Fed up with the cryptic messages, Telltale

What is it gonna be? At first we was told super soon, then a few days, then a week, and now you're not even sure if it will come at all? We're told to expect news this week, but the episode is still not completed? You haven't even began getting the episode processed for Sony and Microsoft? Either you lied to us, by posting about playing the episode, or one of your staff members screwed up.
I believe we deserve a full explanation.
Mod Edit: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/comment/983612#Comment_983612
This discussion has been closed.
Dammit Ben
I wish Telltale games would fire their lazy PR department already and hire me in. I would have given you people some appropriate news instead of this...things...stuff...
Why Ben why
Still in development not even ready to prepare to release and give trailer oh no 4 MONTHS still how in the hell could make episode in 4-6 weeks and have episode still in development after 4 months taught is was contract agreements for release or something
I just want episode 2 ffs
We need @puzzlebox in here. We demand an explanation.
I'm starting to get really pissed off. I have been patient now for 2 months, but, its really wearing thin. And these fucking cryptic messages don't help at all!!
WHAT? Still in development? I'm not a person that knows a lot about making a video game but if the game was to be released next week didn't it had to be finished by now?I'm sick with this waiting, I've been trying to be patient but the wait is really taking my plseasure in playing the game... If the episode doesn't coe out until the first of March I'm guessing I won't feel like buying the game anymore...
Edit: First week of Match not literally the first of March
It's starting to get ridiculous, Telltale...
Did their PR really just lie to us? (in some way)
'Super soon'
'Still in development'
Uh hu...
Just an FYI, the @username feature only links to a profile. No notification is sent.
We don't just demand an explanation we deserve an explanation
Wait, I thought it would be released on the 25th! Now you're saying that it hasn't even been sent for approval? It isn't even f*cking done!?
lol settle down there wolf....but seriously what is that TelltaleMike message all about? Is it real?
Telltale usually works on an episode pretty close to release to add final/finishing touches.
I wouldn't take this as an implication the episode is far from finished.
Both of these staff members statements seem to contradict each other. One sounds like it maybe coming in a week or two, the other more like a month or two?
February 2 "Just around the corner"
February 4 "Just finished a playthrough of episode 2" -Puzzlebox
February 16 "Played episode 2, you'll be playing super soon" -Jobstauffer
They either lied to us or this telltalemike guy screwed up or something.
Like I said on the EP2 thread. This has been a rotten two months. 64 days, without any communication with the paying customer whatsoever. They have their official time-frame of four to six weeks, but they never live up to it. As a season pass owner I find this treatment discouraging, and insulting. Do they have any idea just near how painful this waiting-game they play is? There has been 64 days of absolute nothing for The Walking Dead from their part other than them finally breaking the silence with the screenshot. Two months of getting no customer support, no meaningful updates, and no positively responses from them at all. They just leave us in the dark...
What is the problem, @puzzlebox? Don't you trust yourselves enough to keep your own release dates, so by keeping you from embarrassing yourselves, you give us the cold back? Please tell me, I'm eager to hear what keeps you from just telling us small things like "We're now submitting the episode to our partners", or "We're now awaiting approval, it shouldn't take too long", instead of using your cryptic messages not telling us anything.
Yay!!! Mods to the rescue...
well maybe they found some bugs or something
( I mean real bugs out in the yard and got distracted )
It appears so. He's saying the ep is still in development. While we were already told the game is already done and has been played several times. I think it's a mistake of some sort.
Screwed up with what?
Because I honestly can't see them lying.
And put one on Duck's pillow
What the shit??
Well, time will tell, huh?
I totally agree with this post.
PR department, you need to come in here and explain what is going on. Without us fans, you wouldn't be where you are today.
This thread along with Mikes message will be deleted "super soon".
With these sort of developments, I find it helps to have your own officially designated "breaking point". Mine is Feb. 25th. If that date comes and goes with nary a tangible piece of news in sight (or, heaven forbid, the release of the actual episode), that's when I "go Nate" on every last apologist and brown-noser who accuses me of being an ungrateful whiner.
Really nice of them working on game close to release oh wait wasn't that 2 months ago. Wolf Among Us ep2 was 4 months wait and the episode was only hour so using typical making game better response is invalid and i am season pass holder fix bugs whatever but don't take piss with soon, supersoon then still in development stuff my product was delayed fair enough but this after be few days stuff annoying. Sorry saying this to you mod not your fault
Thats it, RIOT GEAR UP!!!
Have you looked at the season 2 episodes in the game? They ALL say 'coming soon'... There's a little perspective for you.
The 18th was my "breaking point", as the episode can be considered as delayed now because it's exceeding how long it took to make Starved For Help.
SO, I guess we can still read it for 1 month :P
Maybe that was the plan all along, to confuse us, then to molester us in our confusion.....
we cant rule it out at this point
This whole thing has been depressing. I'm officially concerned.
Well, I wouldn't say that. It's just that, the way their PR department does things, is not acceptable to people who have paid for season passes, like myself.
If the episode is any later than February 25th, i don't know what i'll do.
I'm sick of these lies. No more BS. Just give us a trailer and a date. It's been 2 months. Actually, just give us the game.
Hoping that's the case. I'm trying to be positive and think that's possible the game was sent for testing in the plattforms and had some problems that are being perfected...