If this episode isn't good...
It's being delayed until MARCH. Really? Does it really require that much effort? Three months now instead of Season 1's highly-praised 2 month release schedule? I could forgive TWAU's delay and subsequent low quality. There were actual issues. Technical problems. No one can anticipate that.
But Telltale, if you really think it's A-Okay to ignore all of your paying customers and playing customers like us, keep us in the dark about almost everything that goes on, then start slapping on lengthy delays for absolutely no reason, then shame on you. Maybe you shouldn't try to undergo four different game projects at one time. Maybe you should try to do what you do good at, take some pride in your work again. And it'd be fine, absolutely fine, if Telltale told us why its games are getting long delays recently. But do they? No. Of course not. We get vague statements of "technical issues" for TWAU, then a "OH ITS IN EARLY MARCH HERE CHECK OUT THIS TRAILER WE MADE WE ALREADY MADE LIKE 450 BUT CHECK THIS ONE OUT COOL HUH OH LOOK AT THIS SPOILER IMAGE OH LOOK AT THIS TELLTALE WORKER TWITTERING IT OH LOOK PEWDIEPIE PLAYS IT." for TWD.
Maybe the games are getting delayed so Telltale can make more spoiler pictures in Photoshop and more fancy trailers. Or maybe they're waiting for their lord and profit savior PleaseDiePie to play the game and hype it up.
If S2 Ep2 is a colossal failure like TWAU Ep2, with this lengthier delay (Early March could mean March 11th or 12th for all we know), then I'm done. I'm not gonna buy your super-budgeted Borderlands game. I'm not even gonna buy your Game of Thrones game. I'll politely ask for a refund on both TWD Season 2 and TWAU, as they're both incomplete, and Steam's guidelines allow you to obtain refunds for in-progress games that don't meet their standards and promises, and end up disappointing.
And I hope others will too. The only way we can make Telltale give a single shit about its community is if the community hits them in the pocketbook. So that's exactly what I'm going to do if they're putting paying customers in the total dark with nothing good to show for it.
Gonna say it before a mod, Episode 2 Release Date thread.......
This isn't about the release date. It's about the game.
They are giving us updates here though, its not like the wolf among us where they said nothing for months. I do hope it is worth the wait.
inb4 mod closes
Guys calm down...it is gonna be worth the wait...i have legit proof for that!
Sure it is
Once TWAU and TWD finish, I'm done with Telltale. I expect news on The Walking Dead but they're pushing Borderlands - a game that they shouldn't be working on until they finish their current projects, nor one I give two shits about.
If the next episode is like TWAU episode 2..... Fuck it, not buying into this Telltale nonsense anymore. If they're smart they know they really need to knock this one out of the park...
inb4 mod closes 2 lulz
Mod probably will close it, but again, this isn't about its release date.
We all spent at least $24.99 or your equivalent on a game promised to be like Season 1, promised to follow the same developmental cycle, promised to try its hardest to leave us happy. But TWAU Ep2 was extremely lazy. And with this delay on Episode 2, I have a feeling it'll be even lazier for TWD.
lets keep it in mind until then
This thread survived closure! I'm happily surprised.
Carry on.
Losing hope in this forum and community fast.
I am glad i am not the only one who things TWAU S1E2 is bad. Not only bad story and boring choices. Bugs all over the place. I love 1E its one of the best telltale works.
Why would I want to see Clem stuck under a door and attacked by walkers while her friend sits there and watches? All I did was not murder two people in cold blood, bloody hell...
the word delay would imply they already confirmed a date and then had to push it back.
which they haven't beyond the 2 month thing which unless a ttg staff member said it or it was in the terms and conditions it isn't official.
i would assume since twau got pushed back the twd team was needed to help,
true story people
I have no idea what you are talking about...
You didn't help Kenny killing Larry did you? When you not side with him he can realy be an Ass sometime. But when you decide to side with him thoughout the whole game he is the most loyal Bro you could possible hope for...Clem should be happy to have someone like him among her rows.
We get news and people still complain. This is precisely why I think regular updates would do nothing to appease fans.
agreed, if there is no release date that it can not be "delayed"
I take it you never saw the "just around the corner" update, did you?
I think the problem all of the fans are having is that it takes 3 or 4 months for an hour and a half of an episode to come out. It's very difficult to stay excited. I'm not on here complaining like some, but it's pissing me off too. I understand it doesn't help to complain on the forums, though.
If they posted it on Facebook I did.
I understand that but at this point you kind of know what you're getting. I read the updates on Facebook and every time they post anything about the game, and in this instance were getting the promise of a trailer and game release within weeks, there are still fans ranting and being abusive, even telling them not to post updates just release the game. What do people really want?
As soon as TWAU and TWD S2 are done I'll be buying Tales of the Borderlands and Games of thrones even though I never got into the show. I look forward to all of Telltales future products despite the delays I'll still be rooting them on far into the future. I mean honestly their worst game was Jurassic Park and the game wasn't even that bad to begin with. So I have full confidence that both TWAU and TWD S2 will be great.
I actually really enjoyed Wolf Among Us episode 2. It wasn't as good as the first one and it had an abrupt ending, but it was still really good.
Kenny is awesome! TEAM STACHE!
Also, you can get both Lilly and Kenny to like you. If you side with Lilly at the meat locker and still agree with Kenny for everything else, help his family, steal from the car and kill Ben (not 100% sure about this) and Beatrice then Kenny will still give you the bro talk and Lilly will like you too. Some people don't like Kenny since he didn't come with them but it is understandable if you were never there for him. If you had a family and then if another person didn't try to save them from walkers, didn't tend to their needs and didn't step up and do the right thing every once in a while then would you help them when they needed you? Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't.
Damn right he is! At first i showed my bite to the group, but i changed my playthough and not showed the bite to the group. I told them i will go and find Clementine on my own, but my Bro Kenny wouldn't let me do that...he taged along!
Kenny won't give you the Bro speech when you decide to save Ben at the Belltower. He will say that you didn't always side with him lately and you have to tell him that Clem is your family now to make him tag along.
OopsIDroppedBen, lol, best name ever. Tell Clementine that .... ;3
Anyway, I guess because the episodes are short telltale try and spend as much time as they can perfecting them.
No, it's entirely possible to save Ben and still get the Bro speech. It happened in one of my playthroughs. Kenny even has different lines when Lee asks Ben to come along. It's more of "Wait, do you REALLY want him to come?" rather than the usual "Leave this piece of shit here, he'll fuck everything up."
Dude i sided with Kenny 100% though the entire game. I even sided with him in little disscusions like finding the boat ect. I tryed if he gives me the bro speech even if i save the little shitbird and he didn't.
Dude the first episode came out on December 17 0r 27 don't freak out its not three months
Oh, it wasn't terrible, I agree. But compared to Telltale's other work, it felt dreadful, and to the series as a whole, it felt detrimental. Telltale didn't even bother to modify their achievements or episode images to fit their total plot overhaul. And they still won't tell us why it happened.
Now, with TWD Ep 2 slated for release in March, possibly up to March 21st if Telltale's definition of "around the corner" is like "Valvetime", I'm worried that, once again, they're going to shove us a mediocre game with a tacked-on delay with absolutely no answer as to why and nothing good to show for their delay. TWAU Ep. 2 wasn't bad, but it was medicore. Meh. Average. It had enjoyable moments, but it wasn't at all like Telltale's previous game episodes.
I want to be optimistic and say Ep2 will revive the general community's faith in Telltale. I've heard of a lot of people abandoning them altogether over TWAU Ep2, and I don't want to do that. But if TWD Ep2 is the same mediocre laziness pushed out with heavy delay compared to TWD Season 1, then Telltale's lost a customer, and I hope others get refunds too. I don't want to see Telltale take a financial hit, but if TWD Ep2 is a lazy and low-quality filler for the season, that proves Telltale has a problem. A problem keeping delays. A problem communicating with us. A problem in Quality Assurance. And the only way it seems that they'll realize they have a problem and try to fix it is they start losing money for their mistakes and stop gaining it.
If they make a profit off of mistakes, they'll never improve.
But nevermind...i played the disc version of Season1 on my Xbox and i did just read that the " who comes with you " part can be a little bit buged there sometime. I trust you on this...
the only update they should do are the one that actually give new info,
oh wait..
anything else beyond that and the look at all these stats / awards / offers/ reviews promo's teasers.
oh wait...
I cannot wait to play Game of Thrones.
i understand your frustration but calm your tits, episode 2 of season 1 didnt come out until 3 months after the the episode 1 release, before we all know it the season well be over.