What is your mentality when you play TWD?
see title
I play the game as how I would do it in real life. Right here, right now.
It's unlikely that Clementine lives to be older.
I think that helping others and being as open-minded as possible is the best way to go.
Should that time come when Clementine does die, I want to think of all the good things I did for people. Every instance of generosity and kindness. I don't want to think about the people I hated or who I killed just so I could look out for myself, and what I stole. I want to think about Lee and all the sacrifices he made, and all of my friends. Every choice you make in the game has an impact in the end.
The only way to be at peace when you die is to be at peace within yourself.
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I'm usually just excited to play the game
Well on my first playthrough I do what I personally would do.
On my second playthrough, I do evil Clem, taking the choices that make me feel like a piece of shit mentally.
On my third playthrough, I just do some choices I haven't chosen yet
On my fourth playthrough, I cry because episode 2 isn't out yet.
My mentality from start was minute seen clem i will do anything in my power to keep her safe and terminate all threats. All my actions were not dictated by my mentality(some were) but mostly to indirectly teach clem good morals(no stealing, only kill walkers, always forgive saved ben) it hurt me seeing such precious little girl in such a position also lee murderer story of redemption clem would save lees soul. But was connected with every decision especially duck decision taught my fault didn't shot him first for rest game feel bad. Nice question
When lee died never thought of all previous adventures just things he would be missing out on never be able to protect clem and help her have good life all the adventures just saw this defenceless girl from treehouse when lee was dying in front of her and felt powerless hurt so much
My mentality?
We should be friends. We can cry together!
Stay alive on the inside, stay alive on the outside. At the end of the day, Clem should be able to look in the mirror and feel okay about the person staring back at her. Given that, she needs to do whatever it takes to survive.
Two things nearly impossible to undertake simultaneously in this world.
Season 1 I played as myself, Season 2 I play as Clementine following the image I set for her, so to speak. And beyond that, I just enjoy the ride.
That said, I mainly focus on the writing quality and challenging the game in ways to find out if Telltale can surprise me with actual freedom to choose my own adventure once in a while. This usually makes me get more closer to characters that other people harbor a hate for, like Lilly, Ben and Rebecca, which is really painful because the forums are quite hostile towards any expression of sympathy for these characters.
That said, it is mostly the sympathetic Clementine for me. She never judged anyone in season 1 so I'm not planning to possess her or anything. I just choose what feels natural for her and for the storyline.
Yeah. But THIS:
...is not the face of someone who yields to "nearly impossible."
Indeed. I have a feeling this season is going to heavily draw on the struggle Clem is going to have with the first part of your post. (Stay alive on the inside).
You can do it! Enter Waterboy photo here
Well she will die either way.
I would really like to chose when and how like your choice matters. Three endings at least.
No matter what.
Teach her to keep her humanity at the same time as not hesitate to make hard decisions.
Sometimes it's kill or be killed.
Don't fuck people over, defend those you trust.
Don't trust strangers.
Basically I try to bear in mind all I tought her as Lee, and try to make the choices Clem would make, not me, as I'm pretty cynical and hardened and I have a hard time making friends and forgiving enemies,
Clem's personality is very different to mine, and she served as an anchor for me during season 1, restraining my Lee from turning into the Governor, so I try to do what she would do, but I bear in mind my teachings as Lee.
My Clem's kind to her friends, has no time for assholes (looking at you Carlos and rebecca) and knows how to get shit done.
I usually play fairly altruistically on my first (blind) play through. I'll never be able to bring myself to so a full scale asshole save, just because it makes me feel too shitty.
In season one, it was easy to just act as if I was in Lee's shoes. In season 2, there is a bit of a distance between myself and Clem. Don't get wrong, I feel very attached to her character, it I'm doing some things with her that I wouldn't do normally. For example, when Luke asked what happened to Lee, I was just going to say that he died. In my first game, I told Clem to leave Lee, so it didn't make sense to say she killed him. Saying that it was the same thing that happened to everyone just seemed to grim for Clementine, so I choose that he died trying to get her back. I don't blame Clementine for lee's death, but in her position, I would definitely blame myself for his death. And honestly, I think things like this really add to the experience of season 2.
;~: Now I'm crying again!
My mentality is "if anyone touches Clem, they die".
This is also good
It's simple and easy to remember.
Brofist dude
oh hey guys what's going on in h-
I kill zombies as if they were the causes of the delay.
I like it, short, to the point...
I play Clem as a more of a cynical person than she was. More so than I played when as Lee. When playing as Lee, he already had his personality, being an adult and having his size and strength to lean on a bit. Plus that it softened me a bit when paying as Lee that Clem was there. He had to act in a certain way to gain her trust.
But now, playing as Clem, she's lost everything. Young, alone, seen too much. I play her as more of an observer. She sees alot, but might not use it to her advantage until she really needs to. I'd say I'm playing her as a calculating, but loyal person. So far.
I get a huge erecting in my pants when I play an episode, so it's hard for me to focus.
My mentality is..."DAMN, I LOVE THIS GAME!"
The first go-round, I always play how I think best. With season 2, I play Clementine like Lee. He obviously would have a huge impact on how she sees things and makes decisions.
Other than that, my mentality going in is to see and discover everything I can. I like to hear all the options. It's too good of a game not to see every scenario play out.
Do whatever it takes to protect Clementine, Ready to smash people's head, Leave others on the side of the road, Choke a guy till he dies, Etc..
My mentality:
god damn, i was trying to not get too hyped for next episode as i waited for "early march" but this thread just brought all the hype back.
Same here man. I want that DAMN TRAILER!
when I play walking dead I just get lost in it I feel like it is really happening and I forget the real life. thats it
Like many here already said I play Clem to keep her safe as #1 priority. For the first playthrough I make choices in character and how she may respond as an older more experienced and jaded survivor. For the 2nd round I choose whatever comes I would personally choose.
I start up the game, and just say to myself, "I'm here to fuck shit up."
Mostly trying to survive...and trying to find the lost Mustache!
That's what I love about gaming. You don't get that from a movie
It's out there.
It was lost long ago, but the thing about mustasches is...
You can always get them back
Be careful of your surroundings
Treat strangers in a polite manner unless you have the chance to kill them
Don't listen to the idiot stereotype "if you kill him you'll be as bad as him" because that is the most fucking stupid thing ever
Make allies not foes if possible
Always make sure a person does not turn
Be suspicious of other's motives
wow am i net famous yet!!!
not as net famous as my nate thread bruv