Immigration and Birthright Citizenship
Main question: What is your opinion of birthright citizenship? (IE citizenship at birth)
This would have been a bit more topical a month or so when I thought about posting it. A lot of Republican politicians, following Trump, suggested eliminated birthright citizenship as granted by the 14th Amendment. Now a lot of conservatives argue that the 14th Amendment was intended for ex-slaves, not the children on immigrants or anybody simply born in the US. I'm not a conservative - but they're right. I also think that's irrelevant, one way or the other (not on the level of constitutional interpretation, but whether or not that law needs to remain).
Personally, I think 'anchor babies' are a legitimate concern (though not nearly as problematic as people make it out to be), and I think changing the law by amending the Constitution is not a crazy idea. To address the inevitable accusations of racism - yes, there are plenty of racists who don't want immigrants because they're foreign, however that doesn't mean everybody who is conservative in regards to immigration holds their views on a racist basis.
The country I live in doesn't have birthright citizenship - and I hold this view even though I'm not even a citizen. Citizenship is granted either by naturalization or either parent being a citizen. However, immigration laws are lax enough such that long-term residents can apply for citizenship with relative ease provided that they have legally resided long-term, have an understanding of the language and the culture, and are contributing to society. A friend of mine in college was born in Mongolia but moved when she was in elementary school, and I'm pretty sure she's a citizen now. Also, where I live, if one person is a citizen, then immediate family members can be granted residence (I'm not 100% sure if it's only for dependents though - so a citizen couldn't get a visa for their parents unless the citizen were financially supporting their parents - again, not sure).
On the other hand, there's an Uzbek restaurant I love, and the family there are all immigrants, and I'm not sure if they're kids were born here or not, but they certainly grew up here - and that would mean they would have grown up in a country that didn't recognize them as citizens (not to mention the unfortunate racism I'm sure they experienced growing up).
In general my opinion of immigration into the US is that the laws need to be more lax regard who can reside legally (such as a guest worker program) and people who live long-term should be given a path to citizenship - I'm not against birthright citizenship, but I don't think amending citizenship laws is the end of the world so long as those provisions are provided to ensure a legitimate path to citizenship for people who integrate themselves into the community (and I would add, parents should be given residence if a child is a citizen, even if they aren't dependent - one thing I'm against is splitting up families).
My mother comes from Sweden, so I have a dual-citizenship between US and there (even though I was born in the states) But she doesn't have a citizenship here. Here's the thing, what it takes for an immigrant to be a citizen in America is ludicrous. They have to learn more about this country and how it works when such a high percentage of everyday citizens are completely ignorant. Another thing to think about is that if some people weren't so afraid of immigrants (they'll take our jerbs derkader), we wouldn't be seeing as many illegals. Immigration is such a touchy topic right (I have family also in Hungary, which really is refugees but that would mean that EU would be forced to take care of them) and there really is no easy-fix everything- solution.
I'm pretty centrist on immigration.
I don't support birth citizenship and think that parts of our border need to be better defended.
Then again, I think that citizenship tests are too demanding, especially for the poor and uneducated. Like you said, anchor babies are a valid concern, but the notion that there will be a massive reconquista of infants is rather silly.
As far as Europe is concerned, I think the open door policy in regards to refugees was seriously misguided. The EU isn't equipped to handle that many new arrivals and the security safeguards that were put in place have seemingly been overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Still it's morally painful to say 'no' during such a dire humanitarian crisis. Unfortunately the refugee crisis is giving a lot of fascist asswipes a soapbox for spreading their hateful, xenophobic rhetoric.
I think that citizenship by birth is a good thing. and I think that it should apply to anyone who is born in this country! However the baby is born here, but it's born to illegal immigrants, in that case since the parents are the ones responsible for the child when they get deported the child should go with them. however that child should still be recognized as a legal citizen, and when at legal age if you wishes to reenter the country has an adult, that he should be allowed in.
Technically a lot of people in America are birthright citizens because of the whole colonization thing. Still, I don't think Republicans know eliminating birthright citizenship means from everywhere (Not being a smartass this time) which means even from places like Canada and European countries. I think some of the people, if not a lot, are supporting this to get rid of "undesirables" and forget people immigrant from more than just Mexico.
Oh, Trump you, Just go set in the corner and think about what you've done! Bad Trump ! No tax breaks for you! Listen I won't claim I know best what to do here. However,this can be taken too far! The 14th ammendment is how the USA was bulit. (We are all transplants Unless You are" Native") Cherokee ect. Reactionary politics at its dumbest. The lst thing a free society needs is goverment "declaring you are a Citizen You are not!" Some of the worst BS I've seen from him. What makes it so bad is ppl seem to believe him! I happen to own a novel That collects almost everything Franklin,Adams and other founders wrote! This includes their belief that freedom is a Birthright! To not grant citizenship to a person born here is just wrong! To not have a chance to become a citizen were you not born here also wrong! I don't know what "should be done" but the 14th ammendment Stays!