Is it good?

I haven't played it, I have seen no spoilers and yet I've been playing all the Telltale Games since The Walking Dead, besides Tales From The Borderlands (I'll get to it!) So now that this is out, and the score on Metacritic is at an all-time low, I'm honestly wondering if I should even bother getting this. So tell me guys, is the first episode good?


  • Its very meh, If your younger or a big fan of minecraft you may enjoy it

  • I personally enjoyed it a lot, even though I'm in my twenties and not a Minecraft fan. I figured I'd at least try episode 1 and I'm glad I did.

  • It seems to be okay, taking by the playthroughs I watched. Not enough for me to buy it at full price, though. There is one character that I absolutely love, but it is because he reminds me of beloved TWD S2 character.

  • It would help if you play Minecraft and know about it, otherwise you would be pretty confused lol

  • It's alright at best I think, didn't buy it and just watched some LP's but was really wowed by anything. Best thing I can say about it is, 'Looks like Minecraft". Before you buy, I'd suggest watching the first 5-10 minutes to see if you're interested enough to make a decision either way.

  • So far I'm really liking it, much more than Game of Thrones, as for how I'd place it with the others that remains to be seen. The premiere was probably my second favorite premiere episode behind Zer0 Sum.

  • I've never played Minecraft before nor been interested in it, but the first episode was very good for my own liking. I can even say that I love it.


    Abeille posted: »

    It seems to be okay, taking by the playthroughs I watched. Not enough for me to buy it at full price, though. There is one character that I absolutely love, but it is because he reminds me of beloved TWD S2 character.

  • I very much enjoyed the first episode despite not really liking Minecraft.

  • It was fun, if you like other Telltale games get it

  • edited October 2015

    As person who never liked Mincraft much I would say that TT did pretty good job with the story (considering that MC doesnt have one), it has some flaws but it has a potential. I would definetely give it a chance, if you are not sure weather to buy this game then watch some lets plays at youtube. Considering this was the first episode I would give this 6/10 points.

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