I need real opinions, not Telltale fanboys apologist or 12 year old who can't read "Story Mode"

Personally I do not like minecraft and this is the first telltale game I'm considering not buying because it is so just not my thing, but wow people are really stupid when it comes to reviews thinking this is a mod or reviews that says "the game sucks no fps control or building up a city possible and 90% story". Seriously we are gamers we are suppose to be smarter then "journalists" that goes on tv and says video game is killing your children and because of side boob in ME1 it's somehow a sexist game because you can choose between 2 women (ignoring that u could play as a women, and be straight or gay, although making Kaiden gay in ME3 just felt weird and forced other then that bioware are the best at making characters of all walks of like). Seriously it says STORY MODE a TELLTALE GAME, people can literally go from watching my little pony online and a few clicks later watch a woman have sex with a horse, you would think people would google the game before they bought and complained about it. But enough ranting.

Here is the thing, I never liked adventure puzzle games, not that I mind puzzles in games but I just don't like it as a main mechanic of a game. I can have some fun with a mario game or other just pure gameplay games from time to time. But the games I like the best are the ones with great stories. Kinda why I feel inlove with the work of telltale when the released walking dead, even thought the game was better then the tv show. It sort of was like playing mass effect but just with the story and decisions part. Since then I've bought every telltale game sight unseen, season pass and all, and when Life is Strange came along it was clear that they used the best part of remember me, took inspiration from telltale but with their own twist and I fell in love with the game. Now I'm just waiting for them finally releasing the final episodes of GOT and Borderlands. GOT has been great because it was a way to revisit the world while waiting for the show to return. And while I got more emotionally invested in WD s2 and wolf among us I thought Borderlands was really fun and fresh and it took the part of borderlands that I liked best. Sure Borderlands 1 and 2 are great games but when you play them by yourself it's not as fun, so with this they took the funny insane story telling of borderlands and removed all the other aspects that felt like I was just shooting my way through to hear and see more rewarding story elements.

And they announce Minecraft and honestly from the very first moment I was really disappointed, especially since I really wanted a S3 of walking dead or s2 of wolf among us, but with the michonne mini series coming out I'm excited that I will get something to hold me over until then. Also really looking forward to what they are doing with marvel, what character they are doing and if it will be MCU cannon or not. But I would really like to know if I have enjoyed all telltale has had to offer since walking dead season 1 episode 1 until now, will I enjoy this game eventhough Minecraft is just not my thing at all? Are the story and characters interesting enough and is it it's own thing to where u don't really need to enjoy minecraft u just have to enjoy telltale and life is strange types of games? If you like minecraft that is fine explain to me why I should get this, but I'm kinda looking for people that are in the same boat as me where they buy it because it's telltale and if and what they enjoyed. I was also thinking that maybe fore once actually wait until atleast a couple of episode have been released cause I hear that the episode starts kinda slow and doesn't really pay off until the end, so that way I could wait for it to go on sale and play the first episode so if I don't like it I won't cost me that much. Actually didn't play the back to the future game but I will be getting it this weekend when it comes out in europe, should I maybe just stick with that as my telltale experience of the month unless we really do get borderlands and possibly even get GOT aswell before the month is over. Seeing as fallout comes out in november plus like 4-5 games I'm atleast hoping that they will come out before the holiday game rush starts.


  • You ask for people who aren't Telltale fanboys, yet comment on Telltale's forums.

    The episode was really good, a great start to the season and exceeded my expectations, and this is coming from a guy who personally loathes Minecraft, I would definitely recommend.

  • It was cheesey, weak and has cringe worthy writing. I wouldn't recommend it

  • Why arent all the opinions people already posted good enough?

  • I liked it, probably my second favorite premiere episode behind Zer0 Sum.

  • I've never even played Minecraft but this episode was pretty good imho.

  • edited October 2015

    You are kind of asking in the wrong place to be honest.

    Coming from someone who dislikes Minecraft and only bought it to take my mind off the wait for the final ep of TFTB. I actually really liked it.

    It IS quite cheesy but I think that's the style they're going with for this game series. As others have said, it reminds me a bit of the Goonies and there is some retro humor going on with the training montage,ect but I believe this series has a lot of promise in it and I had little expectations going into this (the first episode exceeded them all). It's ultimately up to you to decide if it's worth it or even good or not, but I recommend not comparing it to the other TellTale games. Especially since it's just the first episode.

    But I think this game is shaping up to be more lighthearted than other games from TellTale, and if you don't like that then this game probably isn't for you.

    The only real 'complaint' I have is that it takes a while getting used to the graphics.

  • what I meant was I didn't want just fanboy apologist that think that they can do nothing wrong. I myself am a fanboy and as I said I buy pretty much all their games sight unseen. But even I know that there has been some major problems with their games, like the fact that for the first month xb1 players could not transfer their save file from game of thrones episode 1 to episode 2. Or that like my friend who bought bought s1 and s2 of walking dead on ps4 couldn't play s2 for like 5-6 weeks cause save files would not transfer. Or that Borderlands and GOT 360 versions are broken where audio doesn't sink up and unlike xb1, ps4 or pc doesn't completely freeze when the game starts lagging so that when the game starts to go down to less then 15fps in a QTE atleast you don't die because u didn't know which button to push. I get that they make the game to run on last gen aswell but now with the next gen consoles you would think there would be a way to just turn down the graphics to low on last gen and have it run smoothly on current gen with no texture pop in or lag when they go in and out of a scene or when a QTE event happens.

    You ask for people who aren't Telltale fanboys, yet comment on Telltale's forums. The episode was really good, a great start to the seaso

  • It was okay.... By the sounds of how you view the game you shouldnt buy it.

  • I think it was a pretty good start to a new game. I loved the wolf among us as well as the walking dead. This game is for me just as fun to play. If you like telltale games you should buy it. It is different from the others yes, but Every game is different. This isn't like minecraft at all.. but so is the walking dead from the comic books or the tv serie. Go in it blank and youll like it :3

  • edited October 2015

    But I would really like to know if I have enjoyed all telltale has had to offer since walking dead season 1 episode 1 until now, will I enjoy this game eventhough Minecraft is just not my thing at all?

    To quote one of the game's character, "anything's possible" (I went from quoting Morgryn to quoting Lukas, oh my god). Nobody will be able to tell you for sure if you will like it or not. Keep in mind that it is a game rated 12+, it won't be all grimdark drama like TWD or GoT. If you are okay with it being a lighthearted comedy/adventure, then there is a high possibility that you will enjoy it.

    Are the story and characters interesting enough and is it it's own thing to where u don't really need to enjoy minecraft u just have to enjoy telltale and life is strange types of games?

    The story is very simple and straightforward (big bad destroying the world, go find some heroes to help stop it). The characters have well-established personalities and are enjoyable to interact with. You don't need any previous knowledge of Minecraft to enjoy it, since Minecraft is a sandbox and it doesn't have a established storyline and all the characters TellTale put in the game are original. The only differences that playing Minecraft make in this game is that we can identify monsters and think of what to craft before the characters come to a conclusion, we don't have to read the crafting recipes since we already know how to craft what we need and we are already used to the style, but if you don't like Minecraft then you will simply learn through the game itself.

    The humor is okay, though cheesy at times. The visual gags are much better than the spoken jokes. There are some references to famous movies here and there. I don't know, I think you should wait if you are not sure, or maybe watch the first half of a playthrough of the first episode to see if you want it or not.

    Edit: Ohhh and if you played TWD S2 you will probably make more than a few parallels between a character from TWD S2 and a character from this game. They are basically the same person.

  • and think of what to craft before the characters come to a conclusion, we don't have to read the crafting recipes since we already know how to craft what we need and we are already used to the style, but if you don't like Minecraft then you will simply learn through the game itself.

    Plus you can craft things that aren't even mentioned in the game (like the lever).

    Abeille posted: »

    But I would really like to know if I have enjoyed all telltale has had to offer since walking dead season 1 episode 1 until now, will I enjo

  • edited October 2015

    Heyo! I'm kind of in the same boat as you, as in not getting it/undecided. But I have watched a few full playthroughs of the first episode.

    The first thing I want to point out to you is that, if you're really turned off by Minecraft and its mechanics, you're probably going to groan every now and then. There are plenty of references and pointers that kind of help out if you know them. They aren't necessary to play the game, but I imagine the gameplay will be a lot less slower for someone uninitiated or aggravated by Minecraft's gameplay.

    In terms of graphics, yeah, they're about as expected. They still make it 'feel' like Minecraft/A Telltale game and even add in some personal ambience to make it more believable. The music, I found, can be very atmospheric and matching to the scene at hand, even relaxing at times. But arguably the most jarring thing visibly in the whole game is the animations, specifically the facial ones. Obviously there's only so much Telltale can work with to keep the Minecraft 'theme' going, but it's incredibly difficult to evoke any sort of emotion without being completely, y'know...

    • >:(
    • or
    • :D

    Which puts a lot of emphasis on the speech of characters to really get across points and feelings. I think even more frustrating than the facial animations is the lip synching, which was always going to be a nightmare anyway. I think we were told that graphically we would get something that still appealed to the 'charm' of Minecraft, but I didn't put much hope in animation. I was a little surprised at everything except for lip synching, which, even though I came in expecting nothing, I was still constantly annoyed at and just found off putting.

    Also, in terms of humour and being in comparison to Borderlands, you're not even getting a slice of the cake. You're getting, like... A layer off the top of the cake (idk). As in there'll be some things here and there that make you chuckle but not enough to laugh out loud and openly concede to whatever wit the laugh originated from. So if you're going in expecting comedy genius and a smile on your face throughout you won't find it.

    The story is annoyingly generic at the moment. I'll leave spoilers and character specifics, but there wasn't anything particularly narratively striking in the first episode. But definitely, in comparison to other games, it's kind of a slow start.

    I find the voices of the characters appropriate and fitting, which they would have to be. Although admittedly, there hasn't really been any exemplary points where I thought 'Wow, what a great speech.' Or 'Damn, them feels man.' So take that for what it's worth.

    And in terms of the characters themselves, I want to say maybe... One-third of them are likeable? And even that's counting the protagonist and Reuben (the pig) so it's probably even lower than that. I'll let you decide whether that's a good ratio. They all have their established personalities and such, but I found some of them to be a detriment to the overall experience. I guess you can label that one off as a personal bias if you want.

    Cinematography and setting wise, I'm 99% certain it's going to improve as the season goes on. It has too, there's so many exotic places that Minecraft has that Telltale have to take advantage of.

    In my opinion, one of the most promising aspects of the game was the combat system which was used a couple of times, which I reeeeeally hope gets used in Michonne and expanded in time for TWD:S3, because I think there's some good potential in there to make gameplay somewhat fresh and new.

    I think that's a few of the basic aspects of the game summed up. And although the game did pick up on some things that I thought it would fail in, it's still more or less as I expected it to be with several flaws. I don't want to sound judgemental at such an early stage, and I'm trying not too since I personally am still undecided. The first episode showed some promise, and there really is some good, quality stuff here, but if you want to skip on anything in the post-TWD era of Telltale, skip this. Otherwise, if you think you can get through the muck and wait for improvement, it should be fun.

  • I myself am perhaps the biggest Telltale fanatic and I was still dreading this game. I played it and my expectations were blown away. Great job TT

  • Yes, play it, it is almost as good as TWAU... Especially with a lot of things updated.

  • I thought the episode was great! Lots of hubs. The voice actors are fantastic. It's probably by far the best premiere episode by telltale I've ever played.

  • Pretty good game. Doesn't deserve shit it was getting.

  • I hate Minecraft but so far really enjoy this game! (y)

  • horrible Childish game
    Honestly I would be a bit more happy if they spent their time on the wolf among us and not so corney childs game.

  • Please dont compare, This corney shit to TWAU, big difference

    Yes, play it, it is almost as good as TWAU... Especially with a lot of things updated.

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