Should Twd have a badass?
As the title says would you love to have someone in the game who is like jesus for example?
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As the title says would you love to have someone in the game who is like jesus for example?
Nah...i don't think so...
Clementine is badass enough.
people can be badass while not being amazing at hand to hand combat. For example clem has to stitch her own arm up AND kill a zombie just after almost passing out from pain. And (determinately) Lee can cut his OWN FRICKEN ARM OFF). I'd call those two actions pretty badass but maybe that is just me...
True and maybe luke is really good with his machete
I have serious doubts that Luke "I dont kill attacking dogs" could ever be a badass.
Yes i agree...for example Kenny seems to lose every fistfight he has ever been in, but still manages to have such a godlike Stache. I'd call that pretty badass but maybe that is just me...
Depends on the badass.... If that's supposed to be a Mary Sue like Molly or Daryl, then no. Although i like the idea.
You know, not being able to fight melee against a zombie is a death sentence. So handling a machete is not really badass at all.
Depends what you want to call a bad ass. A strong willed, strong armed, strong minded person is fine. As long as they maintain a human-like persona it's fine. A 'super hero like' type person, cough Daryl (spelling?), is story breaking.
Well i don't like seeing a dog die that much either
Only Axe Cop fits this description. Except me.
I don't know about daryl being a "superhero" in the recent TWD episode he started shutting down due to the prison falling and believing everyone was dead (other than beth...). Hopefully we will start to see some actual character development now?
Looks pretty Badass to me...
cough he's not with us anymore cough
Yes some character development would be about a even bigger Crossbow?
Yeah molly was a badass i hope she showes up in S2
A start to a character arc? Finally. As it sits now he is a boring, dimensionless character who brings nothing to the party besides a cross bow.
Looks even more badass to me! 10 hour version please!
I prefer characters to have diverse skill-sets, rather than be overpowered.
Only if they don't take it too far. Badass, not a Mary Sue/Gary Stu.
It is a pretty cool crossbow though. He should make his strings from Kenny's stasche and it would be worthy of Olympus.
Realism doesn't equate to someone being a god damn superman like Daryl and Merle from the show, or Michonne from the comics. It doesn't stay in line with the series to have someone who doesn't die just because of how awesome they are.
I miss Molly
And the arrows dipped in the blood of Lee. A weapon fit for the Gods!
I think clem should be made in to a badass like Jesus by the end of this Journey.
I agree, even if I'm a Daryl fan, a charatcher like him in the game would make no sense... Daryl is reprised in the tv show has having no flaws and that is not how the chratchers in the game are, every one of them has things for you to love and things for you to hate.
I like a story like the game where evne awesome charatchers can die...
Note: I was trying to post a picture of Barney (HIMYM) but I don't know how to post pictures...
I was never that attached to Molly precisely because she felt like a Mary Sue. What in her backstory made her a friggin ninja exactly?
She could've done parkour or something.
A weapon to kill the Kraken!
Holy fuck balls longest zombie killstreak ever!
Don't swear to much okay?
"Should TWD have a badass?"
Are there badasses IRL? Yup. Are they believable badasses? Probably.
Therefore, as long as it's believable - and doesn't feel token-, there's no problem with it. It's really as simple as that.
I've only watched season 1. Don't worry, I will eventually expose myself to the magnificent Daryl for a second time. I assure you of that.
Nay! A weapon to kill Zues! Praise Daryl, the king of gods!
Sure. In fact here are some dudes doing parkour in exactly the place Lee first encounters Molly
I still feel like she's kind of a wish fulfilment character. Compared with everyone else in Lee's group even Lee himself she's the only one that comes across as a stock video game über-competent badass.
Don't forget this badass ~
He has a blessed mullet. He has a godlike stache. Never forget.
No clem is badass enough and we don't want a daryl like character where the writers are too scared to kill them off
This whole scene is just so badass, definitely one of my favorite moments in season 1.