Unpopular Opinion Thread.
I decided to create this thread for people who are perhaps to afraid to express how they feel about certain issues.
Here you can feel free to express your opinion about any of life's topics, without fear of being judged.
All I ask is that when expressing your thoughts, even when replying to another person's comment, is that you be courteous and respectful.
There is no need to resort to childish, or rude behavior, in order for you to get your point across.
To help you understand what exactly I'm talking about, in the way of respect, I've included a video on the subject.
Now to be clear, the man in this video is NOT me, but he does bring out some great points about how to gain respect, and how to show respect for yourself and others.
I will add more, particularly speaking about what unpopular opinions I have, but at a later time.
My unpopular opinion is that there should not be another one of these threads.
I don't like going to beaches. Or sea.
Didn't the last one get closed? It did and for good reason.
I for one am glad you opened another thread. The first one was very interesting!
Physical VideoGame Carts should make a comeback! I don't mean some half-baked "Go Fund Me" I mean I want Sony or Mircosoft to do this! Hell thumb drives are cheap! Why is not a thing already? I know digital is easy(almost 80% of the new games I have are in that format) But buying a game used to be an event! So my thought is flash drives with old cart style cases. I know it seems stupid. But you can buy Justin Beiber or Rhianna on ole school records! Mean while I can't buy MKX or Streetfighter on anything besides digital or disc. I've always hated disc! So yeah old and ignored. Sound about right!
thats not unpopular fortunately
I hate anime.
I'm not sure if I'm remembering incorrectly, but I think the OP had something to do with it.
Things will get interesting here...
DELETED ORIGINAL COMMENT How do you delete comments properly? Might as well have a bit of fun...Viva-La-Lee, you are the best.
Well you're just wrong.
I don't think the upcoming movie based on the Columbine High School shooting is offensive at all. A lot of people claim that it's glorifying the shooters, but from what I've seen, it's doing anything but that. It's paying tribute to a victim of a tragedy. It's about her life and faith leading up to the events of the attack. There was this one petition I came across and a girl said that, "It's an event that we all need to move on from and forget." I agree that the Columbine Shooting was a tragic thing and honestly Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were pieces of shit for enacting it. But we shouldn't ever forget it. It think doing that is just disrespectful to those who lost their lives. It doesn't matter how much you try to "move on" from it. It will always be remembered. It will always have an impact on our nation. But hey. That's just me.
If anything, it's more inaccurate that it is offensive. Eric and Dylan never targeted anyone because of their faith. It wasn't their "war against Christianity" or anything. It was just a rampage shooting that was intended to be a bombing. Nothing else.
I actually have grown a liking to vegetables
I agree, the Earth is obviously triangular which supports the theory of Illuminati taking over reality.
I find it strange that so many people don't like vegetables. Of course, if all they've ever eaten are those things from the grocery store I can't entirely blame them.
Too many times did heated arguements occur on the last one, hence it was closed.
And that is why that I asked, that we keep things civil and respectful on their thread. And given the fact that I am the one who created this thread, I have every right to ask that! But please don't let that stop you from posting whatever kind of comment that you want to post, just as long as it is done in a respectful
I never said you had no right to ask for civility and respectfulness.
I never said you did I say that.
It's all cool, kid!
Forgive me, I misread your previous comment.
Oh, right. And also. I think the police and doctors are the most useless careers ever. Sorry not sorry.
Doctors and police are the most useless careers?
Lol, or?.....
How dare you
I find guttural languages rather sexy.
Lol, next time they're getting mugged or need a medical examination/attention, they should be reminded of how useless those careers are.
So do I. Arabic is guttural and it can be a very pretty language.
(Holds up hand for a high five)
Please don't leave me hanging.
Might I ask why?
I don't hate her but I don't really like her. As I said, her character is just too perfect to be true.
Of course you may ask why.
... Why?
First off, I want to say that this is different from medical marijuana, to which, if it shows that it can actually help treat a person's illness, then I'm fine with. I even come from a state that allows that (New Jersey, whose governor is probably one of the most vocal about how he will never legalize marijuana). But when it comes to recreational use, it's just not something I can support. Now I'm sure you're expecting me to get all preachy about how it's a gateway drug, how the levels of THC are much higher nowadays, it's affects on the brain, yadda yadda yadda. Now that's all stuff I do believe, but it's not so much that but I just don't see the purpose of it, why do you have to take it to be happy? I guess it's more personal than anything, I just have a personal aversion to not only marijuana, but most drugs in general, which is also why I avoid stuff like caffeine and alcohol (that and I'm not of legal age to consume alcoholic drinks), unless it's a drug to treat a sort of illness, then why take it.
That's all well and good, but like you said it's a personal opinion that you dislike marijuana. Why should people be arrested for smoking a drug they personally enjoy? Why should a low-level grower be locked up for years in federal prison for a victimless crime? Wouldn't decriminalization allow police to focus their efforts and resources on much harder drugs and violence. What good has come from the government's current policies against marijuana?
Hopefully I don't come off sounding bitchy...
I said that for personal reasons.
Edit: I guess I was too harsh. I hate them because most of the doctors and cops are lazy and useless at the town I live, and I had two cases that they didn't help me and my family. Like I said, it is personal.
As I said, it's not just the personal aversion, it's also for the other reasons I stated above. I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert on this subject, I'm not going to act like I know everything, but I'll tell you what I have seen. I've seen speeches by former drug addicts, a lot of them said they started using marijuana and moved onto other drugs, I've read articles and papers about the effects of marijuana, especially on the human brain. Marijuana is a drug, it may not be as dangerous as other stuff out there, but there's still a danger to using it, it may not be an immediate danger, but used constantly over time, it can be.