Will anybody else other than Clem live until the end?

We know that Clementine is a very important character to the series and ALOT of people like her. S1 was about protecting her and allowing her to learn to survive, which builds up to S2. So I have no doubt they will not kill her. But what about other characters? Luke? Alvin? Pete/Nick? Kenny? Will they live the entire season, or will telltale kill them off for depression? Post predictions.
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I'v said this in another thread and ill say it again.. TEAM ROCKET WILL PREVAIL!!!
I'm hoping SOMEBODY does, not to say that Clem can't hold her own, but after the mistake with the dog in Season 2 ep 1 it leaves a few questions dangling in the air. I'm also kind of curious if the crazy dud that kidnapped Clem in the first season actually died, or if Lee just choked him out and thought he was dead, maybe he is the person in s2 ep2 that Clem is so shocked to see..... Ugh!!! The suspense is killing me.
Crazy dude, not dud, damned autocorrect!!!!
They better keep Luke till the end. >:[
I think Luke would be an awesome caretaker for her, I wish a zombie would get that pregnant bitch though, she is just ruuuuudddeeee, and she is a lying cheating hoe bag anyway! ;-)
Luke, Sarah and Nick. Hopefully one of them anyway
Maybe Carlos. He will become the new Kenny after he lost Sarah
AKA the worst doctor ever
Well my Clem put a bullet in his head so he is definetly dead in my game.
Lmao @ Xemnes, truer words have never been spoken, plus is it just me or do a bunch of people in that house have a damn chip on their shoulders? I think it's the pregnant woman's foul mood bringing everyone down.
Ill say luke will survive, cause he's the 1 i expect to kill clem in ep5.
I think the pregnant bitch will survive longer as we want. In the end she will become nice and bla blah bla she and clem become best friends, than she dies...stupid bitch. Luke is to nice. If there is such a nice Person in Ttg you can probably be sure that he will 1. die or 2. betray you.
Xemnes, exactly, but it would be freakin sweet if somebody offed her, we don't need no babies in the Zombie Apocalypse!!!!! Lol
Keep these comments flowing!
I'm seeing a lot of trolling in some of the other discussions InHarmsWay and trust me I flagged a few of those infantile comments and I stuck to this discussion, I hate to see people ruining things like this for other people, it is a real pain in the ass!!! :-)
I like the way you think girl! Carver will eat the baby >:D
Ahhhh, I liked Alvin but srsly we all know the fat dude will end up dead like Ben. He will die a horrible way I think.
And when Sarah dies I will say to Carlos "I told ya brah."
Clem doesnt need a caretaker anymore. Our little girl's a-growin' up in the zombie apocalypse, just like Carl! (sniffle)
I'm crossing my fingers for an S1 character to come back and live till the end. Kenny's my favourite, but honestly I'd be happy with any one of them. It'd tie up the story nicely for me.
Carl can't take care of himself either, he made several errors in judgement on the opening episode of The Walking Dead's new season, his ego is too big, it's going to get him killed. Just like Clem's mistake with being friendly to the dog, it didn't quite work out for her did it?
He takes care of himself better than Rick takes care of himself (plus walker got his shoe - didn't get him)
And Clem takes care of herself just fine. She has the teachings of Lee. (bows head)
I wasn't trying to offend him, i was trying to stick up for the mods haha
There's gonna be a C-section like Lori.
That's why they call him Carver, he likes to carve up his victims and eat them with fava beans and a nice chianti. Lmao!!!
Kenny didn't betray Lee. Omid didn't betray Lee. Christa didn't betray Lee. Molly didn't betray Lee.
They were nice, they survived Season 1 (well Kenny most likely did, the others definitely did)
I will agree to disagree, just have to see how it all plays out!
Well some people just want to watch the world burn InHarmsWay, that guy has obvious issues with the mods, but instead of handling it like an adult, he wanted to handle it like a 3 year old throwing a tantrum over a toy. Lol, ridiculous.
I think that's too precictabel...
I'm seeing Luke diyng in episode 3 or 4 and otehrs charatchers going with her to episode 5
Kenny seems very likely (if he returns) to live to the end, simply because he is the most loved character from TWD besides clem and lee.
Personally, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Alvin will live to see NO GOING BACK, if only because he's probably the one member of the new group who has the lowest expectations of survival due to his gentle (but weak) personality. I always like to root for the underdog.
No not a caretaker thats the whole reason they killed off Lee. Maybe he will be more of a brotherly figure to her
I'd imagine he'd go out in a heroic blaze of glory.
Or Rebecca would just push him down some stairs while escaping to protect her "BEHBEH"
Kenny will live until the end of Season2. His Godlike Stache will keep him alive.
What if the ending of Season 2 is Kenny and Clementine flying to the moon, with Kenny using his stache like a pair of albatross wings.
they'll probably get lost or die in ep 3/4
The only character with more than a snowball's chance in hell of surviving is Luke, solely based on him being the deuteragonist. Even still, I have a feeling telltale will kill everyone off again.
Kenny will.
I think Kenny and Luke will..
That would be too predictabel I think, so I see him die episode 4 or 5. Unless TT knows we think that and so they let him live for the shock of being predictabel.
BUT they might know we know they know that we think that and so they'll kill him!!
Unless they know we know,,, (this is gonna take me a while)