Does 100% heterosexuals or homosexuals exist? Or is everyone at most 99% Straight and 1% gay?

in General Chat
And vice versa? People on the Internet have been telling me 100% straight doesn't exist and everyone is bisexual, even though they might not know it. I think I'm completely straight, so what's going on?
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Does it really matter, though?
honestly why does it matter tho
Yeah, that's it... Mr. Alpha.
Liberal Agenda, being pushed to force us to think all the same. WE ARE THE INDOCTRINATED, WE Don't have a voice, we are just told to think a certain a way, and do because we don't want "society" to be mad at us, reject us. WE ARE INDOCTRINATED. WE Accept Catyln Jenner for being a Transgender, ten years ago he would of been put on a 51 50, the World Health Organization made it not a disease 2010. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is the WAY TO AMERICA FUTURE.
If you've never been slightly sexually interested in the same sex, then you are not homosexual. Only you can decide. I think a lot more people dismiss these particular feelings than would be comfortable admitting it, but I also don't think that translates to everyone is bisexual. I don't think it really matters whether you're a little bit attracted or not... either you're homosexual and you are attracted to the same sex, heterosexual and attracted to the opposite sex, bisexual and attracted to both, or asexual and attracted to neither. In practice it really doesn't make a difference as far as I can tell.
Oh sod off.
People saying something doesn't make you think, or more applicably believe, something. Questioning and understanding is the way to America's future. That's quite opposing to being indoctrinated (though I do have to agree political correctness is growing increasingly destructive). Why should we not accept Caitlyn? Because you were indoctrinated to dislike anything that doesn't fit to the sexual status quo? Why should that position be respected, Mr. Alpha? Never before in history, that I know of, has the statement "we are just told to think a certain a way, and do because we don't want "society" to be mad at us" been less true. We are questioning social dictations more than ever, more and more people are accepting of the dismissal of a lot of social norms, such as the example you gave earlier with Jenner.
I like to make my own choices not have someone make them for me. I think its funny how everyone will accept Catelyn but no one wants to accept Rachel. Why is that?
Seems contradictory to what views you hold. Plus... you're a Christian right? Lol... common
EDIT: Rachel who?
Can Straight guys love each other? these videos might help explain
enter link description here
enter link description here
I'm so sick of hearing people bitch about the liberal, politically correct, SWJ agenda. Like the left-wing is some ancient lovecraftian evil. Give it a rest.
Not exactly, I believe in Catharism.
The White Girl who "believed" she was black. When she was found out she was outed as a member of the "black" community.
Oh, transrace, funny you should mention that.
I've never heard of Catharism, but I would assume it's based in Christianity, in which case I stand by what I said. (As I would for the vast majority all of religions.)
Enlighten yourself.
Not all that interested, but thanks.
Why does it matter? Can't we just be who we are instead of being forced into a tiny box? You're either this or that or some degree of so and so. Just let people like who they want to like, stop trying to label everyone.
YOU sound indoctrinated.
Those articles claim the Cathars were eradicated over 500 years ago.
@CrazyGeorge, care to explain?
But it's true.
It's guy love between two guys! Lmao I love this show! I finally watched the last season like a month ago... so sad it's over
Obama is the anunnaki anti-Christ. He's putting fluoride in the water to make all men gay beta-males.
It would not suprise me if this were true. I makes some sense......
However, as others have said, it is trivial.
I believe that answers your question. :P
Why is this forum so obsessed with gays and transsexuals?
A lot of our sexuality is socially imposed (IE: fashion), and I've heard that taboos about homosexuality stop a lot of people, especially males, from engaging in same-sex behavior and that becomes internalized. I mean compare America today and compare Ancient Greece. I'm going to go and guess it's not 100% biological.
Considering how many labels there are these days it most certainly not 99% straight 1% gay. You could call it diversity but there's really no way of telling who in the population is straight or gay or anything in between
sexuality is often described as a spectrum, but people confuse that to mean that everybody is every colour of the rainbow (everybody is bisexual) but what it actually means is that everybody is at one specific point (colour) on the spectrum, and that doesn't mean that everybody is bisexual.