Carver is......... SPOILER
Just checked out these new Files on Steam. There is proof that carver is Vernon. There is a Argument where Vernon wants Clem to join his group but Luke and a few others interfere. PICTURE COMMING in a few SECS.
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Just waiting for the picture buddy....
Vernon didn't die with his stupid boat?
Everything you say is a lie until proven otherwise. Until you provide proof of this, you have lost all credibility. .-.
Yeah he did, i'm just waiting to be trolled here. I bet the picture is going to be a monkey.
lol...a whole cabin group getting pushed around by a fucking cancer group leader. Kenny wouldn't be able to stop laughing if he were to hear of this.
Didn't vernon kick kennys ass?
Bullshit. Calling it.
True, but unlike him, the Cabin has Pete, Luke and Nick. Not to mention that Carlos looks like he could take care of himself, too, if he had to. Alvin at least sounded gangsta enough in one of his lines, but you never know. If the Cabin group lost to Vernon, they would really be a pathetic bunch.
Im tired of all these "I KNOW THIS AND THAT!!! GOT PROOF!!!"-Threads. In the end there are just three possibilities how threads like this develope:
1) It turns into some pointless exchange of memes until the whole thread gets closed / deleted.
2) The Initiator of the thread doesn't report back.
3) The whole "PROOF!!!11!!!!1!11!" turns out to be just another interpretable theory or just a spoof with some meme-joke at the end.
where is the piture
There is no picture
still waiting for your picture, OP.
Carver is your mom!
Vernon was confirmed dead, that means....LARRY IS CARVER CALLED IT
You can't jus be bringing NAZIS here
Game poop
Yup cx Shit, time to go
Although he dosnt have proof,it would make sense if Vernon's was still alive.The cancer said they lost Vernon,but maybe they meant that they lost Vernon to their group,that Vernon went somewhere else.He could've taken the boat or went in another group.Vernon is NOT confirmed dead.
The dog Sam is Vernon who is actually carver and both of the St.John brothers! It makes totally sense you morons!
And I'm supposed to give a shit about his good intentions?
That was actually a Kenny line, We are not responsible for every struggling survivor we see
facepalm the good intention one
Vernon was never confirmed dead. The cancer survivors group only said 'lost' which could mean a lot of things.
urmm I don't see a picture
larry is dead his head got smashed by a salt lick by Kenny check is out on
Though this makes sense, Joyce's explaination in "400 Days" sounds like she was hinting towards Vernon's death. But this is a good assumption.
Yes,yes whatever you say..
I bet it will be a picture of the Exorcist
I have a sinking suspicion that hes already completely aware of this.
along with help from a bunch of other people. yes, they had cancer, but Vernon seemed to be strong and healthy, and they probably got the jump on Kenny.
we're waiting.............................................................. lalalalalalalala you finished with that photoshopping yet?
He made like 2 topics on this subject..
I don't know how you're "fighting code" the only coding that would be used would be for menu and game interface, along with setting you on different paths depending on what choice you made example, "if this, (insert choice) then (spit out results), else this, (choice, result)" so that the game knows what video file to use next, so all you'd need to do is scroll down to the code where it says to execute this file, which if real would probably be named something convenient like CARVER.(what ever editor tag they use) for the programmers sake, then you'd just need the search in the games folder for that file then run it, unless you need an appropriate software to edit or play the file, that is if its not locked and only accessible by the game or the system.
Why would Clementine think Vernon is dead?
I am completely aware