Do you find the story repetitive at points?
Basically do you think all the references to season 1 are bad or good?
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Basically do you think all the references to season 1 are bad or good?
Clem killing zombie with hammer and tripping and alt of the same actions Lee did, Screenshot of the door with Luke and Clem, like Glenn and Lee there are others,
There good to an extent, I don't want to feel like season 1 had no influence on season 2, however I don't want them to force references or cameos or whatever that just doesn't feel right and natural.
I agree, i dont mind the references though
If they had 12mm cannon in the shed she would blew up his head with cannon.
Actually i call bs on this scene, she was practically enervate couple minutes ago and now she can fend herself no problem with the hammer.
If she likes hamerish weapons then I would give her nadziak

I think they're good so far. With so little left from the previous season, to me it's important to keep the story's continuum and emotional ties going. Or else the new episodes may fall susceptible to the possibility of disregarding what happened before and how Lee influenced her.
I like references. I think it's cute how she's walking on Lee's path now. He'd be one proud dude.
its only a screenshot it is not tell story complete
I dont care about posters. They are not part of my experience. Game is not repeating too much YET!
I remember screenshots from season 1 that weren't in the game.
Screenshots are meh....
So far the few links to S1 have been really cool and well done. It doesn't seem like they are forcing them, so as long as it doesn't come to that, and they stay fairly subtle, then I think they are amazing.
When are we gonna get some heavy weapons up in this piece? I want to go full auto on some zombie hide.
No not particularly. Especially if you're just considering it from the poster.
The hammer scene was brilliant too. When the camera panned over to Clem's shoulder it really made it feel like she was the true successor of Lee and it was a perfect scene to represent it. It's pretty cool how she's killing the walker using the other side of the hammer too.
Thing is, yes there's even more similarities. Several actually. Clementine meets a group where a father opposes her and tells her to keep away from his daughter (similar to Larry's distrust with Lee, but with different reasoning), she has a nasty injury (her arm while Lee had his leg damaged) and she killed a walker that was trapped (as did Lee with his brother). I'm pretty sure there's even more similarities (I can't think of any at the top of my head) but I'm pretty confident there's more.
But are they a bad thing? In my book, they're not. Well not for the first episode anyway. Having moments where we can go squeal; "Oh this is like when..!" are moments that make me happy. I don't want to see the story fully repeat itself of course. But to me, the first episode of Season Two was still different enough to hold up on it's own. Heck several people don't notice the similarities. Despite them being obvious when you pay attention.
I'm pretty sure the story-arc will go in a completely different direction though. For one thing, I don't see Clem dying at the end nor do I see her having to protect someone noticeably younger than her. She might have to look out for other people though, maybe Sarah.
Screenshots are like when Mcdonnalds shows you that tasty well cocked hamburgers but then you buy it and it doesn't look like that, only in this case the hamburger is different but Awesomely tasty
Just advertised McDonnalds I want money now...