My conclusions after today

After i saw the latest screenshots my conclusions are:
1- Season 2 episode 2 will be like Season 1 Episode 3 "Long road ahead", but instead of going to Savannah, we will go to the mountains.
2- Nick or Pete won't survive more then 30 minutes in the second episode because we did not see any of them in the preview / screens
3- Luke will survive at least untill episode 3.
4- The "i thought you were dead" person won't be revealed until la last scene of Episode 2 or the first of Episode 3.
5- And of course:
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I agree with :
Fuck it, i lied it's Drum and Bass...what you gonna do?
Poitns 1,3 and 5 I agree, but I disagree with 2 and 4.
I think Nick will survive at least until episode 3, Pete may too or will die within episode 2.
ABout the "I thought you were dead person" I think they will reveal it in the middle of the episode, I mean close to the ned, but not RIGHT in the end.
concerning Nick/Pete, they might not be showing them to not spoil any surprises and keep us all guessing. To do the "i thought you were dead" thing at the end would be a terrible move, hoping it happens around the middle
It will not at all feature in EP2. For sure. Will be in "coming next" again like what happen in TWAU.
Maybe Kenny could appear in the train from s1 since we saw rails near the Luke/Clem pic. just a thought...
Those are not rails of crains, they look like rails for mining carts.
And I guess no one could get close to the train, I mean Kenny just survive a bunch of walker in a alley/building, I don't think he would have the strenght to fight of a horde surronding the train, but it's a thought.
I wonder how accurate the preview for A House Devided will and up being. After re-watching the preview for Starved for Help I realized that 90% of what was shown was not included in the actual episode.
4 - It will be the last moment in the episode and we won't see who it actually is until episode 3. So maybe in June.
That gif makes this thread worthwhile.
Imagine that telltale forget all about "i thought you were dead" thing. Trolololo.
Nobody cares...
Actually, there was some things included in the episode, but it was done in a different way. Example is when Mark took an arrow to the.... shoulder...
He still got an arrow in the shoulder, but he was shot in a different way.
It seems to me that more important events in previews are done in a different way, but are kept in the game overall. Since that "I thought you where dead" part seems important, I can only assume that it will be either kept the way it is or done in a similar way. Completely taking out that part would be risky on Telltale's part, unless they WANT to shoot themselves in the foot.
The guy spent his precious writing this...
And you don't read it O: