Do you still believe TWD S2 and TWAU have separate dev teams

kennyisntdeadkennyisntdead Banned
edited February 2014 in The Walking Dead

Remember, when people started asking questions if TTG will have too much on their plate with two active games and a further two more coming up quickly on the horizon, they point-blank said TWAU and TWD S2 have separate dev teams.

However, in light of recent going-ons, I am hard-pressed to believe this anymore. I do believe perhaps Telltale were misleading us on this as well. I mean, it all makes sense. TWAU EP2 delayed, carries on to TWD S2 EP2 being delayed....and the process repeats.

Telltale are caught between a rock and a hard place because if they own up TWAU is what's holding back TWD S2 (and likewise), then they bullshitted us in broad daylight.

Or am I just being too paranoid and reading too much into things, and that you still feel the dev teams are wholly separate in their function and responsibility?

PS: My personal opinion is that both games may have one/two full-time animators and programmers each, but that's about it. Lead animators, designers, writers and programmers are all shared (based on my thinking alone of course). So Telltale will come out and say technically this was no BS. Wouldn't put it beyond them.


  • edited February 2014

    Yeah, I'm beginning to wonder this too. As you said, its possible they have certain people shared while others are separated. Maybe the programmers go between them while the artists stay on each side(The art styles are a bit different so it would make sense). Based on TWD having a delay even though they stated they wouldn't have any more, they lied once so I wouldn't put it past them to lie about the different teams as well :(. I guess we'll see if TWD is delayed by 3-4 months. If it is, then I would say the teams are the same. If its a bit shorter then they may just be taking longer than they should due to scope(I meant that still shouldn't be the reason what with the amount of story branching I could achieve in my game made in a month, and apparently they have like 80 developers or so). I guess we will see within the next few weeks :)

  • edited February 2014

    I personal think they do wau delayed for 4 months then only hour episode obvious working on to much stuff to concentrate on one episode but there small company and will make mistakes but in future all this issues will be sorted and with company growing bigger and more brilliant games coming up im excited(games of thrones,Borderlands) telltale have the potential to reach and compete with naughty dog, 2k games, rockstar in the future and with small budget quality of there games are amazing imagine a big budget game in the future be deadly

  • Seems that way. If it is, then I think they should postpone the rest of TWAU until all of TWD:S2 is out. I like both games, but I think it would be in everybody's best interest to make sure TWD doesn't get any more delays.

  • Irrelevant to this discussion mate.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I personal think they do wau delayed for 4 months then only hour episode obvious working on to much stuff to concentrate on one episode but th

  • They probably do have separate teams. Episode 2 isn't really delayed, they just haven't told us anything about when it will be released.

  • A-ok.

    They probably do have separate teams. Episode 2 isn't really delayed, they just haven't told us anything about when it will be released.

  • Anyone bothered to compare the credits for the two games?

  • As the statement on the FAQ doesn't provide a binding statement regarding the actual release so far there hasn't actually been a delay.


  • Actually comparing the credits for TWD S2 EP1 and TWAU S1 EP2, there are some who are shared, so I would wager there are at least 3 teams between TWD and TWAU:
    1.) TWD team
    2.) TWAU team
    3.) A shared team that works on both when needed
    It's known that groups within companies often share talents and to get a fresh perspective when working on something. So having a team that bounces back and forth between all projects would give a continuous fresh perspective as well as share ideas among the groups.

    While there are shared members among both TWD and TWAU team, no team is entirely shared. There is at least 1 person on each game that is dedicated to that game. I only got through comparing the cinematic artists so the minimum dedicated for one team I saw was four. If only 1 person is needed for a job (like directing), then that person is also exclusive to that game and not shared. My best guess, looking at what I have now, roughly 50% or so of TWD and TWAU teams are shared.

    Teams with no sharing:
    Writers (TWAU has 3 writers to TWD's 2)
    Design (TWAU has 4 designs to TWD's 2)
    Art Direction

    Teams with sharing:
    Content Programming (6 each, 2 shared)
    Animation (11 on TWD and 10 on TWAU, 6 shared)
    Cinematic Artists (23 each, 15 shared)

    I did not get to the other teams, but they're likely no different. TWAU delay was likely not staff related. If it was, it would not have required a story rewrite. It was likely related more to the author of the comics not being happy with something or someone else not being happy.

    As for the delay, do you want a good game or a buggy one? Rush the release and who's to say what bugs might creep in among other issues. I'd rather they release it when it's ready and not because people forgot the meaning of patience (patience is a virtue).

  • I don't know. they've broken lots of promises. it doesn't matter anymore. lol but seriously I think they have different dev teams

  • There's about 4 teams. 1) TWD 2) TWAU 3) A very small team working on the next game 4) A "super rapid" team of the death which helps the other teams whenever they're in need of them to help them release the game on time, which they never succeed anyway. Most of the time they're working on the next game.

  • Ok. Care to share where you got this interesting piece of info? Or did you pull it out of your rear?

    There's about 4 teams. 1) TWD 2) TWAU 3) A very small team working on the next game 4) A "super rapid" team of the death which helps the other

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