Telltale mistake or..? S1E5 SPOILERS

Back in the mansion, when the group gets trapped after Vernon steals the boat and tries to fight back all the Walkers this happens .
*CHRISTA : "I'm out!" Talking about ammo
KENNY : "Me too!"*
So now we know that Kenny = 0 bullets
In the next scene he recovers 1 bullet from a gun in the attic.
BUT in his NO-BEN death scene when he saves Christa, during the quicktime event we can see that Kenny can shoot 2 BULLETS when he only has one. ugh.. what?
Then we can hear a third shot when he is offscreen with a different gunshot sound.
Theory time :
What if Molly followed the group and managed to save kenny maybe killing a walker that was grabbing him (third gunshot) ?
Honestly don't know what to think about the second shot that he fires onscreen..
Regardless of your actions, in the Christa ending, Kenny will always fire at least 2 shots, implying he killed himself.
However, in the Ben ending, if you leave him with Ben and give him bullets, he will also only fire 2 shots, heavily implying he killed himself
But with what goddam bullet?
He always fire at least 1 bullet in the quicktime event and if you are slow he fires 2 of them, then there's a third gunshot probably not coming from his gun (Different gunshot sound).
He had 1 bullet in the attic, he shots AT LEAST 1 in the quicktime event.. how can he kill himself offscreen?
But yeah, Molly saving him is a possibility, however we cannot confirm or deny her helping Kenny at this moment
That's the point, maybe the shot came from another gun, probably Campman
It seems like a mistake to me.
Campman? The guy hiding in the hotel with Clementine at the time walked over to the other building, shot or rescued Kenny, left or brought Clem with him, went back to the hotel and was back in time to face Lee?
If it was a mistake, then why didn't they address it? Oh yeah, because it isn't
Molly confirmed for season 2!
You got a point.
He was never confirmed to be with Clementine 24/7, just when Lee arrived. Plus, after Lee's last discussion with Campman, he didn't talk to Lee for several hours, which means he could be anywhere at that time
Dude, she's been confirmed to me lol insert Molly confirmed gif
He was there each time Clem tried to contact Lee, and when Lee showed up. Plus by common sense he wouldn't leave his 'prisoner' alone. With the level of attention he had towards Clem it is a completely safe assumption he was there 24/7.
I'm sure he did, he had the door "locked" remember? I doubt he was smart enough to realize she could escape, I think anything is possible in Trollfeel Games
He would have no reason to leave her, especially to go kill Kenny/rescue Kenny and then sprint back to the hotel. He knew they were looking for him and he needed to protect his investment. The idea he would leave her alone in a semi-locked room in the middle of the ZA with people looking for her/him is... nonsensical.
I didn't say he sprinted, Kenny disappeared around noon, when Lee and Omid/Christa split up, it was almost dark, that would have left him a few hours to kidnap/kill Kenny.
What? We don't know the times between Kenny's death(?) and Lee's arival at the hotel, but as soon as the death scene is over the screen pans over to the marsh house some 300 yards away, extremely close. It was probably a 15 minute venture tops by rooftop, and Campman would have been on the ground... an even harder and longer trip.
If you look at the sky, it is bright when Kenny disappears, and dark when Lee arrives
He said "It's got at least one shot left". He never specifically stated a number, just confirmed there was ammo in it.
Plus Kenny says "We've got at least one shot left", not we have exactly one shot left
1) There are a lot of tiny things done wrong in the art work, that doesn't really mean much
2) It can be light and turn almost dark in mere minutes. A sunset doesn't take hours.
Let's end this thread now.
I doubt that the alleyway/building is at least a few minutes away from The Marsh House, maybe at least 15 minutes give or take
I said 15 minutes earlier, you said a few hours...
I was referring to the time that had passed, not the time it takes to get to the Marsh House, it took a couple extra minutes because of Kenny's disappearance, and Lee and Christa/Omid being separated and Lee's badass montage
Kindly go and visit another thread
I can't make heads or tails of the argument you are trying to make, so I'm going to call this.
I'm sorry for you but in Ben and Kenny death scene :
KENNY : "Do you have any bullets left? This has only got one left in it"
Well I wouldn't call this argument, considering neither of us feels offended
KENNY : "Do you have any bullets left? This has only got one left in it"
Ben death scene.
In the Ben ending, but you can't hear more than one shot fired in Ben's ending unless you give him bullets
Ben ending and Christa ending, the bullets are the same..
he can shoot 4 bullets in the Christa event.
If you hold Christa long enough he shoots 3 and you see him run and then he shoots another when he says "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"
Guys it's simple. Kenny's Godlike mustache gives him powers where he can get infinite ammo. He'll turn 1 bullet into as many as he needs to get the job done.
Wow, 4?
Or he just had bullets coming outta his ass
That's a lovely image...
That's a pretty powerful mustache..