Axel or Olivia?

What do you think about Axel and Olivia? Who did you choose to go with at the end?

I like Olivia more than Axel. She seems nicer, smarter and reasonable. Axel is more of a jerk with a heart of gold type of guy. When he is rude, he is seriously rude and abrasive. So I decided to go with Olivia at the end, because I have a better relationship with her.

However about who is more interesting, I would say that it is Axel. His attitude and rivalry with Lukas makes him more interesting and isn't as flat as Olivia. I would say that if you choose to go with him at the end, I would argue that he has the seemingly more interesting storyline of the two, since Jesse and him are headed to a mysterious Kingdom where strange people are living there.



  • Didn't like Olivia at first she seemed to be such a downer with no faith and always pouting. When axel was talking it was always funny as f the party starts when he walked in. The beef with Lucas I felt was needed because he did leave that badass chick to (maybe) die,it was a Ben (from twd) moment. Back to the topic I went with axel just because we need destruction, yes a builder would be useful but this a big monster we gotta defeat.

    Btw (nice thread)

  • Thanks and thank you for replying and contributing. :)

    Didn't like Olivia at first she seemed to be such a downer with no faith and always pouting. When axel was talking it was always funny as f

  • edited October 2015

    I went with Axel. Reasons? Same as Phoenix said.

    Didn't like Olivia at first she seemed to be such a downer with no faith and always pouting. When axel was talking it was always funny as f

  • Olivia is a downer and pretty bland .

  • I'm not sure how to feel about my friends, actually. Lukas feels more like my friend than my actual friends. :v Olivia was pretty negative and didn't have a lot of team spirit, always complaining about us being "losers" even when I tried to be positive. And Axel is funny, but his blunt rudeness and jerk behavior to Lukas is just immature and I cannot understand why he is so angry.

  • Well i went with Axel. I was going to go with Olivia then i though for a moment and came to the conclusion of going with Axel because if i left Axel alone with Lucas... Chances are they would get into another fight.

  • Went with Axel cause him and Lukas will not trust each other.

  • Axel because I love that fat bastard.

  • I prefer Lukas over my own friends xD

    I went with Axel because;
    1) Him and Lukas left alone probably isn't a good idea.
    2) I prefer him over Olivia.

  • edited October 2015

    I do feel a stronger friendship with Lukas than my own friends. I think it is partly because that we are actively building a bond with him. Jesse and Lukas started off as rivals, then they starts getting to know each other and make peace, then Jesse came to save him from the golem, Jesse can give him a cookie and Jesse can support Lukas and tell him to stay when Axel was being rude to him.

    That's a lot of character interaction and building. :D

    xValkyx posted: »

    I prefer Lukas over my own friends xD I went with Axel because; 1) Him and Lukas left alone probably isn't a good idea. 2) I prefer him over Olivia.

  • It is and I really like it :) probably my favourite thing in this episode.

    As much as I love the adorkable interactions with Lukas though, I do hope we get more bonding with the other 2 next episode as well. I think we will, but I really do think in terms of characters we really need more development on Olivia's part (and Axel's on a slightly lower scale).

    I do feel a stronger friendship with Lukas than my own friends. I think it is partly because that we are actively building a bond with him.

  • edited October 2015

    I don't really have anything against Olivia, while I have a few things against Axel. I mean, Olivia isn't an interesting character but at least she is not an asshole for no reason like Axel is.

    While I would rather go with Olivia and I think finding Ellegaard is more useful and more interesting (and doesn't she look awesome? I need to make a skin based on her for the original game), I wouldn't like to leave Axel alone with Lukas. I don't think they would hurt each other, but I don't want their bickering to get worse. Maybe they need some time apart to cool down. I would go with Axel to find Magnus.

  • He complains about Lukas being scared and possibly causing Petra's death for not helping Jesse when s/he tried to save her, while he was the first one to run into the portal. If Axel cared so much, he would wait for everyone to get in before he entered. I wish saying that to Axel was an option.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I'm not sure how to feel about my friends, actually. Lukas feels more like my friend than my actual friends. :v Olivia was pretty negative a

  • Although Axel is mean to Lukas aka Perfection, I went with Axel because I still like him. I found Olivia to be super bland and I didnt feel like spending the next episode with just her.

  • I feel I should have picked Axel instead of Olivia. Well, I can't go back and change it now, I am sticking with my choice. :)

    Abeille posted: »

    I don't really have anything against Olivia, while I have a few things against Axel. I mean, Olivia isn't an interesting character but at le

  • Maybe when you come back Axel and Lukas are baking cookies together!

    Bonding time! <3

    I feel I should have picked Axel instead of Olivia. Well, I can't go back and change it now, I am sticking with my choice.

  • Whoa wait, Petra can die? D: She's assumed to be alive while Gabriel is the one who died in my game. Was it different in yours, or am I misunderstanding something?

    As for Lukas being frozen in fear, it's really not too fair for Axel to blame him for that. Lukas is a builder, not a fighter it seems, and the dragon monster was SCARY, even with the goofy graphics of the Minecraft world. And like you said, if Axel was so brave he should have waited.

    Abeille posted: »

    He complains about Lukas being scared and possibly causing Petra's death for not helping Jesse when s/he tried to save her, while he was the

  • edited October 2015

    No, that's not what I meant! Axel thinks Lukas may have caused Petra's death because he froze and that's why he is mad and picking on him, but all we know is that she was running the opposite way instead of to the portal the last time she was seen (Ivor says that). We don't know if she died (I bet all my Emeralds she didn't).

    Axel is being a complete asshole and picking on Lukas for no good reason. Honestly, I think he is jealous because his two friends are getting along with the gang's former rival.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Whoa wait, Petra can die? She's assumed to be alive while Gabriel is the one who died in my game. Was it different in yours, or am I misund

  • I went with Olivia because to me it felt like the smarter choice. I'd rather have a genius engineer come up with a plan to bring down the Wither rather than relying on brute force from the other guy.

  • Axel, like many people here, Olivia is kind of bland while Axel has a much better personality, he can be fun, but at the same time, abrasive when you need him to be. Yeah, he didn't need to go that far with Lukas, but Axel is still a good guy, so I went with him.

  • Axel all the way.

    Axel seems to be very loyal to Jesse, so does Olivia, but I feel like I can rely on Axel if I get into some trouble.

    Besides, we need to destroy the... Wither-Monster-Thingie. Wither Storm? Wither Cloud?

  • Ohh, gotcha. Yeah, Axel definitely needs to learn to bury the hatchet soon. With the world the state it's in right now due to the dragon monster, none of us can afford to hold grudges, especially against Lukas, who was actually a decent person who was unfortunate enough to end up in a team with assholes.

    Abeille posted: »

    No, that's not what I meant! Axel thinks Lukas may have caused Petra's death because he froze and that's why he is mad and picking on him, b

  • I find Olivia quite bland. I prefer Axel's personality, although he acts like a jerk when Lukas is around.

    The arguments between Axel and Lukas are like the ones of Luke and Kenny. Good old days :p

  • I think an impact would be one of them dying along with Lukas. And I agree with the fact that Axel being left behind will cause problems with Lukas, more than Olivia being left behind with Lukas. ... Then again, the member that Olivia suggested to go is confirmed to be voiced by Grey Griffen (Burn from Turbo FAST).

  • I went with Axel, I guess primarily because I sided with Olivia two other times before so I figured just to side with him at least once. Also even though he can be brash I'd have to agree that he's a more interesting character.

  • I agree that jealousy might be a reason why Axel is being such a jerk toward Lukas.

    Abeille posted: »

    No, that's not what I meant! Axel thinks Lukas may have caused Petra's death because he froze and that's why he is mad and picking on him, b

  • Axel did say that Olivia and Jesse were his only friends. Having a new guy in the group can cause this kind of tension when someone is insecure and scared of losing their friends.

    I agree that jealousy might be a reason why Axel is being such a jerk toward Lukas.

  • Hmm, you are right. That's something I can really relate to. I probably hurt Axel's feelings when I gave my cookie to Lukas.

    Abeille posted: »

    Axel did say that Olivia and Jesse were his only friends. Having a new guy in the group can cause this kind of tension when someone is insecure and scared of losing their friends.

  • I picked the girl since she is the reasonable one

  • edited October 2015

    I picked Axel because I figured Olivia's input would be more worthwhile for Lukas. Also, if there is an opportunity to let Axel die I'd like to take it. He's such an asshole.

  • I am willing to give Axel a chance to prove himself, since it is only the first episode. So far, he hasn't really left a positive impression on me. Granted, I know that he can be protective toward his friends and him giving cookies to his friends was a nice thing. And don't forget that he brought a dragon costume to Reuben. So Axel has some good points.

    He is just a dick toward Lukas for some unfair and unexplained reason.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    I picked Axel because I figured Olivia's input would be more worthwhile for Lukas. Also, if there is an opportunity to let Axel die I'd like to take it. He's such an asshole.

  • It would be great if that time alone with Axel allowed him and Jesse to talk about the issue. Maybe Jesse can convince Axel that Lukas doesn't deserve to be treated like that.

    I am willing to give Axel a chance to prove himself, since it is only the first episode. So far, he hasn't really left a positive impression

  • Well he see's it as lukas fault gabe and petra may be dead that seems to have hit him hard

    I am willing to give Axel a chance to prove himself, since it is only the first episode. So far, he hasn't really left a positive impression

  • I went with Olivia, simply because I know how destruction (TNT Cannons, dispenser traps, etc.) can seriously backfire in Minecraft. I'd rather be with an experienced redstone engineer :P

  • Your comment reminded me on the time when Yogscast Sips and Sjin created a black hole that almost destroyed the entire server.

    I know it was modded, but it was hilarious so I'm posting it for reference.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I went with Olivia, simply because I know how destruction (TNT Cannons, dispenser traps, etc.) can seriously backfire in Minecraft. I'd rather be with an experienced redstone engineer :P

  • I agree. And, am I the only one who finds Lukas similiar to Luke?

    Shaboomm posted: »

    I find Olivia quite bland. I prefer Axel's personality, although he acts like a jerk when Lukas is around. The arguments between Axel and Lukas are like the ones of Luke and Kenny. Good old days

  • I didn't go with Olivia, I went with Ellegaard. This choice is more reasonable, since Ellegaard could do some redstone magic to uncover the command block..

  • Nope, he has a fanclub since day one for being pretty much Luke.

    I agree. And, am I the only one who finds Lukas similiar to Luke?

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