Episode 2 Curse?

What is it about the second episode that makes Telltale take so long? We've seen it in TWD season 1 (64 days) , TWAU (4 months), and now TWD season 2 (unknown). I know they dont set a concrete timetable, but I'm sure 2+ Months isn't what they're shooting for. Should we expect this in the future for all Telltale games? Maybe its a coincidence?


  • Sounds plausible...

    IamAndrew posted: »


  • edited February 2014

    Someone doesn't want TellTale to make anymore games,we must find out who and kill him with dark magic.

    Sounds plausible...

  • They take the most feedback in that time I think. I dunno

  • It's like the "difficult second album" for a band.

  • I forgot about the whole feedback thing. I wonder how much of role that really plays into it?

    They take the most feedback in that time I think. I dunno

  • It's been like this since The Walking Dead Season 1, where they released each episode approximately two months each. It's nothing new.

  • Naw episode 4&5 were released way before 2 months.

    It's been like this since The Walking Dead Season 1, where they released each episode approximately two months each. It's nothing new.

  • It is stupid that one episode is like 1h 20min long and it takes 4 months to realase it. I really hope that episode 2 is over 2h long. I'm sick of telltale's "coming soon" and "just around corner " shit. I loose my mind, if I hear "coming soon" just one more time.

  • Early March,Early March,Early March,i hope it's at least 5 hours long or else i'll be so pissed for waiting so much time for a second episode to come.

    It is stupid that one episode is like 1h 20min long and it takes 4 months to realase it. I really hope that episode 2 is over 2h long. I'm sic

  • edited February 2014

    Amen brother.

    IamAndrew posted: »

    Early March,Early March,Early March,i hope it's at least 5 hours long or else i'll be so pissed for waiting so much time for a second episode to come.

  • Sam and Max seasons 1 and 2 had a longer gap between the first and second episodes, also. I can't say about the other games, because I didn't order them until a few episodes were already released, but I'd say a longer gap between the first couple episodes is normal. That's not to say there won't be similar gaps between later episode releases, though. If I had to guess, I'd say TTG's latest games are more complex than their earlier stuff, so the development time required is greater than it used to be.

  • I'd love a 5 hour episode, but that'll probably take Telltale 6 months to make.

    IamAndrew posted: »

    Early March,Early March,Early March,i hope it's at least 5 hours long or else i'll be so pissed for waiting so much time for a second episode to come.

  • I want to hear telltale's excuse if it's not 3 or more hours long.

    I'd love a 5 hour episode, but that'll probably take Telltale 6 months to make.

  • It was like this with Sam & Max too? I guess this is normal then, bummer.

    raptor posted: »

    Sam and Max seasons 1 and 2 had a longer gap between the first and second episodes, also. I can't say about the other games, because I didn't

  • how many movies does AMC has?they have lots right?and they are realising season 4 episode 10 in February the 23rd 2014,sunday.that IS REALLY fast.

  • I think the rest of the episodes for S4 are recorded way before February.

  • edited February 2014

    It's easier to make tv episodes, than games. Also they already filmed whole season 4, but there are hundreds of programs on tv and the walking dead have it's own showing time.

    how many movies does AMC has?they have lots right?and they are realising season 4 episode 10 in February the 23rd 2014,sunday.that IS REALLY fast.

  • The problem with episodes 2 and 3 is that they problably change a lot during their making because of the episodes 4 and 5 storys, since they have to make sense and influence the further.

    THat's what I think they take longer because of the connection to the others episods and TT allways changing the story to make it better and more surprising, this is not an excuse I'm pissed off too for the time that has passed, but I guess this is the reason

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