If there was a real zombie apocolypse, who would you team up with?

who would you team up with? What type of people, how many people, and why? And what type of person would you be?
There's always the
The Leader- this person is in charge of the entire group. They ration who eats what, what's the new plan - and anything that's significant and that effects everybody in the group. This person is the main person of the group obv.
The Aggressive one - this person is always on to somebody and takes no bullshit at all. E.g Lilly.
The Athlete- This person is usually the one doing most of the physical work and isn't afraid to bash some skulls. Probably not the sharpest one out there when it comes to thinking ; but that's irrelevant since all's gone to hell and education isn't useful as much anymore
The Doctor - The name pretty much sums it all. This person knows the DIFFERENCE IN A DOG BITE AND ZOMBIE BITE and what you need to basically survive.
The Innocent one - This person is the quiet one in the group and the most generous. Usually giving up his/her food for the others since they insist on watching other's starve more. Most of the time they know how to defend themselves and others. And will not turn down anything you ask him/her to do.
The oldie- Again, the title pretty much sums it all. It's pretty much an old person that has alot of knowledge and life lessons. E.g Chuck.
7.The complete fool - Ben.
I'd love to know who'd you pick to be in your rad group. And sorry if I missed out on types of people, if you have any - please reply it.
Also, what type of person would YOU be? I'd personally be the innocent (but still looking for a qt bf).
I'd team up with erm... Freddy Krueger, The Batman, The famous Five and the Geralt the Witcher.
I'd team up with (in order):
Well, my zombie apocalypse scenario would be: I would die on the first day, because one would come kill me without me knowing the apocalypse started. I'm guessing that's how most of the world would die.
If I did survive and knew what was going on, I would go out and raid any store with water and food. Then I would go to some stores which I know have shotguns behind the counter. I would get an axe at my fire station nearby. I would hide in my house (While going out scavenging sometimes), lock everything up, turn off most of the lights (Maybe leave some candles, etc.), shut all shades, and barracade.
I don't think there would be many villains. The Walking Dead is probably a hyperbole on that subject. Also, I would be kind of the innocent. I would keep food unless there are very young children that need it (I am 14 after all).
My team would consist of me and 1000 duck-sized horses. No survival reasons, just for shits and giggles.
My team would consist of me and a bag of SaltLicks, Thats more than enough :P
That question is easy...
good choices but freddie useless only powerful in dreams, batman just man suit but good. I team up with joel or bigby or governor all badass but in terms of teams the fat member if under attack catch him first also if forced be cannibal more eat

I wanna join.... xD
Sorry; 5 is the magic number
Sorry man, but seriously TeamMoustache all the way!
Oh my God. We forgot him. Look how sad he is:
Omg...i almost started crying when i saw this!
I enjoy your poop but that's unhuman!
Ok, following your team members and choosing from charatcher of the game
Leader: Lee
Agressive: ME
Athelete: Molly
Doctor: Hershel
"Innocent one": Carley
Oldie: Pete
Fool: Nick (I choose Nick and not Ben, because nick may be a fool, but is smarter and older than Ben)
You forgot something on your list...
Mustache: Kenny
Honestly I wouldn't want to be in a large group, 2-3 people tops, head up into the mountains find a cave to hold up in and live small and quite.
I'm not a Kenny hater or a Kenny fan and my relationship with him was awfull, but I liked the charatcher the same, so I guess if that kind off charatcher cam along obviously would be kenny :P
Carlos made a good try but is miles away from the master
Chuck Norris of course!
How can you compare a incompetently asshole doctor with a godlike fishing boat captain? Shame on you sir!
I would lock all the doors and windows in my house, put three high caged fences around my house and then no zombies will get in.
My ideal team would be:
Badass 1
Badass 2
Badass 3
Badass 4
The Load aka Me
It's the smartest way to go, honestly
Hey I put a serious responge xD
I know baby not you.
The Leader: Harpadarpa. He tucks one hand in his coat whenever someone takes his picture, just like Napoleon.
Aggressive One: No fucking clue. Probably some random guy we pick up on the side of the road, then he tries to kill us and take all our stuff.
The Athlete: Michael7123. He seems like he would be a physically fit guy.
The Doctor: Bioshock Infinite WD. Because you turn the "W" upside down and it spells "M.D."
The Innocent: Me. I'm a quiet guy, and try to stay out of others' way. However, I'm also pretty sarcastic, though not in an extremely assholish way that would make me the Aggressive One.
The Oldie: DoweWing333. He's got an air of wisdom and intelligence about him, and seems kind hearted enough top be the mentor-like figure for our group and help us out when we need it.
The Fool: I don't know right now. Probably whichever one of us decides we should pick up some random guy on the side of the road, leading The Aggressive One from above.
We who aren't good around people could form our own group.
Disaster waiting to happen.
If I want to be realistic, then I would team up with my firiends, girlfriend and parents if I could find them. My country is full of lakes and forrest, so I would go to north. I own 9mm glock 19, so I would survive like three months maybe. I know that this ain't "what would you do in ZA", but when I got plan, nothing can't stop me.
Robert Morgan. (The member here, not the character)
I'd go with the innocent one. Everybody seems to go batshit crazy except these people. Anyone else also has a larger possibility of betraying me. Even though the world goes to hell, people shouldn't lose their humanity.
Leader, zombie killing specialists, reconnaissance and mercenary group.
GOUSTTTT (gif swarm on walkers)
ClemClemForever (secondary gif swarm)
kiwi_walking_dead (moral support)
JaydenAceRyder (kill them with kindness)
Blind Sniper (to moderate walkers when they try to retaliate)
Puzzlebox (to annoy the walkers with false promises)
The Walking Mustache (because with a combined mustache and mullet, our group is unstoppable)
it would just be me and christa
The Leader - Lee obviously, he can talk/convince, he can lead and he can fight. and he's versatile, making him perfect for that role. But you all already know that.
The Aggressive one - Rick Grimes actually(would've picked him leader if it weren't for lee), the guy does indeed throw a lot of accusation. But in actuality most of them hit home and are on the spot. I'd trust his mistrust of others more than anyone else's mistrust.
The Athlete - Kenny. He's not a Molly level athlete, but he can fight and he's resilient both physically and emotionally. He only gets more annoying where others in his place would either commit suicide or kill someone of the group. It also feels right to place him in the battlefield. He's not an A grade smart planner.
The Doctor - That doctor girl who was with rick's group, forgot her name(or was she a nurse?)
The innocent one - Luke. I'd choose Doug or Carley except that Doug has no weapon to defend himself(the gadgets are useful, but still) and Carley isn't that obedient(unless you saved her life), so Luke.
The Oldie - Pete, he's no doctor either, but he's smart, brave and moralized. And has the old man qualifications of telling old man things and teaching lessons. My favourite Oldie so far.
The complete fool(s) - Put Me, Ben and Nick all into one big pile of screw ups and silly goofs. The guys who only know basic skills and are there just for the occasional labor work help. And if I have to pick, then me I guess since I have to be in "my group" (though nick would probably be more help)
The kids - Clementine, Carl, Duck and Sarah.(if I could only choose two, then clem and carl. If one. then Clem of course)
The prettiest lady that was DTF.
Well the Governor will trying to kill you after a couple of days. He's bad shit crazy.
Pff you fools
I raise my own army like negan or the govenor...except the fact that I'm not evil...well only if I dont need to be. There are situations in a zombie apocalypse were you have to be the bad guy as a leader. But I can deal with it. I would be a good and generous leader, but serious and severe if someone breaks a rule, he have to get out. Also i would lead a democracy. The guys with the most experience would sit in my High Council. Everybody had to work. And every person would have a "job" to do. Even the kids. Damn kids. I would try to save and collect as many survivers as i can find.
And then when i create a little town like woodburry. I'll take all of my weapons and murder everyone. Except the damn kids Ò,..,ó I eat them if i dont have food anymore. And than...i start again from the beginning^^
Ahhh...than i call my self carver. That will be fun!
Governor not crazy he simple honest man don't follow his rules you die made to keep everyone alive and concentrated most misunderstood character ever. Don't stay alive that long and become the leader of such quality town without being smart