The Stranger in the alleyway? (season one)
Firstly, I want to start off that @Groovy420 originally mentioned this theory in 'The Walking Dead Meme and Fun' thread. All credit goes to to him! I wanted to talk about it more there, but that would have derailed the discussion post.
Now I've always assumed the shadow that dashes across our screens in the alleyway was Molly, but do we have any solid proof it was her? As far as I remember, I don't think so. Although please correct me if I'm wrong, as my memory of the fine details in season one is a bit vague at this point with the long waits. It would make sense if it was the stranger that we saw, as the walker in the shed was a bit random. It wasn't there a earlier, so why does it pop up the second time we go there? Maybe it is just a jump scare, but it's plausible that it could have been a trap that he set for Lee. I tried to take a screenshot of the moment, but it goes by so fast:
What do you guys think? If someone could produce a clearer image of the event, I'd be really grateful. And I understand that it probably is Molly, but it's fun to speculate anyways.
Defo think it's the stranger, for reason I gave on the other thread. Campman was a hunter, he knew about traps, and he's been stalking Lee's group. From his perspective, Lee alone, in an alley, with a damaged fence, and Clem out of harms way. I think that walker had to have been left there by him for Lee. It sure isn't there the first time, and I think he never knew about Molly as she'd just joined the group, and never counted on Lee returning over the rooftops.
If Molly wasn't there, Lee would've (from the strangers point of view) have jumped down through the shed roof, and immediately been set upon by a walker, leaving campman one step closer to getting at Clem.
It was Molly look closely you will see Hilda on the back of her backpack
Whoa whoa whoa, you mean to tell me Campman can drag a walker without being bitten? I'm calling bullshit
With what you said, I really think it could have been the stranger. He was indeed a hunter, and he was stalking them, so it would make sense if he followed them there as well. Before I thought the walker was a random (if not a little unrealistic) jump scare. How else could it have come out of the corner of the shed seemingly out of nowhere? And he did want Lee to be hurt "so bad".
You might be right.
I can't see it though, haha. Maybe it's just my screen.
Derp, that's Molly!
It's just for fun till the next episode comes out, haha. Nothing serious, just a possibility. That was a damn good jump scare though, wasn't it? Let's just say I dropped my laptop because of it.
It almost looks like it has dreadlocks...
be pretty easy to subdue one and stick a bag over it's head. Just sayin
Basically. XD Here's to hoping that Episode 2 does come out on the 25th!
I'm pretty sure it was Molly. She was supposed to be with you in the alley (and wasn't) and the shadow does resemble her a little bit.
Its possible that its him, as he did know that lee's group was there. If he was stalking them, it's possible. However, i think blaming the zombie on him gives him a little too much credit. There was no reason to believe lee would come out a 2nd time, much less know where he'd have to go.
Good point; you're right that blaming the walker on him is probably giving the Stranger a little too much credit. Although I still don't understand how it popped up there by itself in a closed off area. Was there another opening? Again, my memory of the fine details is a little hazy. Sorry!
You and me both buddy. :P
He may have been trying to watch you when you went for the battery and it followed after him, or could have just heard the horde and alarm and that's where it ended up. The place was packed and they had to go somewhere, and its not like theyre smart enough to know to walk around the building. It is odd that there werent more around, since by that same token, kenny's venture was too far away to have drawn the repair shop's zombies, and there's ben and his little hatchet... perhaps we shouldnt look too deep. Its only making things feel scripted rather than possible...
That is true that we don't want to look too deep; we've just got to let it go and enjoy the story. But thanks for the input! I appreciate it.
Someone freeze framed it and it was Molly
Sure, a little league coach can do that
Woah, cool theory! I'm pretty sure it was Molly, but it would be a lot creepier if the Stranger was stalking Lee and Molly showed up just in time to foil his ambush.
I can't see anything on this picture...i just wanted to say that Molly could have also been there in the scene when Kenny saves Christa instead of putting Ben out his misery. In the alleyway scene Kenny only had one bullet left and in the other scene we could hear 3shots.