
So many people have cool suggestions for next Telltale Games, but personally, this one deserves it's own thread.

Windhaven is a novel written by George RR Martin, the same guy who wrote Game of Thrones, and is probably one of the most beautiful pieces of work I've ever read. The synopsis of the novel is something like this:

"Among the scattered islands that make up the water world of Windhaven, no one holds more prestige than the silver-winged flyers, romantic figures who cross treacherous oceans, braving shifting winds and sudden storms, to bring news, gossip, songs, and stories to a waiting populace. Maris of Amberly, a fisherman’s daughter, wants nothing more than to soar on the currents high above Windhaven. So she challenges tradition, demanding that flyers be chosen by merit rather than inheritance. But even after winning that bitter battle, Maris finds that her troubles are only beginning. Now a revolution threatens to destroy the world she fought so hard to join—and force her to make the ultimate sacrifice"

This would sound like a lot of fun. What do you guys think?

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