De Singe's Lab - Appreciation thread
I thought this scene deserves it's own thread, everything about it screams classic adventuring, the art direction is pure Lucasarts heyday quality and the puzzle was perfect.
The fact that I really wanted to be able to walk guybrush around it after escaping is testament to that, even though I'd clicked the room dry of info I just wanted to poke into the corners a bit more or see if I could get into the backroom.
Lovely use of depth of field too, the flattening effect on foreground objects evokes memories of the 2D days.
A runner up is the voodoo lady's shack, really nice, it's a shame the outdoor scenes don't quite match up to the indoor quality but it's still damn good :cool:
The fact that I really wanted to be able to walk guybrush around it after escaping is testament to that, even though I'd clicked the room dry of info I just wanted to poke into the corners a bit more or see if I could get into the backroom.
Lovely use of depth of field too, the flattening effect on foreground objects evokes memories of the 2D days.
A runner up is the voodoo lady's shack, really nice, it's a shame the outdoor scenes don't quite match up to the indoor quality but it's still damn good :cool:
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Must say more of this even in Monkey Island would be nice
And on the topic of the Voodoo Lady's shack, anybody else notice that this is the first game in which we have the opportunity to wander around and look at things while she's present? In every other game, she would always disappear when you aren't talking to her.
yep i after I end talking to her i was expecting that she would disappeared but she didnt. She was like: "suprise i am not going anywhere" xexe
I would have loved to come back later to investigate...
Yeah I feel the same way, not difficult but definitely rewarding.
It seems to me that Monsieur De Singe is going to be one of the prominent characters in this series, with the keen interest in Guybrush's arm and all
You make a good point, probably it got overlooked or they didn't have time to implement it.
It would be really difficult and frustrating with the mouse.
It's like someone forgot to turn on the 3D accelerated mode
A fair question. Maybe for the Special Edition in 20 years!
I played most of the intro without using the keyboard wondering why Guybrush was very unresponsive, until I realised the control method was the same as Wallace & Grommit.
Or maybe Guybrush will be controlling our minds via brain electrodes :cool:
Deary me, don't plan too far ahead :P
Made by Telltales' splinter company, Hilariotic Games, founded by Daniel Herrera and Tulley Rafferty.
Having the Glassblower selling his unicorns outside was cheap imo. I wanted to go and see his "shop".
I actually thought they did a great job with the outsides of all the buildings. They were really imbued with a lot of personality, if you go look at what the buildings are made of.
Oddly enough, thanks to the camera angles, you can almost never see the printing press on the top of the newspaper office. I actually wonder what else I've missed by not being able to see the rooftops.
Yeah its nice to see Telltale learning abit about not going with the straight shapes and such like in sam & max, it gets boring, thats one of the things i always loved about Lucas Arts games, the wackyness of buildings and such
or like how the Voodoo ladys shack atleast to me looks bigger inside than on the outside
that house on the top of the hill, de singe's places with all the pipes sticking out of the ground haha, that was quite amazing also
If all adventure game puzzles had ever been of this kind, adventure gaming would have never gone ouf of style.