What year is TTG's TWD set
I have been thinking if the TWD Comics Storyline started in 2003 (which is true)
then what year is Season 1 and Season 2 of Telltale's The Walking Dead?
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I have been thinking if the TWD Comics Storyline started in 2003 (which is true)
then what year is Season 1 and Season 2 of Telltale's The Walking Dead?
Season 1 takes place during the first few months of the series (or 2003 as you would say). Some Telltale Staff member said Season 1 was four months overall.
Season 2 had that 16 month time gap after Season 1; 20 months overall it would seem.
Overall, I'd guess they are pretty close to 2005 in Season 2.
The timeline is a little bit messed up because Edgemaster of Edginess Kirkman is kind of bad at writing so just assume the game's timeline started in 2012. Glenn says in the TV series that he played portal(came out in 2007) and yesterday's episode shows a "Super Dinosaur" comic(came out in 2011) lying around somewhere so you can't really go with the 2003 date anymore.
I think it takes place in the early to mid 2000's, In Clementine's house and in the store in Macon they have CRT TVs which where more common back then compared to the LCD TVs that we have now (the only place to have a LCD was the house with the dead couple in Savannah), There is also a absence of cell phones and any reference to them.
We have the option to look at a licence plate in All That Remains that seems to have a 05 registration year on it
it seems to have been there for a while so maybe the game starts from some time around 2006 onwards?
well the outbreak started in 2003 so season 1 is set then season 2 is 16 months later so it would be sometime late 2004-mid 2005
still does not show the year
fair enough i think the tv universe might have started in 2012 or sometime around there but the comic/game universe started in 2003 since they are both different universes
You would think but the first book Rise of the Governor has references to social media sites such as Twitter bringing it a little closer to the present.
Early to mid 2000s? So about 2100-2600 roughly in there?
You forget the time between Season 1 ending and the opening of Season 2. Must have been a few months at least since Christa is a lot more pregnant at that point.
Urgh. I don't understand why Kirkman has to be so unspecific about these things. It doesn't make anything better! It's just annoying.
400 Days did show those really cheap gas prices prior to the breakout though.
Besides, the TV Show and the Comics/Games follow their own timeline.
Even if the games are no longer official canon to the comics, the games still look to the comics as source material.
(Generic Disclaimer: I am just a community mod so I know as much as you all do.)
He doesn't need to be specific when he is previously unspecific. If that makes sense?
In short, if he doesn't point things out they can't come back to bite him in the ass later (usually).
Super Dinosaur is also referenced by Duck.
Did anyone figure out how the games were no longer in canon with the comics?
In the not-too-distant future, next Sunday AD...
It has nothing to do with "bad writing." It's just a comic book conceit. Unless it's a period story, time is elastic, events always drift towards having taken place in vaguely recent/modern day times. It's mostly a superhero comic phenomenon (though it happens in many ongoing stories in other mediums, too, as you've pointed out with the show version), and since IIRC Kirkman cut his teeth on the genre, I think it's just become part of his writing sensibilities. Relatability and immediacy trumps natural laws and the calendar.
Telltale wanted to make Lilly's backstory, but during the game's release, Kirkman released a book explaining Lilly's backstory which conflicted with Telltale's backstory; hence, Telltale's game was not canon. They could have just said they were two different versions of Lilly, but that was what they chose to stick with.
I should have said the early 00's
I don't think Telltale explicitly said it, but it is generally understood that game Lilly is a different character altogether so that the games can still be considered canon to the comics.
It made them into two separate characters but beyond an achievement description it doesn't really change anything else.
I understand what you mean but I still think it's a bad idea. It'll get ridiculous as the years go on and it's continually set in the present so to speak.