatically know the main male character and main female character are going to boing each other. (Only a matter of time till Rick's banging michonne if the pattern follows) But every movie im supposed to sit there and think these 2 people barely met and already will do anything for each other and end up banging faster than a drum. That's not romantic that's being slutty. As a man myself im guessing id be one of the few that would turn a girl down (with great will power) if she wants to get me in the sack that fast.
I think its an okay idea, not great but okay. Like alot of people said here, shes 11. Her feelings could be an interesting complex for her though. Childhood crushes seem like they are the most important thing in the world at the time, and since we're playing as a little girl through a zombie apocalypse the important level might reach it's peak. But until shes older, most likely any crushes she'll have will be walker bait. Though I'd love for her to meet someone special and they spend the rest of their days in peace or atleast a zombie killing duo, it seems Telltale does not want a happy moment for her just yet, they have much more trauma to inflict.
I would give it a solid 8 from the second game onwards. The first one was still a 7. The racing game is...well...a racing game. If you liked Crash, you would probably have liked Jak.
Its not even about that, if you knew about writing then you would know that a love interest if done correctly can effect a characters choices and judgement. It adds more depth to the character and makes them seem more real. In a zombie apocalypse those choices can be big.
Why would I want to play a prepubescent dating simulator?
It would be different if we weren't in control of the character. To some extent, I would feel like I was the one in a relationship with a preteen boy (or girl).
If such a relationship ever happens, which I highly doubt it would anyway, a few points:
If it ever happened, it shouldn't develop above the level that Lee & Carley shared, on a sort of implied/teased notion.
It should be relevant to the story and not just tossed in for the sake of having a crush. Obviously with the way things are now, there are several problems that you can probably think of on your own.
It should ultimately be up to the player, since it seems like a cringeworthy idea to most anyway but plausible to few.
Saying that, no, not really. At the very least, not right now.
Love stories are great. They give an important role to any story, be it game or tv show or book. Human nature is very much dictated by our drive to find a special relationship that we love to love.
What does that have to do with me not having to RP a love interest? It was fine in Left Behind because Ellie was the one with the crush, and the player had nothing to do with it. If Clementine were put in the same situation, the player would be required to advance it (or at least take part in it). Unless it was optional, then almost no one would pursue it.
I don't care if she has a crush on Luke or something. I just don't want a LI, period.
Its not even about that, if you knew about writing then you would know that a love interest if done correctly can effect a characters choices … moreand judgement. It adds more depth to the character and makes them seem more real. In a zombie apocalypse those choices can be big.
Yeah why did they only release this game on ps3? I remember watching the trailer for the first time thinking Damn this game looks badass! I finally have something to fill the void that TWD left in my...... FUCK I only have a 360
Luckily for me the PS4 is out so its only a matter of time till the PS3 gets cheaper. BTW I refuse to buy the new consoles since im NOT an online gamer (if I have a reason to actually buy an X1 or PS4 please let me know) and love how cheap they've made all the 360 games. Ive been saving so much money on games here lately that im losing money.
Ohyoupokedme does not want you using the apostrophe which you get when you press the key that has the tilde sign on it (located one key to the left of the 1 key), rather than the apostrophe which you get when you press the key that has the quote sign on it (located one key to the left of the Enter key).
Throw it into the fire!
ND is PS3 exclusive.... so sad
dude. first of. "Thank's" is wrong. It would mean "Thank is" or mean that "Thank" is a being that is in possession of something. Needless to say, both options don't make any sense. It's just "thanks"
secondly, I was trying to tell you to use the "shift + #" version of the ' instead of the "shift + ´" version of it. Try it. Hit shift and # and you will see.
You guys are mean, I think if there was someone she admired I it would be interesting. That person could have a lot of influence on her both negative and positive.
Oh yeah, that's why they had to stop Crash Bandicoot
She admired Lee, does that make Lee a love interest?
Choose your words carefully.
Well you don´t have to be a bitch about it! Is what Lee would have said after you gave me such a respond. I did just say thank you man, sorry for bad grammar but who cares. Thanks again i will try it out.
Are you saying you have a problem with same sex relationships...?
I am not a bitch about it, man. I am trying to help you here. Chill.
Oh god, i knew it! This is turning soon some seriously sick fan-fic. Close this while you can!
I am chilled! I was just trying to light the fucking tone! (is what Omid would have said)
Alright. Well, my job here is done. I hope you gained some useful wisdom from this conversation. Have fun in the forums.
And one more thing my sister is in her 20s yet she doesn't act like u say the girls your age do
yeah...and jak and daxter, too. That were some quality series right there. I am not saying uncharted is bad, but I would take a new Jak game over 3 uncharteds any day.
Not really no, a love interest for an 11 year old would be a terrible fucking idea. I'll make a list:
TL:DR, Clementine getting a love interest is a fucking terrible idea. I mean she's not even 11, there's no way it justifies the cringe worthy and awkward dialogue, the suspension of disbelief, [one of the core ideas ATM is that Clementine is really unlikely to ever have any friends her age-most of the children are dead.] and the forcing of the players hand like the Lee/Carley incident. My point is, Telltale couldn't do it well because there is no way to do it well. It's just a bad idea.
Hook me up
Just kidding, I know not every girl contributes to the downfall of our society (being half sarcastic) but its like every girl I know or see cant live without their fingers pushing numbers and/or touch screens. At this rate I gotta find myself an Amish girl, or if I ever get really desperate just give in to one of the 3 milfs that like to keep touching all on me while im at work..... gross (from an I don't want a std pov)
To be honest I do not want it, but if it's there I hope it's completely optional.
You should think carefully. In the context and subject at hand you know what I mean. She can Admire Lee and Admire anyone else she cares for. The other people she meets can be admired in a different way then lee.
Who knows, if she finds a boy her age that's like Lee it could be a cute relationship.
Whatchu got against that, Bro?
Least someone talks some sense here.
Why would I want to play a prepubescent dating simulator?
It would be different if we weren't in control of the character. To some extent, I would feel like I was the one in a relationship with a preteen boy (or girl).
Your completely right Deceptio, if that is indeed your real name lol
Every show/movie you automatically know the main male character and main female character are going to boing each other. (Only a matter of time till Rick's banging michonne if the pattern follows) But every movie im supposed to sit there and think these 2 people barely met and already will do anything for each other and end up banging faster than a drum. That's not romantic that's being slutty. As a man myself im guessing id be one of the few that would turn a girl down (with great will power) if she wants to get me in the sack that fast.
I think its an okay idea, not great but okay. Like alot of people said here, shes 11. Her feelings could be an interesting complex for her though. Childhood crushes seem like they are the most important thing in the world at the time, and since we're playing as a little girl through a zombie apocalypse the important level might reach it's peak. But until shes older, most likely any crushes she'll have will be walker bait. Though I'd love for her to meet someone special and they spend the rest of their days in peace or atleast a zombie killing duo, it seems Telltale does not want a happy moment for her just yet, they have much more trauma to inflict.
I would give it a solid 8 from the second game onwards. The first one was still a 7. The racing game is...well...a racing game. If you liked Crash, you would probably have liked Jak.
Its not even about that, if you knew about writing then you would know that a love interest if done correctly can effect a characters choices and judgement. It adds more depth to the character and makes them seem more real. In a zombie apocalypse those choices can be big.
If such a relationship ever happens, which I highly doubt it would anyway, a few points:
Saying that, no, not really. At the very least, not right now.
Yes but do we really need Carley 2.0?
What does that have to do with me not having to RP a love interest? It was fine in Left Behind because Ellie was the one with the crush, and the player had nothing to do with it. If Clementine were put in the same situation, the player would be required to advance it (or at least take part in it). Unless it was optional, then almost no one would pursue it.
I don't care if she has a crush on Luke or something. I just don't want a LI, period.
Me not wanting a LI =/= Me hating character depth
...I think we should at least wait a couple of years before we recommend THESE kind of toys to Clementine.
Yeah why did they only release this game on ps3? I remember watching the trailer for the first time thinking Damn this game looks badass! I finally have something to fill the void that TWD left in my...... FUCK I only have a 360
Luckily for me the PS4 is out so its only a matter of time till the PS3 gets cheaper. BTW I refuse to buy the new consoles since im NOT an online gamer (if I have a reason to actually buy an X1 or PS4 please let me know) and love how cheap they've made all the 360 games. Ive been saving so much money on games here lately that im losing money.
Yeah, I love Crash too. One of the first games I played.
Ohyoupokedme does not want you using the apostrophe which you get when you press the key that has the tilde sign on it (located one key to the left of the 1 key), rather than the apostrophe which you get when you press the key that has the quote sign on it (located one key to the left of the Enter key).
Exactly! Clementine has grown on me like she's my own daughter!
well, she will grow up to develop certain needs eventually. I am not naive enough to believe she will be a kid forever. Just...not now, please.
Same here, bro. If she was my daughter, I'd protect her at all costs.
It's good to see you're looking out for Clem's future sexual interests.