Hey twd comic book fans! How do you want negan to die?
Probaly won't happen for a while but the way I want negan to die, eventually once rick has negan maybe rick well smash his head in with Lucille just like negan did to glenn.
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I want Carl to kill him.
I like the Lucille idea...
I fucking hate this Negan prick!
Maggie should get the kill.
From papercut.
Getting eaten by a big fucking herd would be entertaining.
But yeah. I say Negans head belongs to Maggie.
What I want to happen: I want Negan to kill the little psychopath Carl and then be killed by Maggie as revenge for Glenn
However most likely Carl will get to kill him
Weirdly I almost want Sophia to kill Negan (is that odd, I just thought of it now, her char cater does next to nothing nowadays)
What I want to happen: I want Negan to kill the little psychopath Carl and then be killed by Maggie as revenge for Glenn
However most likely Carl will get to kill him
Weirdly I almost want Sophia to kill Negan (is that odd, I just thought of it now, her char cater does next to nothing nowadays)
Negan will kill everyone. New team confirmed.
An INFECTED paper cut. Necrotizing Fasciatis
I will also add that if/when Negan appears on the TV show. I'm rooting for Henry Rollins (who I'm sure should be available) to get the part. I thought "Henry Rollins" as soon as I saw Negan.
It envolves Lucille and Negans anus, you can work the rest out.
Maybe Dwight will kill him
Honestly, this saga of comics being for me the most boring of all. In the saga of Alexandria was bad enough to read, then and now ...
But yeah, I wanna see Negan dead. By who? I do not know, maybe Andrea, she suffered greatly at his hands.
I don't know how do i want Negan to die. One thing i do know is, i don't want Carl to kill him.... That'll be cheap as hell in my opinion. Also, i want Negan to cause more damage before he goes... Yeah, i'm probably gonna get flamed for this but one of the reasons i love the comics so much was because of The Governor and Negan.
I thought the Governor was great. Should've kept him as the main bad guy instead of Negan if you ask me.
Me too.... Oh well, we can't always get what we want. I should also mention i liked the tv version of the Governor a lot more, which to be honest i wouldn't think it would happen.It brought more depth to him as character.
I'd like the Saviours to kick his ass and give him over to Rick as a peace offering. That's the most humilliating death I can imagine.
You took the words out of my mouth.
Ya that could happen, I'm thinking that Dwight is gonna make an attempt to kill him but he fails and negan kills him, much like hen Merle tried to kill the governor but also failed and was killed.
I'd want Maggie some how steal his Bat from him,and mash his head.Maggie avenge Glenn (Well,in my imaginary version)
Clementine shows up kills him and says to the comic charatchers "Hey, I'm Clem and I'm gonna teach you how to make an awesome story!!"
But seriously he's going to be killed with Lucile and by Maggie.
very painfully and by Maggie
I love the evil charatchers toom The governor and Negan are just AWESOME!! The story would suck without them...
And yes, the Tv show governor was better that the comics was one thing the tv producers got absolutly right
one stab (or gunshot) for everyone he's killed.
Maggie, with Lucile in the Ballroom
If we take a look at the cover of issue 126, we can see a shadow holding Lucille aproaching Negan. I personally think that:
A) That person will smash Negans brains. I really doubt that will happen. Mr. Kirkman wouldnt spoil us that in the cover, knowing that covers are revealed few months before that issue is published.
C) Random known person will shot him. I would really like if he dies in a way similar to the governor. Maybe Negan is about to kill that person holding Lucille and then BLAM he is shot by that random person.
That are my theories, but I know that none will happen. Something always happens and all our theories keep changing. I didnt know if I had to put a spoiler tag. We are in a thread about the comics. Im a newbie. Sorry