In chapter 3 think we'll get a quick time event birthing Rebecca's baby?

Just going by the preview pic on the chapter selection screen. Think we'll have to help Rebecca give birth this chapter?
I can see it now:
Wait till dilation then tap X as fast as you can pulling the head out! Once the baby is out bite the umbilical cord off like a boss! Wash it down with a juice box!
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I can imagine what this would be like. lol XD
Sure, but I would prefer if we also had a choice to salt lick her instead.
Well it would be a...bloody experience, which could gross out a lot of people. Including me.
And probably after birth, Rebecca might die because of the lack of medical attention/equipment. And eventually later we'll have to kill her (in which I WONT HESITATE) with a QT before she reanimates.
I would purposely fail just to see what would happen.
Assuming she could lift one. Maybe Kenny would have to give Clementine a hand. He has the experience after all.
With the power of the Juice Box, anything is possible.
Looks a bit like Rebecca.
I hope failing the quick time event actually continues the game therefore making it canon and not giving you a "You are dead" screen.
I did not just see that...
Man put a cover or a spoiler over that thing
EDIT: Good, lets keep that Spoiler tag there so many more lives could be saved.
Rebecca's baby dies "YOU ARE DEAD"
I second that.
Rebecca dies but baby lives "YOU WIN"
And Clem would probably name the baby Omid Jr./Christa!
It would probably do more than gross people out. People struggled to get through sewing Clem's arm. The reactions for this would no doubt be on a long scale between hilarious and disturbing.
Maybe Rebecca gets bitten and you have the choice to birth her baby to see if its alive while shes starting to turn.
I like your way of thinking, bro.
Not worthy of that name. The baby has half of Rebecca's genes.
Hell yeah
Juicy will do it. He has a degree
Hmmmm...maybe...but I don't care. Imma transform the baby into Omid's/Christa's own image!
But half a King Alvin's too
I deleted this you person, so go away.
And scar people's gaming lives for good.
When did you get more likes than me?
Not that it's a competition.... or anything.... like that.... remotely...
Please stop your making my sides hurt!
Well, I don't need free nightmares. I'm home alone.
Whoa! What the fuck? lol
Looks like my horrible ex-girlfriend.
Inb4 the baby dies in the womb, reanimates and kills Rebecca from within.
EDIT: ERRGGHh I just thought about what I wrote. How the fuck do you even animate that?
EDIT2: Wait It wouldn't be able to kill Rebecca I wouldn't think. It was no teeth so it can't do the Walker infected death bite, and it has little baby arms so it can't, like, falcon punch its way out or anything.
Incoming Walker Baby no matter how well you manage to deliver the baby. It'll be one of those 'no matter what you do you will fail' type of situations, like with that woman at the motor inn.
That dude's face is being attacked by millions of little red parasites...
I do think we'll get more details on what happened to Christa's baby, at the very least.
Creepy smiles? Screw that! What we need is more WAR CRIES!!!
"I just want to talk, GOUSTTTT, relax."
Salt licks count as medical equipment right?