I am sorry but I have serious trouble seeing how Troy would be even half as good of a lead compared to Sarah. Such a figure couldn't be possibly of a grown man.
As for Becca, indeed, we can only wait to find out.
Not sure where you are getting this height argument from, but the character we see appears to be just a little taller than Clementine, just li… moreke Sarah. Then again, I suppose I could be mistaken.
Not too sure about the glasses though... She might have lost them in a panic event or... Indeed, I do not have enough evidence to really go deeper into that, I suppose. Also reminds me distantly of Michelle, but she had a red hoodie and rougher hair texture. Not to mention we would probably be able to tell if her skin was that dark.
Can't wait to find out more... The suspense is killing me.
The way she was so bitter, so distrustful of strangers, how she was so scared of Carver and worried about whose baby it was.
That Carver guy looks just like someone whose ego is so inflated due to his apparent leadership, he'd probably take advantage of any woman he could find. He must have proposed to the group that he must carry on his "legacy", and for that he had to have a baby with the only woman of the group. They disagreed, but he raped her anyway. After that, they ran away from him, disgusted by what he did,and he's been chasing them ever since, so he can take his baby from Rebecca and raise it as his own.
Notice how he creepily refers to Rebecca as his "pretty little pregnant lady". Maybe it wasn't just a legacy thing, too, and he was just creepily obsessed with her.
That's where the "who came with Tavia" stats will matter now, I'd bet.
In the trailer's playthrough, Becca and Shel must have stayed behind.
… more
I have a feeling we'll run into Tavia's community way into the later episodes [4 or 5]. It's probably the one in Wellington.
Oh dear. The video must have been too blurry for me to properly analyze the hair and the hue strength.
I take it back. It really is not Sarah, huh...
Interesting, I wonder what they have cooked up this time.
One thing we don't see in the trailer : Pete. Almost confirmed he will die now. Shame, I thought this was an opportunity for telltale to separate story lines and "personalize" the playing experience. . . I guess not.
I still don't think that it is Troy, but I guess I don't have any evidence against it...
That said, Senhorcreeper mentioned a few posts back a new character called Sarita in the game's hex code.
One thing we don't see in the trailer : Pete. Almost confirmed he will die now. Shame, I thought this was an opportunity for telltale to separate story lines and "personalize" the playing experience. . . I guess not.
I am sorry but I have serious trouble seeing how Troy would be even half as good of a lead compared to Sarah. Such a figure couldn't be possibly of a grown man.
As for Becca, indeed, we can only wait to find out.
Not a very impressive trailer, but it's something.
Also thanks Telltale for basically confirming the Rebecca's been raped (or maybe not even raped) by Carver theory. That's an intelligent thing to do, to put such spoilers in the trailer. Well done.
I mean not like it hasn't been obvious, it's one of those things that you can figure out with the least amount of thinking but still, it's very unprofessional.
Really? Fascinating...
If this is true, I still have to say that they should have chosen a more stronger color for her hoodie so it would n… moreot look that similar.
But this is truly interesting, indeed. Good to see more new female characters, there have been quite few so far.
Guys! that "new" girl is called sarita!
She is not Sarah indeed, there's in the code a model called sarita, not from sarah, and its model is missing. But definitly a new character!
Considering Carlos wouldn't let her anywhere near a rifle, the jackets don't match up, the hair doesn't match,and neither does the skin tone
That's where the "who came with Tavia" stats will matter now, I'd bet.
In the trailer's playthrough, Becca and Shel must have stayed behind.
I have a feeling we'll run into Tavia's community way into the later episodes [4 or 5]. It's probably the one in Wellington.
I guess you're right
We can only wait and see, I suppose.
Guys, Its not sarah, its a character named sarita, might be, since in the game's hex code there a model called sarita
Guys! that "new" girl is called sarita!
She is not Sarah indeed, there's in the code a model called sarita, not from sarah, and its model is missing. But definitly a new character!
Really? Fascinating...
If this is true, I still have to say that they should have chosen a more stronger color for her hoodie so it would not look that similar.
But this is truly interesting, indeed. Good to see more new female characters, there have been quite few so far.
Rebecca's child is Carver's for sure.
It just clickled together.
The way she was so bitter, so distrustful of strangers, how she was so scared of Carver and worried about whose baby it was.
That Carver guy looks just like someone whose ego is so inflated due to his apparent leadership, he'd probably take advantage of any woman he could find. He must have proposed to the group that he must carry on his "legacy", and for that he had to have a baby with the only woman of the group. They disagreed, but he raped her anyway. After that, they ran away from him, disgusted by what he did,and he's been chasing them ever since, so he can take his baby from Rebecca and raise it as his own.
Notice how he creepily refers to Rebecca as his "pretty little pregnant lady". Maybe it wasn't just a legacy thing, too, and he was just creepily obsessed with her.
Oh dear. The video must have been too blurry for me to properly analyze the hair and the hue strength.
I take it back. It really is not Sarah, huh...
Interesting, I wonder what they have cooked up this time.
Fair point.
No sweat, if it is Troy, why did they change his clothes?
One thing we don't see in the trailer : Pete. Almost confirmed he will die now. Shame, I thought this was an opportunity for telltale to separate story lines and "personalize" the playing experience. . . I guess not.
I still don't think that it is Troy, but I guess I don't have any evidence against it...
That said, Senhorcreeper mentioned a few posts back a new character called Sarita in the game's hex code.
I hadn't heard about that, dammit I thought I had something
I was about to post that.
Also, no sign of the "I thought you were dead"-person.
I think that will be revealed at the end of the episode, like just before the final scene.
"I thought you were dead!" [Black screen]
Maaan that would be cleverly demonish !
The person in the picture is definitely black and has an other hair style than Troy.
I hope we will meet her as a walker, even though it seems unlikely
Not a very impressive trailer, but it's something.
Also thanks Telltale for basically confirming the Rebecca's been raped (or maybe not even raped) by Carver theory. That's an intelligent thing to do, to put such spoilers in the trailer. Well done.
I mean not like it hasn't been obvious, it's one of those things that you can figure out with the least amount of thinking but still, it's very unprofessional.
It sort've looks like Christa but that's just wishful thinking.
Guys, i think the new person wearing the hoodie is Becca. I'm serious, take a look at the new thread I made.
I think it looks like becca from 400 days, and she MUCH more likely 2 b usin a rifle than sarah
It seems like it ..
You a little fish?
Becca XD
I hate her so much for making me cry like a 5 years old girl...
I love when clem going upstairs and what a beautiful view ..we have to press w key button to going upstairs
Yeah, on an other thread Michael7123 said that Becca's behaviour migh be based on how we played Shel, and that Shel might be dead or missing.
My favourite part is when carver shows up and talks its sooo badass
How did u see her name in the files if there is no trailler files in the game
Correct me if im wrong
Back for Clemintine's Hat.
GOSH !! I hate that b*tch !!
If this woman shows up I'm going to punch her in the face until she shockes on her own teeth...
Will that mysteries person that Clementine thought was dead appear??
It's either Becca in Shel hoodie or SHel herself
Carver is going to be awesome just like the governor and Negan!!`
That's what the game was missing a good old dark and badass villain that will stalk the group and stop at nothing to get what he wants!!
I know for sure I will lvoe the charatcher, love anti-heroes and villains and will be sad when he dies