How do I get over being ignored on Twitter by a girl I really like?

Firstly, I want to apologise for my last thread. I do not want to cause any couple to split, and tbh, I live 2000 miles away from the couple in question. From Liverpool, all the way to Oslo. I Was having a bad day, and knew writing that would be controversial. I did it to get a reaction, sorry?
The girl from Oslo, who I like I have a huge crush on. It used to be a obsession but I have gotten past that. Although, I have already creeped out a few users on this site, due to constantly talking about this girl.
We have talked since April 2014. She is the kindest person ever, I like her a lot.
I have had severe anxiety and depression for the last two years. Plus, no social contacts besides a few Internet friends. I am a hermit, as I messed up school, and have been at home since June 2014. I stayed in bed on the Internet most of almost everyday since the, it's depressing. I don't even get on with my family very well and havnt ever done so.
This girl whag my only social contact in 2014. When I got a message from her , about every 2 weeks, it always made me incredibly happy. But sometimes I would be afraid to open it, just incase it was a negative response. It never was, and she was always incredibly kind to me, and said she'd support me through whatever. I had very deep conversations with her and told her about my bad time at high school, and things like that. About three times, last year I pancaked when she hadn't replied in enough time, and sent her several panicked messages. Eventually, she would always respond and reassure everything was fine.
She didn't message me for six months after he last time is happend. We started talking again in July. She messaged me on Twitter this time, as we talked on youtube last year.
A few weeks ago, I started acting very creepy. I asked if she had a boyfriend, she said yes, and this made me very jealous. Btw, I havnt had a real life fonversation with anyone in over three years, except for a therapist. So I have poor social skills, lack of confidence and znxiety. I always worried about what to write. So I decided to create a fake Twitter account and talk to her on there, as well as my normal channel.
I did this because I wanted to find out her about her boyfriend, practise talking to her so I can make myself come off well on my normal account, and get to know her properly. There was a woman who I asked for advice from, but showing her me and this girls coverdation. She said she sounds evasive and uncomfortable, and wants to keep the fonversation on me and not her.
When talking to her on my normal account. I would normally have to wait q couple of days before she replied, o. This fake one she replied very quickly and we sent almost the same amount of messages to eachother in a few hours, than we had in a few months on the other. I acted creepy and got very jealous, and asked her about her boyfriend. I even asked for a picture of him, and when she refused, pressed her to give me one, causing her to say he would be uncomfortable with it.i also asked her if she was happy with him and told her I was very jealous , thought she was kindest person eve, and she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She eventually worked out who I was, and asked why I'd do such a thing and said it wasn't cool, I to,d her why, but she never replied. That was a week ago.
To make matters worse, I asked a good friend of hers on Twitter , if he thinks she and her best friend ( another female) ever slept with eachother. He said " that was innapropriate" causing me to say " I was just wondering. Do they even swing that way?"
He then said "now would be a good time to stop talking, and said he finds it creepy when people talk about things like that". He almost certainly told her.
I have apologised to both and promised to never message them again and have not. Neither of them replied.
A women on quora. She told me, this girl I have a crush on, always pitied me and never wanted to be my friend.
I am very upset by this. What do you think of all this?
I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but get the fuck over it!
What your doing is extremely inappropriate and creepy. You're freaking me out and I don't even know you. Quit stalking this girl and her friends or it could go someplace you really don't want it to.
I'm not stalking her.
Be that as it may, you're behaving obsessively and inappropriately.
So either cut it out or at least shut up about it.
It sure sounds like it. Listen, what you're doing is not only really weird but almost worrying. Just stop, go out, meet people and work on your issues...Having some kind of obsession over this girl will only make her ignore you more.
You said you have a therapist. Have you told him/her about all this? That seems like the correct course of action, rather than talking to a bunch of strangers on the internet.
I sympathize. I have my own fair share of anxiety/depression. If your therapist isn't helping you, find a new one. It took me a couple of tries before I found someone who worked. In the meantime, stop looking at her twitter, and try your best not to think about her.
You need to give it up. You should have stopped after asking if she had a boyfriend.
You should stop, if you really like her then you'll let her go so you can move on with your life. Also, if they live that far away from you then there's really no point, try getting to know people in your own area, there's nice people in most places: You just gotta find em.
You're going to have to put some work into yourself before you can even worry about something like this. That may sound.. bad, but it's not meant to. Be the best person you can be, work to improve your flaws. I don't think laying around in bed all day is going to solve any of your problems.
Time, dude.
Don't give up. Create another fake Twitter account. What else you can do? But be careful this time. Do not reveal yourself.
Go watch some twitch raids, those always cheer me up
enter link description here
You need, for god's sake to get over her and move on.
Go out. try talking with neighbors you and your family trust and try to talk more to your family to build up your socials skills.
Discuss with your therapist on how to treat your anxiety and depression such as medicine or other forms of therapy such as yoga and meditation.
And try to make friends with some people you know about and can trust.
Alright as everyone has mentioned here before, you need to move on. I recently found out the crush I had on someone wouldn't work because they are married and have a child, so I was a bit heartbroken this weekend because I really liked this guy. There's no formula for dealing with heartbreak. But there are ways to lessen the pain a bit.
IF you really like this girl, you would be happy and want the best for her no matter who she is with. I'd rather the love of my life be with someone he loves than me be with him and both of us not be as happy as we could be. If you are mature enough yet, you will want her happiness and realize things just won't work out.
Get distracted. Play video games. Work on something constructive. Take up a hobby. Try something new. Get involved in a project or a group. Whatever you do, just keep working so that you don't have time to sit there and think. And for goodness sake, get rid of EVERYTHING that reminds you of this girl. Don't let any temptation of trying to get back to her or try and make things work. Don't check her social media sites, avoid her like the plague.
Listen, we all suffer heartache and feel like there will be no other. But trust me, there will be and you will want to be the best you possible before you meet them.
I don't want I seem rude or insensitive but that's straight up stalking.
Stalking shmalking. It's about LOVE. MadManLee loves her! What's his feeling worth if he can discard it?
He MUST stay close to her even if it means pretending someone else. Rebuild the friendship, be bff. All depends of his actions - he must be subtle, cunning and PATIENT. One day crisis in her relationship will come, no doubt - that will be the right time to plant doubt seeds! MadManLee will get a green light. Otherwise - farewell, my love.
And what is yours? Quit? Lord hates quitters, Max.
How does he feel about stalking nutcases, I wonder?
oops wrong comment..move on! Move on!
Just tell her that you want to have babes with her
Well dude... If I've learned something, it's that if a Girl you like already has a signifigant other, Then you should just let it be. It's not going to change, and when/if it does, she probably still won't be into you. I've had my heart ripped out of my chest by someone I like, so believe me, I know. But acting creepy about it, being jealous, and asking very personal questions will not get you any further. Let her go dude, If it's not meant to be, it just isn't. I'm sure there are loads of people willing to talk to you and help you through this, and if you let her control your life, You'll never find the girl who Is the right one.
Love is torture, and there's 2 types of torture. Feeling in love with someone and them not feeling the same way, causing you to lose your mind over it. And fighting like hell for the one you care about, and they feel the same, making every moment in agony, but peace. You've got the worst of the 2. But you'll get through it, and if you ever need someone to talk to who has a lot of experience on your exact problem, I'd be happy to chat.
You're giving some REALLY shitty advice.
I admire your honest approach in your threads even if some are a bit strange in terms of your logic and aims at least you don't sugar coat stuff
Look bro move on this all sounds creepy even if you don't intend for it look at the comments of this thread who can give advice having dealt with this issue before.
There are plenty more girls out there leave this alone before anything bad happens she is not interested find someone who is good luck and please move on you deserve to find love not go down this path please
"If You really love someone, You’ll never stop fighting to make it work."
Nice sentence, right MadManLee? They call it here - "shitty advice". Trust them or not, the choice is yours.
This is too creepy even for my standards.
Pretty sure he's joking lol
I think the shitty advice is telling someone who has his whole life ahead of him to be a fucking stalker and ruin it, and chase the wrong girl when the one is out there somewhere, soul bound to him. Good advice would be to say give it up and you'll know when the right girl comes along. Shitty advice is everything you've posted on this page.
google yourself
That was 1 part fuckin stupid and 1 part sad = 40mins ill never get back.
Please don't kill her or anyone else involved.
You have any family or adults you trust that can speak to about this? Because I would really suggest going to them and discussing this.
If I can give advice it'd be that you have to move on, it isn't healthy what you've been doing. Learn to be conscious of people's personal space. If you sense somebody doesn't want to talk to you, then leave them be.
But the anxiety, I've dealt with the same thing and those things take time. Sitting out in the garden during the day or going out for some walks will really do you a world of good than sitting indoors at a computer all day. Make of habit of walking to the store or through a park each day if you can help it. Sports will help you chillax as well.
I have a similar problem but i only messaged her once and got no reply couldn't bring myself to do it again
Stop talking about her.