Did you take Nick's Wrist watch?



  • Where else would I go to drink on U-Day? -_-

    uberbyford posted: »

    In an Alliance friendly bar I assume?

  • why wood luke keep medical supplies in his room? you can hear alvin saying carlos has supllies on the lockdown, and you can see a cupboard that is locked

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    That room was Luke's. The game files say the watch is Nick's.

  • The value of gold assumes the world is going to return to a state where currency has a purpose. This universe is about taking only what you can carry and use to survive.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    I didn't take it, but it's not just a watch - it's something you can trade.

  • I took the watch. I'll take anything that's not nailed down in the zombie apcalypse. And if it is nailed down I might still take it since I have an f@%!%ing hammer now. I'll take every watch, juicebox and strip of rag that there is from people who leave me to die in a damp, dirty shed surrounded by walkers with an infected wound.

    Heck, I'll take the watch, show it to Carlos, say 'this is for you sucking as doctor' then smash it right in front of him.

    Then I'd say 'and if you bothered to at least use some peroxide on me BEFORE putting me in the shed, more of it wouldnt have spilled, you quack.


    Skiba7671 posted: »

    I'm not sure the watch is Carlos'. The only ones that seem the type to live in a house in the woods are Nick and Pete.

  • XD

    Gengar posted: »

    More watch memes

  • The watch is useless though. The only things with value are survival supplies.

    pander1 posted: »

    I took the watch. I'll take anything that's not nailed down in the zombie apcalypse. And if it is nailed down I might still take it since I ha

  • It'd be handy to keep track of dates, for harvest purposes :)

    People got by for thousands of years without watches. You don't need one to tell the time,especially if you spend a lot of time outside, and especially outside at night if the stars are out.

    Even I can get it within about half an hour outside at night, and I'm out of practice.

    A watch would be in List 3 - Luxuries.

    List 1 - Essentials for survival

    List 2 - Comforts

    List 3 - Luxuries.

    You need to prioritize in a ZA.

    Plus, the whole thief thing :)

    So you are saying because it's a zombie apocalypse there is no practical use for time anymore? I think you are a little wrong. Sure, our lives wouldn't live by a timed schedule, but it'd still be pretty damn nice to know what time it is.

  • Wasn't sure who's watch it was but I left it there. Why would anyone assume that it belongs to Carlos?

  • One could sleep in the bath?

    lol just reminiscing about college :)

    GoFigure posted: »

    How do you know that was Carlos' Drawer? And even if so, bedrooms are divided weird among the residents. If that's Carlos' room and Sarahs sle

  • Nice lateral thinking amigo :)

    I took it because I thought I might need it, like to hold the bandage on / apply pressure to the wound or something... im sure karma's gonna get me for it

  • edited February 2014

    LMMFAO 8-o

    That's exactly my attitude playing Fallout, I end up carting round hundreds of pounds of various junk, scouring every room I'm in, but in RL you don't have Lee's TARDIS pockets where you can shove a car battery or an oxy torch down your pants and have room for more because Lee's pants are bigger on the inside


    pander1 posted: »

    I took the watch. I'll take anything that's not nailed down in the zombie apcalypse. And if it is nailed down I might still take it since I ha

  • edited February 2014

    Took it, my watch now, never heard of a watch in the house, I allways had that with me.

  • I agree with you; I just don't think everybody would realize that. In most disasters a lot of people go straight to looting money or luxury goods, thinking a sense of normalcy will return. (Whether real disasters, though the return to normalcy likely, but in a lot of apocalypse movies you still have people who value impractical goods [admittedly it often kills them]) Even without planning, a lot of people would assign it value out of habit.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    The value of gold assumes the world is going to return to a state where currency has a purpose. This universe is about taking only what you can carry and use to survive.

  • Gold would probably still have value, but the real value would probably be in meds, antibiotics, insulin.

    You're totally right, most people aren't going to assume it's the end of all things when the first walkers show up.

    There'd be plenty of people looting TV's and Blurays when they should be looting building materials and seeds.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    I agree with you; I just don't think everybody would realize that. In most disasters a lot of people go straight to looting money or luxury go

  • I didn't take the watch because I have a feeling a character is going to make a big fuff about it in a later episode if I took it. And I don't think it's Carlos'. I'm pretty sure he sleeps in the same room as Sarah. It's a small cabin, most families would stay in the same room with the exceptions probably being Nick and Pete.

    Plus, I don't really think I'll ever need a watch.

  • The game files say that the watch is Nick's, but the room is Luke's. I think that Luke and Nick share, but Pete sleeps on the sofa.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    I didn't take the watch because I have a feeling a character is going to make a big fuff about it in a later episode if I took it. And I don't

  • edited February 2014

    Alt text I don't know...

  • Nice question.yes i took his watch ..where are you from saad akram

  • The game files implies its from nick

  • Me too! When it didn't come up in episode 1, I got worried.

    I wonder if there will be many other seemingly-harmless, not-exactly-necessary actions you can take (or be tricked into taking) that add up later on..!

    I took it because I thought I might need it, like to hold the bandage on / apply pressure to the wound or something... im sure karma's gonna get me for it

  • Also, wasn't there a board game in that room too? XD Nick probably was playing it with Luke, Luke was winning and Nick rage quit, leaving behind his watch. But that's just a theory. A game theory!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    The game files say that the watch is Nick's, but the room is Luke's. I think that Luke and Nick share, but Pete sleeps on the sofa.


    The game files implies its from nick

  • How do you know it is Carlos's watch?

  • I understand you completely but yes you need to prioritize but when you think about it a watch is a small object and I think you are thinking of watches someone would hunt for. Like you would hunt for food and comforts and then luxuries like maybe you find some junk food, but a watch isn't really a luxury. It's more of just a simple item. Yeah people did get by thousands of years without them, because they didn't have them. It's like if no one invented videogames, we'd still be alive right now probably. But since we have videogames, nearly everyone has them. You're right you don't need a watch you can simply guess but I'd say a watch would probably be more handy than you think. I wear mine nearly everywhere I go so I'd probably miss it. Kind of like leaving your house forgetting your wallet, something just feels out of place.

    Groovy420 posted: »

    It'd be handy to keep track of dates, for harvest purposes People got by for thousands of years without watches. You don't need one to tel

  • good points :)

    I understand you completely but yes you need to prioritize but when you think about it a watch is a small object and I think you are thinking

  • Really? From where? Who?

    That1Guy posted: »

    I heard somewhere that the file for it said it was Nick's watch.

  • edited February 2014
    1. Download ttarchext

    2. Read tutorial

    bobjoeshmoe posted: »


  • Maybe it's his mothers...

    That1Guy posted: »

    I heard somewhere that the file for it said it was Nick's watch.

  • Yeah I took the watch. I thought "Whats the harm? Its just a watch" and anyway I was angry at them for locking me in the shed.

  • Because it was in the same room as the bandages? I don't know.

    AdamBizzle posted: »

    Wasn't sure who's watch it was but I left it there. Why would anyone assume that it belongs to Carlos?

  • Opens drawer and sees watch

    Me: 'The hell am I going to do with this?'

    Closes drawer

    Didnt want a watch, especially such a large watch for Clem, besides they were already going to be angry I was stealing supplies, figured taking the watch would basically automatically have them kick me out of the group

  • Same here. When episode 2 comes out, I'll probably take it in one playthrough just to see what happens, if it matters, but it felt useless to me, and I figured someone in the group would just have a reason to distrust my Clem more.

    Apples posted: »

    Opens drawer and sees watch Me: 'The hell am I going to do with this?' Closes drawer Didnt want a watch, especially such a large watc

  • I didn't dare take the watch lol, I knew they would find out eventually that I sneaked in stole some medical supplies so I wouldn't die from a dog bite, but I didn't want them to think I was a general thief.

  • i did but had no clue she was gonna steal the watch

  • A wrist watch just becomes a light paper weight once the batteries dead, and I doubt they'll really be able to charge watch batteries. Batteries lose their charge eventually even if not used so unless that watch was solar powered, it's rather worthless to take it even if it's just a sentimental item to have because you're used to it. Clem didn't have a watch before in the first game so why now? If it were a walkie talkie, it might make more sense for a sentimental reason.

    Things add up. A watch may be small, but on top of flashlights, food, bandages, maybe some clothes, matches, a knife, etc, it might end up being too heavy. And Clem's like 10-11 years old. A kid should not be carrying more than like a quarter of their weight on their back (might actually be 10%, I don't recall since I saw the value some years ago) or they suffer from back issues. Most of that 10-20 lbs she'd be carrying would be food and possibly a weapon or two. Clem's also constantly moving. She has to keep light so she can run and thus even a watch may tip the scale combined with everything else she has. A few ounces might not be much, but a few pennies aren't much either. Keep adding to it and you eventually end up with a pound/dollar. Prioritizing is necessary in that environment and a watch is a rather worthless item, especially when the battery dies.

    A gallon of liquid (milk, water, etc) is 8 lbs. Clem might be able to carry 1-2 1/2 of those on a regular basis before she starts to have massive back issues assuming she's around 80 lbs. Due to lack of food, she might be even lighter.

    I don't recall if I took the watch. I think I did, though. I see, I grab. Heh. Should be interesting to see what it factors into or if it ends up forgotten.

    I understand you completely but yes you need to prioritize but when you think about it a watch is a small object and I think you are thinking

  • I didn't take the watch but in second save file I took the watch, in first save file i saved pete and in second one i saved nick.

    Nice question.yes i took his watch ..where are you from saad akram

  • Tell me that in Episode 5, where in order to win the game you need to be able to fashion a timer for the bomb, so you can get out of the zombie creating factory which is causing the zombie apocalypse and you need a watch for it! You're doomed I say. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    The watch is useless though. The only things with value are survival supplies.

  • i revieve because i want to

    1:its petes.he gave it to nick

    2:the thread is useless and i agree we can close this down

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